Lost in Barcelona: A Tale of Catalan Skittles and Simple Moments
FluentFiction - Catalan
Lost in Barcelona: A Tale of Catalan Skittles and Simple Moments
Amb els colors de Barcelona com a teló de fons, Marta i Jordi es trobaven al mig de la plaça de Catalunya, un recull d’història. Els edificis d'onades modernistes i les oloroses aromes de la gastronomia catalana que es filtraven pels carrerons voltants envoltaven l'acurada parella.
With the colors of Barcelona as a backdrop, Marta and Jordi found themselves in the middle of the Catalunya square, a collection of history. The modernist buildings with their undulating shapes and the aromatic scents of Catalan cuisine wafting through the surrounding streets enveloped the careful pair.
Aquesta tarda, Marta havia decidit ensenyar a Jordi com jugar a la bitlles catalanes, un joc tradicional que ha sobrevivit des de fa segles. Però la senzillesa del joc i la seva ansietat per mostrar tot el que sabia es barrejaren marejant-la un poc: les regles del joc i les seves explicacions es confonien.
This afternoon, Marta had decided to teach Jordi how to play Catalan skittles, a traditional game that has survived for centuries. But the simplicity of the game and her eagerness to show everything she knew mixed together, dizzying her a bit: the rules of the game and her explanations became muddled.
En Jordi es va ratllar les celles. "De veritat? Pensava que només en necessitàvem un."
Jordi furrowed his brows. "Really? I thought we only needed one."
"Potser tens raó", va concedir Marta amb una mica de desconcert. Es va passar una mà pels cabells, frustrada. "Bé, no importa! L'important és llançar la bitlla i... no, espera, primer s’ha de col·locar..."
"Maybe you're right," Marta conceded a bit perplexed. She ran a hand through her hair, frustrated. "Well, never mind! The important thing is to throw the skittle and... no, wait, first it needs to be placed..."
Jordi va somriure i va beneir-la. "Marta", va dir lleugerament, "per què no ho intentem un altre dia?".
Jordi smiled and cut in gently, "Marta, why don't we try this another day?"
Marta va parar en sec, recordant-se a si mateixa que fins i tot en les coses més senzilles poden sorgir confusions. Va somriure, abrigada per l'esperança de tenir una altra oportunitat per explicar les regles de manera ordenada. "Està bé, Jordi. Tens raó. Potser seria millor si només… juguéssim?"
Marta stopped abruptly, reminding herself that even in the simplest things, confusion can arise. She smiled, embraced by the hope of having another chance to explain the rules in an orderly manner. "Okay, Jordi. You're right. Maybe it would be better if we just... played?"
Jordi va somriure, el seu amor per Marta brillava a través de la paciència, "Això em sembla perfecte, Marta", va dir agafant una de les bitlles.
Jordi smiled, his love for Marta shining through his patience, "That sounds perfect, Marta," he said, picking up one of the skittles.
Com que Barcelona és una ciutat on hi ha molt més per descobrir més enllà de les seves edificacions i dels seus jocs tradicionals, van decidir passejar pel laberint de carrerons del Barri Gòtic. I recordaren aquell dia com la tarda en què els detalls no importaren tant, sinó simplement gaudeixen l'un de l'altra.
As Barcelona is a city where there is much more to discover beyond its buildings and traditional games, they decided to wander through the labyrinth of alleys in the Gothic Quarter. And they remembered that day as the afternoon when details didn't matter as much, but they simply enjoyed each other's company.
Hi ha hagut embolics i somriures, però aquesta és la bellesa que resideix en els moments simples de la vida. Perquè sigui quina sigui la situació, la clau és somriure i continuar. Al cap i a la fi, com va dir Marta, l'important és jugar.
There were mix-ups and smiles, but that's the beauty that lies in the simple moments of life. Because whatever the situation, the key is to smile and carry on. After all, as Marta said, the important thing is to play.