Haunting Discovery: The Perils of Unearthing Secrets
FluentFiction - Catalan
Haunting Discovery: The Perils of Unearthing Secrets
Amagat sota una vella masia catalana, Jordi es trobava al secret bunker.
Hidden beneath an old Catalan farmhouse, Jordi found himself in the secret bunker.
Era estiu, i la calor feia l'aire dens i insuportable.
It was summer, and the heat made the air dense and unbearable.
No obstant això, Jordi, un historiador de trenta-i-cinc anys, estava decidit a descobrir els secrets amagats del bunker.
Nevertheless, Jordi, a thirty-five-year-old historian, was determined to uncover the hidden secrets of the bunker.
Li encantava la història i, sovint, desconfiava de les autoritats que amagaven la veritat.
He loved history and often distrusted the authorities that concealed the truth.
El bunker era fosc.
The bunker was dark.
Només una llanterna il·luminava el camí.
Only a flashlight illuminated the path.
Jordi caminava lentament, respirant l'aire ple de pols i el olor de papers antics.
Jordi walked slowly, breathing in the air filled with dust and the smell of old papers.
La humitat feia que les parets estiguessin cobertes de floridura.
The humidity made the walls covered with mold.
De sobte, al tocar uns documents vells, va sentir una picor intensa al braç.
Suddenly, upon touching some old documents, he felt an intense itch on his arm.
Es va rascar, però la picor es va convertir ràpidament en dolor.
He scratched, but the itch quickly turned into pain.
Les seves mans començaven a inflar-se i el rostre es posava vermell.
His hands began to swell, and his face turned red.
Jordi va entendre que era una reacció al·lèrgica.
Jordi realized it was an allergic reaction.
"Devo sortir d'aquí!", va pensar, però sabia que havia d'avançar amb cura.
"I must get out of here!" he thought, but he knew he had to proceed carefully.
Va revisar la seva motxilla i va trobar un petit equip de primers auxilis.
He checked his backpack and found a small first-aid kit.
Tenia antihistamínics, però eren pocs.
It had some antihistamines, but they were few.
"Els prendré, però he de tenir un pla."
"I'll take them, but I need to have a plan."
Jordi va prendre les pastilles, bevent aigua de la seva ampolla.
Jordi took the pills, drinking water from his bottle.
Però la reacció no parava.
But the reaction did not stop.
La seva respiració es feia difícil.
His breathing became difficult.
Decidir si quedar-se o marxar no era fàcil.
Deciding whether to stay or leave was not easy.
Volia continuar explorant, però sabia que la seva salut estava en joc.
He wanted to continue exploring, but he knew his health was at stake.
Amb la poca força que li quedava, va improvisar un filtre amb un mocador i el va mullar amb aigua per respirar millor.
With the little strength he had left, he improvised a filter with a handkerchief and moistened it with water to breathe better.
Això li donava una mica més de temps.
This gave him a little more time.
Sabia que no podria seguir molt més així.
He knew he couldn’t go on much longer like this.
Va decidir tornar enrere.
He decided to turn back.
Amb passos insegurs, va enfilar el camí cap a la sortida del bunker.
With unsteady steps, he headed towards the exit of the bunker.
Va notar que cada pas era una batalla contra el temps i contra el seu cos que fallava.
He noticed that each step was a battle against time and his failing body.
Finalment, va veure la llum a la sortida.
Finally, he saw the light at the exit.
Va sortir de la masia i es va estirar a terra, respirant profundament l'aire fresc de l'exterior.
He emerged from the farmhouse and lay on the ground, breathing deeply the fresh air outside.
Encara notava les mans inflades, però se sentia millor al respirar aire fresc.
He still felt his hands swollen, but felt better breathing the fresh air.
Va comprendre llavors que havia d'estar millor preparat.
He then realized he needed to be better prepared.
"La pròxima vegada... necessitaré equipament millor i potser algú que m'ajudi," es deia a si mateix mentre es recuperava.
"Next time... I’ll need better equipment and maybe someone to help me," he told himself as he recovered.
Jordi va tornar a casa, sense haver desvelat tots els secrets del bunker, però amb una valuosa lliçó apresa.
Jordi went back home, without having uncovered all the secrets of the bunker, but with a valuable lesson learned.
No sempre es podia treballar sol, i la preparació era clau.
He couldn’t always work alone, and preparation was key.
Sabia que tornaria, però aquesta vegada, amb més precaucions i ajuda.
He knew he would return, but this time, with more precautions and help.