A Father's Journey: Letting Go in Cape Town
FluentFiction - Afrikaans
A Father's Journey: Letting Go in Cape Town
Die oggend begin vroeg.
The morning begins early.
Die lughawe kafees is vol mense.
The airport cafes are full of people.
Dis laat somer in Kaapstad en 'n warm gloed skyn deur die glasvensters by die Cape Town International Airport.
It's late summer in Kaapstad and a warm glow shines through the glass windows at the Cape Town International Airport.
Pieter, 'n middeljarige man, staan by die vertrekterminaal.
Pieter, a middle-aged man, stands at the departure terminal.
Sy dogter, Megan, gaan universiteit toe in 'n ander stad.
His daughter, Megan, is going to university in another city.
Dit is 'n dag van trots, maar ook van swaar hart.
It is a day of pride, but also of heavy heart.
Pieter hou sy dogter se hand styf vas.
Pieter holds his daughter's hand tightly.
Haar vriendin, Lize, is ook daar.
Her friend, Lize, is also there.
Sy het 'n klein geskenkie vir Megan gebring.
She has brought a small gift for Megan.
"Jy gaan dit maak," sê Lize glimlaggend terwyl sy Megan se hand druk.
"You're going to make it," says Lize smiling as she squeezes Megan's hand.
Megan glimlag breed.
Megan smiles broadly.
Sy is opgewonde, maar sy weet ook dat haar pa emosioneel voel.
She is excited, but she also knows that her dad feels emotional.
Die drie staan by die groot skerm wat die vlug inligting wys.
The three stand by the large screen displaying the flight information.
Die luidspreker kondig aan dat dit tyd is vir Megan om aan boord te gaan.
The loudspeaker announces that it is time for Megan to board.
Pieter voel 'n knop in sy keel.
Pieter feels a lump in his throat.
Hy wil die beste vir sy dogter.
He wants the best for his daughter.
Hy weet dat hy haar moet laat gaan sodat sy haar drome kan volg.
He knows he must let her go so she can follow her dreams.
"Ek is trots op jou, Megan," sê hy sag, amper in 'n fluisterstem.
"I'm proud of you, Megan," he says softly, almost in a whisper.
"Maak jou drome waar.
"Make your dreams come true."
"Megan kyk na haar pa, liefde blink in haar oë.
Megan looks at her dad, love shining in her eyes.
"Dankie, Pa," sê sy.
"Thank you, Dad," she says.
By die veiligheidspoort hou Pieter en Lize stil.
At the security gate, Pieter and Lize stop.
Megan draai nog een keer om.
Megan turns around one more time.
Haar blou oë soek haar pa s’n in die skare.
Her blue eyes search for her dad's in the crowd.
Pieter, met 'n glimlag wat sy trane wegsteek, waai vir haar.
Pieter, with a smile that hides his tears, waves at her.
Dit is 'n oomblik van verlange en liefde, van trots en pyn.
It is a moment of longing and love, of pride and pain.
Wanneer die vliegtuig uiteindelik in die lug opstig, kyk Pieter uit oor die lughawe.
When the plane finally lifts into the air, Pieter looks out over the airport.
Die geraas van die motors en mense vul die lug.
The noise of the cars and people fills the air.
Maar daar is 'n stilte in sy hart wat hy moet hanteer.
But there is a silence in his heart that he must deal with.
Een fase van hul lewens het geëindig, en 'n nuwe een begin.
One phase of their lives has ended, and a new one is beginning.
Pieter onthou die oomblikke toe Megan nog 'n klein meisie was.
Pieter remembers the moments when Megan was still a little girl.
Nou is sy grootmens, gereed om haar eie avontuur te begin.
Now she is an adult, ready to begin her own adventure.
Hy draai na Lize en sê, "Sy gaan oukei wees.
He turns to Lize and says, "She will be okay.
En ek ook.
And so will I."
"'N nuwe gevoel van kalmte spoel oor hom.
A new feeling of calm washes over him.
Pieter het besef dat, alhoewel dinge verander, dit nie noodwendig sleg is nie.
Pieter has realized that, although things change, it's not necessarily bad.
Hy weet Megan is op pad om haar drome waar te maak, en hy troos homself daarmee.
He knows Megan is on her way to making her dreams come true, and he comforts himself with that.
Hierdie lewe is nie net ‘n eindbestemming nie, maar eerder ‘n reis vol nuwe beginne.
This life is not just a final destination, but rather a journey full of new beginnings.