FluentFiction - Catalan

Finding Serenity and Connection on Montserrat's Trails

FluentFiction - Catalan

17m 42sJune 23, 2024

Finding Serenity and Connection on Montserrat's Trails

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  • L'estiu a Montserrat porta una llum especial.

    Summer at Montserrat brings a special light.

  • La muntanya cau en silenci mentre el sol del matí travessa els arbres.

    The mountain falls silent as the morning sun pierces through the trees.

  • ÉS perfecte per a una excursió.

    It's perfect for a hike.

  • Jordi, un enginyer assetjat per la vida agitada de la ciutat, camina sol a la recerca de pau.

    Jordi, an engineer beleaguered by the hustle and bustle of city life, walks alone in search of peace.

  • Ell sempre estima la muntanya i avui, especialment, vol trobar tranquil·litat.

    He always loves the mountain and today, especially, he wants to find tranquility.

  • Prop del camí, una dona pinta un paisatge en el seu quadern.

    Near the path, a woman is painting a landscape in her notebook.

  • Marta, una artista carregada de dolor recent, busca inspiració.

    Marta, an artist burdened with recent pain, is looking for inspiration.

  • Necessita un nou començament.

    She needs a fresh start.

  • Ells es troben en una cruïlla del sender.

    They meet at a crossroads on the trail.

  • Jordi, acostumat a avançar ràpid, nota la Marta i la seva lentitud.

    Jordi, used to moving quickly, notices Marta and her slow pace.

  • "Hola," diu Jordi.

    "Hello," says Jordi.

  • "Què estàs pintant?

    "What are you painting?"

  • ""El paisatge," respon Marta, sense aixecar-se els ulls del quadern.

    "The landscape," replies Marta, without lifting her eyes from the notebook.

  • Jordi observa el seu art, ple de colors però també trist.

    Jordi observes her art, full of colors but also sadness.

  • "Jo sóc Jordi," diu ell, intentant establir conversa.

    "I am Jordi," he says, trying to strike up a conversation.

  • "Marta," respon ella breument i torna a la seva feina.

    "Marta," she responds briefly and returns to her work.

  • "Llovors," diu Jordi.

    "Then," says Jordi.

  • "T'agrada caminar?

    "Do you like hiking?"

  • ""A vegades," diu Marta.

    "Sometimes," says Marta.

  • "M'agrada pintar més.

    "I like painting more.

  • Estic buscant inspiració.

    I'm looking for inspiration."

  • "Comencen a caminar junts, però Marta és lenta.

    They start walking together, but Marta is slow.

  • Jordi, impacient al principi, fa un esforç conscient per adaptar-se al seu ritme.

    Jordi, impatient at first, makes a conscious effort to match her pace.

  • "Vols parlar mentre caminem?

    "Do you want to talk while we walk?"

  • " pregunta ell.

    he asks.

  • Marta, una mica sorpresa per la seva paciència, assent.

    Marta, a bit surprised by his patience, nods.

  • "Vaig tenir un any molt dur," diu Marta, i comença a obrir-se.

    "I've had a very tough year," says Marta, beginning to open up.

  • Jordi escolta atentament, descobrint la profunditat del seu dolor i també la seva fortalesa.

    Jordi listens attentively, discovering the depth of her pain and also her strength.

  • A mesura que s'acosta el cim de Montserrat, es fa fosc.

    As they near the summit of Montserrat, it gets dark.

  • Se senten bé junts, compartint històries i somriures tímids.

    They feel good together, sharing stories and shy smiles.

  • Arriben al cim just a temps per veure els focs artificials de la Nit de Sant Joan.

    They reach the summit just in time to see the fireworks of Saint John's Eve.

  • Els colors esclaten al cel, i Jordi i Marta se senten petits, però connectats en l'immensitat de la natura.

    Colors burst in the sky, and Jordi and Marta feel small but connected in the vastness of nature.

  • Jordi, per primera vegada en molt de temps, no se sent sol.

    Jordi, for the first time in a long while, doesn't feel alone.

  • Marta, envoltada per la màgia dels focs artificials, nota una espurna d'inspiració.

    Marta, surrounded by the magic of the fireworks, feels a spark of inspiration.

  • "Gràcies per caminar a poc a poc amb mi," diu Marta.

    "Thank you for walking slowly with me," says Marta.

  • "Va valdre la pena," respon Jordi amb un somriure sincer.

    "It was worth it," responds Jordi with a sincere smile.

  • "Vols seure i gaudir del panorama?

    "Do you want to sit and enjoy the view?"

  • ""Sí," diu Marta, i s'asseuen junts, mirant com els focs artificials il·luminen el cel.

    "Yes," says Marta, and they sit together, watching as the fireworks light up the sky.

  • S'entrellacen les seves mans, una petita promesa de noves oportunitats.

    Their hands intertwine, a small promise of new opportunities.

  • Aquella nit, Jordi deixa de pensar que només pot trobar pau en la solitud.

    That night, Jordi stops believing he can only find peace in solitude.

  • Marta, amb el cor lleuger, comença a creure en el poder curatiu de la natura i les noves amistats.

    Marta, with a lighter heart, begins to believe in the healing power of nature and new friendships.

  • Els focs artificials continuen brillant, i ells, plens d'esperança, decideixen donar-se una oportunitat mútuament.

    The fireworks keep shining, and they, full of hope, decide to give each other a chance.

  • Sens dubte, el cel de Montserrat, aquella Nit de Sant Joan, va presenciar el començament d'una nova història entre Jordi i Marta.

    Without a doubt, the sky of Montserrat, on that Saint John's Eve, witnessed the beginning of a new story between Jordi and Marta.