FluentFiction - Catalan

“A Sweet Misunderstanding at Boqueria Market”

FluentFiction - Catalan

17m 20sSeptember 4, 2023

“A Sweet Misunderstanding at Boqueria Market”

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  • Martí era un jove amb ganes de provar una coca deliciosa al Mercat de la Boqueria.

    Martí was a young man eager to try a delicious coke at the Boqueria Market.

  • Aquell matí, va decidir anar a buscar una pastisseria tradicional catalana per sorprendre els seus amics.

    That morning, he decided to go find a traditional Catalan pastry shop to surprise his friends.

  • Quan va arribar al mercat, va veure una paradeta plena de coques boniques i va demanar al venedor una.

    When he arrived at the market, he saw a stall full of beautiful cakes and asked the seller for one.

  • Però, per error, en comptes de dir "una coca", va dir "una cocaïna".

    But by mistake, instead of saying "a coke", he said "a cocaine".

  • El venedor es va quedar sorprès i el va mirar amb els ulls molt oberts.

    The salesman was surprised and looked at him with wide eyes.

  • Confós pel malentès, el venedor va cridar als altres clients del mercat per explicar-los el que acabava de passar.

    Confused by the misunderstanding, the vendor called out to the other customers in the market to explain what had just happened.

  • Tots es van girar cap a Martí, que es va posar vermell com una tomàtiga.

    They all turned to Martí, who turned red as a tomato.

  • La gent començava a riure, pensant que era una broma.

    People started laughing, thinking it was a joke.

  • "No, no, ho sento, vull dir 'una coca', no 'una cocaïna'", va intentar explicar Martí, mentre les rialles continuaven.

    "No, no, I'm sorry, I mean 'a coke', not 'a cocaine'," Martí tried to explain, while the laughter continued.

  • "Ah, doncs vols dir una coca dolça?

    "Ah, so you mean a sweet cake?

  • Ho entenc ara!

    I understand now!"

  • ", va dir el venedor amb un somriure amable.

    said the salesman with a friendly smile.

  • "Aquí tens, una deliciosa i sucosa coca!

    "Here you go, a delicious and juicy cake!"

  • "Martí va suspirar de gratitud i va prendre la coca amb les seves dues mans.

    Martí sighed in gratitude and took the cake with both hands.

  • Els clients, ara convençuts que era només un malentès innocent, van començar a aplaudir i a riure.

    The customers, now convinced that it was just an innocent misunderstanding, began to clap and laugh.

  • Va ser un moment divertit per a tothom.

    It was a fun time for everyone.

  • Amb la coca a les seves mans, Martí va marxar del mercat amb un gran somriure al seu rostre.

    With the coke in his hands, Martí left the market with a big smile on his face.

  • Va aprendre que a vegades les paraules poden ser confuses, però que pot haver un final feliç si hi ha comprensió i humor.

    He learned that sometimes words can be confusing, but there can be a happy ending if there is understanding and humor.

  • De tornada a casa, Martí va compartir la deliciosa coca amb els seus amics.

    Back home, Martí shared the delicious cake with his friends.

  • Van riure i es van divertir mentre gaudien del seu dolç sabor.

    They laughed and had fun while enjoying its sweet taste.

  • Estava agraït de tenir amics que podien acceptar un petit error i trobar-hi el costat divertit.

    I was grateful to have friends who could take a small mistake and find the funny side of it.

  • Així, aquella anècdota al Mercat de la Boqueria es va convertir en un record especial per a Martí i els seus amics.

    Thus, that anecdote at the Mercat de la Boqueria became a special memory for Martí and his friends.

  • Mai més oblidarien aquella vegada que Martí va demanar una "cocaïna" per accident, creant un moment de riures i alegria.

    They would never forget that time when Martí asked for a "cocaine" by accident, creating a moment of laughter and joy.

  • Fi.

    The end.