Unveiling Secrets: A Journey of Trust in the High School Library
FluentFiction - Catalan
Unveiling Secrets: A Journey of Trust in the High School Library
Quan la Jana va obrir la porta de la biblioteca de l'institut, la calma l'envoltava.
When Jana opened the door to the high school library, calmness surrounded her.
La llum del sol omplia l'habitació, passant per les grans finestres i inundant les taules de fusta.
Sunlight filled the room, passing through the large windows and flooding the wooden tables.
Alguns estudiants estaven asseguts aquí i allà, immersos en els seus llibres.
Some students were seated here and there, engrossed in their books.
La Jana, amb els seus ulls grans i brillants, sempre trobava pau entre les pàgines.
Jana, with her big, bright eyes, always found peace between the pages.
Va veure en Martí assegut a prop de les estanteries més antigues, envoltat de llibres de literatura clàssica.
She saw Martí sitting near the oldest shelves, surrounded by classic literature books.
Li va fer un somriure tímid que ell va correspondre amb un capmoc lleuger.
She gave him a shy smile which he returned with a slight nod.
En Martí sempre havia estat misteriós, i la Jana mai havia entès per què sempre estava sol.
Martí had always been mysterious, and Jana never understood why he was always alone.
Avui, però, ella sabia alguna cosa sobre ell que ningú més sabia.
Today, however, she knew something about him that no one else did.
La setmana passada, per accident, va trobar una carta amagada en un llibre vell.
Last week, by accident, she found a letter hidden in an old book.
Era una carta que en Martí havia escrit fa anys, explicant un passat que era sorprenentment difícil.
It was a letter Martí had written years ago, detailing a surprisingly difficult past.
Aquell troballa la va fer comprendre moltes coses.
That discovery helped her understand many things.
—Hola, Martí —va dir la Jana, asseguda suaument a prop d'ell.
“Hi, Martí,” Jana said, sitting gently next to him.
—Hola, Jana —va respondre ell, amb la seva veu baixa.
“Hi, Jana,” he replied in his low voice.
L'ambient a la biblioteca era tan tranquil que es podien sentir les pàgines girant a l'altra punta de la sala.
The atmosphere in the library was so quiet that you could hear pages turning at the far end of the room.
Sabia que aquell moment era crucial.
She knew this moment was crucial.
Havia de decidir què fer amb el secret que havia descobert.
She had to decide what to do with the secret she had discovered.
Notava que en Martí estava nerviós, mirant de reüll la porta de la bibliotecaria.
She noticed that Martí seemed nervous, glancing towards the librarian’s door.
—Què et passa? —va preguntar ella, mirant els seus ulls escurs.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking into his dark eyes.
—Avui —va començar en Martí, mirant el terra— he de parlar amb la senyoreta Vidal.
“Today,” Martí began, looking down at the floor, “I have to talk to Miss Vidal.
Li explicaré tot.
I’ll tell her everything.
No puc continuar amagant-ho més.
I can’t keep hiding it anymore.”
El cor de la Jana va començar a bategar més ràpid.
Jana’s heart began to beat faster.
Sabia perfectament què volia dir.
She knew exactly what he meant.
Aquella confessió canviaria tot.
That confession would change everything.
Si l'interrompia, potser empitjoraria les coses, però si deixava que ell ho expliqués, no sabia com reaccionaria la professora.
If she interrupted him, it might make things worse, but if she let him explain, she didn’t know how the teacher would react.
—Martí, jo... —va començar a dir, però ell la va aturar amb la mà.
“Martí, I…” she started to say, but he stopped her with his hand.
—Deixa'm fer-ho, si us plau, necessito fer-ho jo mateix.
“Let me do this, please, I need to do it myself.”
Va ser un moment tens.
It was a tense moment.
La Jana va notar la suor a les seves mans.
Jana felt the sweat on her palms.
No volia perdre la seva amistat, però també volia ser-hi per ell.
She didn’t want to lose their friendship, but she also wanted to be there for him.
—Mira, entenc que ho vulguis fer sol, però... jo sé el teu secret.
“Look, I understand you want to do it alone, but… I know your secret.
Fa setmanes que ho sé —va dir finalment, amb voluntat de ser honesta, però amb molta por a la resposta.
I’ve known for weeks,” she finally said, wanting to be honest but very afraid of his reaction.
En Martí la mirava, sorprès i amb els ulls plens d'una nova emoció.
Martí looked at her, surprised and with eyes full of a new emotion.
Just en aquell moment, la porta de la bibliotecaria es va obrir, i la senyoreta Vidal va aparèixer.
Just at that moment, the librarian’s door opened, and Miss Vidal appeared.
—Martí, estàs preparat? —va dir la professora.
“Martí, are you ready?” the teacher said.
En Martí es va aixecar lentament, mirant la Jana una última vegada amb una mescla de gratitud i ansietat.
Martí stood up slowly, looking at Jana one last time with a mix of gratitude and anxiety.
Va fer unes passes cap a la bibliotecaria, però després es va aturar.
He took a few steps toward the librarian but then stopped.
—Profe, hi ha una cosa que heu de saber.
“Teacher, there’s something you need to know.
I potser Jana també... Aturar-me ara no té sentit, necessito dir-ho tot.
And maybe Jana too… Stopping now makes no sense, I need to say it all.”
Va girar-se cap a ella, amb els ulls plens de conflicte.
He turned to her, his eyes filled with conflict.
—Necessito que siguis aquí amb mi, Jana.
“I need you to be here with me, Jana.”
Van entrar tots dos a l'oficina.
They both entered the office.
En Martí va començar a parlar, revelant tot allò que havia mantingut en silenci durant tant de temps.
Martí began to speak, revealing everything he had kept silent for so long.
Les seves paraules eren lentes, però van començar a fluir.
His words were slow, but they began to flow.
Explicava la seva vida anterior, els errors comesos, les segones oportunitats.
He talked about his previous life, the mistakes made, the second chances.
La Jana no va dir res, però la seva presència era una gran font de suport.
Jana said nothing, but her presence was a great source of support.
Quan va acabar, la senyoreta Vidal es va mantenir en silenci un moment abans de parlar.
When he finished, Miss Vidal remained silent for a moment before speaking.
—Gràcies per confiar en mi, Martí.
“Thank you for trusting me, Martí.
Sigui el que sigui que hagi passat, estem aquí per ajudar-te —va dir ella amb sincera comprensió.
Whatever happened, we are here to help you,” she said with sincere understanding.
La Jana va sentir una forta connexió amb en Martí.
Jana felt a strong connection with Martí.
Havien compartit un moment molt intens i això havia canviat la seva relació.
They had shared a very intense moment, and it had changed their relationship.
En sortir de l'oficina, una llàgrima va caure per la galta de la Jana.
As they left the office, a tear ran down Jana’s cheek.
Era una llàgrima d'alleujament i esperança.
It was a tear of relief and hope.
—Gràcies per ser-hi —li va dir en Martí, amb un somriure que mai havia vist abans.
“Thank you for being there,” Martí said, with a smile she had never seen before.
—Sempre, Martí —va respondre ella, sabent que el seu vincle ara era més fort que mai.
“Always, Martí,” she replied, knowing their bond was now stronger than ever.
Aquell dia, en una lluminosa biblioteca de l'institut, dos estudiants van aprendre el poder de la confiança i la importància de no amagar els seus veritables sentiments.
That day, in a bright high school library, two students learned the power of trust and the importance of not hiding their true feelings.
I amb això, l'estiu va continuar, brillat pel sol i una nova amistat més profunda i honesta.
And with that, the summer continued, brightened by the sun and a new, deeper and more honest friendship.