Castles of Strength & Balance
FluentFiction - Catalan
Castles of Strength & Balance
Barcelona era un dia de festa i tota la ciutat era una gran festa.
Barcelona was a day of celebration and the whole city was a big party.
La Marta, el Jordi i la Laia havien decidit passar el dia a la plaça, on es celebrava un concurs casteller animat i còmic.
Marta, Jordi and Laia had decided to spend the day in the square, where an animated and comical casting contest was being held.
La plaça estava plena de gent, gaudint de l'aire lleuger de la primavera i esperant amb emoció l'inici del concurs.
The square was full of people, enjoying the light spring air and excitedly waiting for the start of the contest.
Marta, Jordi i Laia es van asseure en una fila de cadires reservades just davant de l'escenari on es realitzarien els castells.
Marta, Jordi and Laia sat in a row of reserved chairs right in front of the stage where the castles would be performed.
Finalment, va començar el concurs i els castellers van sortir a l'escenari amb molt d'entusiasme.
Finally, the contest began and the castellers took to the stage with great enthusiasm.
Vestits de colors vius i amb somriures a la cara, les diferents colles es llançaven a construir castells de tot tipus.
Dressed in bright colors and with smiles on their faces, the different gangs set out to build castles of all kinds.
La Marta, el Jordi i la Laia observaven atentament cada castell, maravellant-se de la força i la coordinació necessàries per construir-los.
Marta, Jordi and Laia carefully observed each castle, marveling at the strength and coordination required to build them.
Estaven tan emocionats que decidiren unir-se a una de les colles per a intentar construir un castell ells mateixos.
They were so excited that they decided to join one of the gangs to try to build a castle themselves.
Van buscar la colla més propera i els van demanar si els deixaven participar.
They looked for the nearest gang and asked them if they would let them participate.
Amb molta amabilitat, els van convidar a unir-se a ells i els van ensenyar com col·locar-se en la base del castell.
Very kindly, they invited them to join them and showed them how to place themselves in the base of the castle.
Amb cura i determinació, Marta, Jordi i Laia van ajudar a construir un castell de dos pisos.
With care and determination, Marta, Jordi and Laia helped build a two-story castle.
Quan ja semblava que estava a punt de caure, van tenir la idea de provar de construir el pis superior.
When it looked like it was about to fall, they had the idea of trying to build the top floor.
Amb un somriure valent als llavis, van començar a pujar els uns sobre els altres.
With a brave smile on their lips, they started climbing on top of each other.
La multitud animada els animava i aplaudia cada vegada que aconseguien mantenir-se en peu.
The lively crowd cheered and applauded each time they managed to stay on their feet.
Laia, que estava a dalt de tot, es va adonar que el seu vestit s'havia enganxat a la samarreta del Jordi.
Laia, who was on top of everything, noticed that her dress had caught on Jordi's shirt.
Va intentar moure's amb cura però va perdre l'equilibri i va començar a caure.
He tried to move carefully but lost his balance and started to fall.
Amb ràpid reflexe, Marta i Jordi van estirar-se per a agafar-la i evitar que es fes mal.
With quick reflexes, Marta and Jordi reached out to hold her and prevent her from getting hurt.
També van aconseguir mantenir l'equilibri i el castell va romandre intacte.
They also managed to keep the balance and the castle remained intact.
La multitud va esclatar en aplaudiments i crits d'alegria.
The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts of joy.
Marta, Jordi i Laia es van abraçar emocionats, satisfets de la seva aventura castellera.
Marta, Jordi and Laia hugged each other excitedly, satisfied with their castle adventure.
Van baixar del castell amb curesa i tornaran a la seva cadira aquest cop com a espectadors orgullosos dels castells que havien ajudat a construir.
They climbed down from the castle carefully and will return to their chair this time as proud spectators of the castles they had helped build.
Aquell dia, Barcelona va viure una gran història castellera, plena de rialles, suspens i treball en equip.
On that day, Barcelona experienced a great castella history, full of laughter, suspense and teamwork.
La Marta, el Jordi i la Laia es van adonar que la força i l'equilibri no només són necessaris per a construir un castell, sinó també per a superar els desafiaments de la vida.
Marta, Jordi and Laia realized that strength and balance are not only necessary to build a castle, but also to overcome life's challenges.
I van prometre que sempre estarien junts, ajudant-se mútuament a mantenir l'equilibri.
And they promised that they would always be together, helping each other to keep their balance.