
Hidden Truths at Parc Güell: The Secret That Changed Everything
FluentFiction - Catalan
Hidden Truths at Parc Güell: The Secret That Changed Everything
El sol brillava amb força al Parc Güell.
The sun shone brightly at Parc Güell.
Les rajoles de colors resplendien sota la llum del migdia.
The colored tiles glistened under the midday light.
Júlia i Pere passejaven, però no gaudien del paisatge.
Júlia and Pere were walking, but they weren't enjoying the scenery.
Les seves cares estaven plenes de tensió.
Their faces were full of tension.
"Això no té sentit, Júlia!
"This makes no sense, Júlia!"
" va exclamar Pere, mirant-la amb ulls de foc.
exclaimed Pere, looking at her with fiery eyes.
"Pere, tu no ho entens!
"Pere, you don't understand!"
" va respondre Júlia amb veu trencada.
replied Júlia with a broken voice.
Les seves mans tremolaven.
Her hands were trembling.
Havien descobert un secret familiar.
They had discovered a family secret.
Un secret que canviava tot.
A secret that changed everything.
Júlia havia sabut per la seva àvia una veritat amagada durant anys.
Júlia had learned from her grandmother a truth hidden for years.
"Com pots amagar-me això?
"How could you hide this from me?"
" va continuar Pere amb ràbia.
continued Pere angrily.
"He intentat protegir-te," va dir Júlia, amb llàgrimes als ulls.
"I tried to protect you," said Júlia, tears in her eyes.
El secret era sobre els seus orígens.
The secret was about his origins.
Resulta que Pere no era fill biològic dels seus pares.
It turns out that Pere was not the biological child of his parents.
Era adoptat.
He was adopted.
I Júlia ho havia sabut abans que ell.
And Júlia had known it before him.
"Per què no m'ho vas dir?
"Why didn't you tell me?"
" va dir Pere, gairebé cridant.
said Pere, almost shouting.
"Tenia por de perdre't, Pere," va respondre Júlia amb veu suau.
"I was afraid of losing you, Pere," replied Júlia softly.
Pere es va girar, caminant amunt i avall, amb els nervis a flor de pell.
Pere turned away, walking back and forth, nerves on edge.
Els pocs turistes al Parc Güell els miraven amb curiositat.
The few tourists at Parc Güell watched them curiously.
Els ocells cantaven, alienes a la tensió humana.
The birds sang, oblivious to the human tension.
"Quan vas saber-ho?
"When did you find out?"
" va preguntar Pere després d'una pausa.
asked Pere after a pause.
"Hace sis mesos," va admetre Júlia, abaixant el cap.
"Six months ago," admitted Júlia, lowering her head.
Se sentia culpable, però pensava que feia el correcte.
She felt guilty but thought she was doing the right thing.
Pere va respirar profundament.
Pere took a deep breath.
Sentia dolor i traïció.
He felt pain and betrayal.
Però també sabia que Júlia l'estimava.
But he also knew that Júlia loved him.
Es va adonar que el secret no canviava el que ells eren l'un per l'altre.
He realized that the secret didn't change who they were to each other.
"Necessito temps, Júlia," va dir finalment Pere.
"I need time, Júlia," Pere finally said.
"Però no vull perdre't.
"But I don't want to lose you.
Només vull saber qui sóc.
I just want to know who I am."
""Ho entendré, Pere," va respondre Júlia.
"I understand, Pere," replied Júlia.
"Estaré aquí quan estiguis llest.
"I'll be here when you're ready."
"Van decidir, d'acord mutu, que parlarien més endavant.
They decided, by mutual agreement, that they would talk later.
La veritat i l'amor prevaldrien sobre el dolor i la confusió.
Truth and love would prevail over pain and confusion.
El Parc Güell va seguir resplendint amb la seva bellesa, recordant-los que, malgrat el dolor, la bellesa encara existia al món.
Parc Güell continued to shine in its beauty, reminding them that despite the pain, beauty still existed in the world.
Amb una abraçada tímida però sincera, van deixar el parc, sabent que el seu futur encara estava per decidir, però que junts podrien trobar-hi llum i pau.
With a timid yet sincere hug, they left the park, knowing that their future was still undecided, but that together they could find light and peace.