4th of July Rescue: A Tale of Friendship and Survival
FluentFiction - Catalan
4th of July Rescue: A Tale of Friendship and Survival
El sol brillava intensament a Forsyth Park.
The sun was shining brightly in Forsyth Park.
Era el 4 de Juliol i tot el parc estava ple de gent celebrant la Independència.
It was the 4th of July, and the entire park was filled with people celebrating Independence Day.
Els nens corrien, les famílies feien pícnic, i una banda tocava cançons patriòtiques a prop de la font principal.
Children were running around, families were having picnics, and a band was playing patriotic songs near the main fountain.
Marcel, un artista local conegut, passejava amb el seu amic d’infància, Jordi, que havia vingut de Catalunya per visitar-lo.
Marcel, a well-known local artist, was strolling with his childhood friend, Jordi, who had come from Catalonia to visit him.
Marcel sempre havia tingut problemes amb l'asma, però avui volia gaudir del dia sense preocupar-se.
Marcel had always had issues with asthma, but today he wanted to enjoy the day without worrying.
Volia gaudir dels focs artificials, la música i l'ambient festiu.
He wanted to enjoy the fireworks, the music, and the festive atmosphere.
N'havia parlat molt amb Jordi i tots dos estaven entusiasmats amb la festa.
He had talked a lot about it with Jordi, and both were excited about the celebration.
La calor d'estiu era sufocant.
The summer heat was stifling.
El sol cremava la pell i l'aire era espès i pesat.
The sun burned their skin, and the air was thick and heavy.
Marcel va començar a sentir-se incòmode.
Marcel started feeling uncomfortable.
Cada respiració es feia més difícil i el seu pit estava molt tancat.
Each breath became more difficult, and his chest felt very tight.
Va mirar Jordi amb preocupació.
He looked at Jordi with concern.
Havia començat una crisi d'asma.
An asthma attack had begun.
"Jordi, no em trobo bé," va dir Marcel, amb la veu apagada.
"Jordi, I don't feel well," Marcel said, his voice faint.
Jordi va notar l’angoixa en els ulls del seu amic.
Jordi saw the distress in his friend's eyes.
"Has portat l’inhalador?
"Did you bring your inhaler?"
" va preguntar, ja sabent la resposta.
he asked, already knowing the answer.
"No, l'he deixat a casa," va admetre Marcel, penedit.
"No, I left it at home," Marcel admitted regretfully.
Fent un esforç, Marcel va intentar tranquil·litzar-se, però l’atac empitjorava.
With effort, Marcel tried to calm himself, but the attack worsened.
La seva visió es tornava borrosa.
His vision blurred.
No volia espatllar la festa per a Jordi.
He didn't want to ruin the day for Jordi.
Va intentar seguir caminant, però les seves cames no el sostenien.
He tried to keep walking, but his legs wouldn't support him.
Just al costat de la font, Marcel es va desplomar, la respiració era gairebé inexistent.
Just beside the fountain, Marcel collapsed, his breathing almost nonexistent.
Jordi, desesperat, va cridar per ajuda.
Jordi, desperate, called out for help.
La gent es va aturar i va mirar, alguns preocupats, altres sense saber què fer.
People stopped and stared, some worried, others unsure of what to do.
Per fortuna, una dona amb una samarreta roja de la festa es va apropar corrents.
Fortunately, a woman wearing a red festival shirt rushed over.
"Sóc infermera," va dir ella, traient un inhalador de la seva bossa.
"I'm a nurse," she said, pulling an inhaler from her bag.
S'inclinà sobre Marcel i li va donar l'inhalador.
She leaned over Marcel and gave him the inhaler.
"Respira profund, tranquil·litza't," li va dir.
"Breathe deeply, stay calm," she instructed.
Marcel va fer una respiració, després una altra.
Marcel took one breath, then another.
A poc a poc, l'aire va tornar als seus pulmons.
Slowly, air returned to his lungs.
La seva respiració es va estabilitzar una mica.
His breathing stabilized a bit.
Mentre això passava, Jordi va trucar a emergències i va explicar la situació.
Meanwhile, Jordi called emergency services and explained the situation.
Quan finalment va arribar l'ambulància, Marcel estava més calmat però encara feble.
When the ambulance finally arrived, Marcel was calmer but still weak.
Els paramèdics el van estabilitzar i el van portar a l'hospital per precaució.
The paramedics stabilized him and took him to the hospital as a precaution.
Jordi va anar amb ell.
Jordi went with him.
Passades les hores, ja a l’hospital, Marcel va mirar Jordi amb una nova determinació.
Hours later, at the hospital, Marcel looked at Jordi with newfound determination.
"He après la lliçó," va dir.
"I've learned my lesson," he said.
"Sempre he de portar l’inhalador.
"I must always carry my inhaler."
"Jordi li va agafar la mà.
Jordi took his hand.
"I jo he après que he de tenir més cura de tu," va respondre.
"And I've learned I need to take better care of you," he replied.
"No volem passar per això de nou.
"We don't want to go through that again."
"Després d'aquesta experiència, Marcel i Jordi van entendre millor la gravetat de la situació.
After this experience, Marcel and Jordi understood better the seriousness of the situation.
El 4 de Juliol no va resultar com havien planejat, però van sortir-ne més forts i més units.
The 4th of July didn't turn out as they had planned, but they came out of it stronger and closer.
Des de llavors, cada vegada que Marcel sortia, el seu inhalador anava amb ell, assegurant-se que mai més tornés a passar un ensurt tan gran.
From that day on, every time Marcel went out, his inhaler went with him, ensuring that such a scare would never happen again.