Celebrating La Diada: A Day of Catalan Pride and Unity
FluentFiction - Catalan
Celebrating La Diada: A Day of Catalan Pride and Unity
El sol brillava fort al cel blau del matí.
The sun shone brightly in the blue morning sky.
Montserrat es preparava per anar al Parc de la Ciutadella.
Montserrat was getting ready to go to Parc de la Ciutadella.
Avui era un dia especial.
Today was a special day.
Era La Diada, el dia de Catalunya.
It was La Diada, the day of Catalonia.
Amb una senyera a la mà i un somriure als llavis, Montserrat va sortir de casa.
With a senyera in hand and a smile on her lips, Montserrat left the house.
Va caminar pels carrers plens de gent amb banderes i flors.
She walked through the streets filled with people carrying flags and flowers.
La ciutat estava viva.
The city was alive.
Tothom celebrava la festa nacional.
Everyone was celebrating the national holiday.
Quan va arribar al parc, va sentir música.
When she arrived at the park, she heard music.
Hi havia grups de gent ballant sardanes.
There were groups of people dancing sardanas.
Altres miraven actuacions de castellers.
Others were watching castellers performances.
Montserrat es va sentir orgullosa de ser catalana.
Montserrat felt proud to be Catalan.
A prop de la font, Montserrat va veure una carpa.
Near the fountain, Montserrat saw a tent.
Dins, hi havia persones fent manualitats.
Inside, there were people doing crafts.
Decidia entrar-hi.
She decided to go in.
Una senyora gran li va regalar una rosa feta de paper.
An elderly woman gave her a paper rose.
"Per la nostra diada", va dir amb un somriure.
"For our Diada," she said with a smile.
Montserrat va donar les gràcies emocionada.
Montserrat thanked her, moved.
Més tard, Montserrat va trobar-se amb uns amics.
Later, Montserrat met up with some friends.
Van fer un pícnic al costat del llac.
They had a picnic by the lake.
Mentre menjaven, van parlar de la història i cultura de Catalunya.
While they ate, they talked about the history and culture of Catalonia.
Ells se sentien units, part d’una comunitat.
They felt united, part of a community.
De sobte, van escoltar un crit fort, "Visca Catalunya!"
Suddenly, they heard a loud shout, "Long live Catalonia!"
Tots van aixecar les seves senyeres.
Everyone raised their senyeres.
Era un moment de molta emoció.
It was a very emotional moment.
La tarda va passar ràpid.
The afternoon passed quickly.
El sol començava a baixar.
The sun was beginning to set.
Montserrat es va quedar una estona més, mirant el parc.
Montserrat stayed a while longer, looking out at the park.
Va pensar en la importància de la Diada.
She thought about the importance of La Diada.
Era un dia per recordar i celebrar la identitat catalana.
It was a day to remember and celebrate Catalan identity.
Quan el cel es va tornar taronja, Montserrat va tornar a casa.
When the sky turned orange, Montserrat went back home.
Estava cansada però feliç.
She was tired but happy.
Sentia que havia connectat amb la seva cultura i la seva gent.
She felt she had connected with her culture and her people.
Aquella nit, abans de dormir, Montserrat va guardar la rosa de paper en un lloc especial.
That night, before going to sleep, Montserrat placed the paper rose in a special place.
Sabria que sempre recordaria aquell dia al Parc de la Ciutadella.
She knew she would always remember that day at Parc de la Ciutadella.
La Diada no era només una festa.
La Diada was not just a holiday.
Era un sentiment profund, una part d’ella.
It was a profound feeling, a part of her.
I amb aquest pensament, va tancar els ulls, somiant amb un futur ple d’orgull i esperança per Catalunya.
And with this thought, she closed her eyes, dreaming of a future filled with pride and hope for Catalonia.