Unexpected Chariot Adrenaline: A Modern Woman's Roman Adventure
FluentFiction - Catalan
Unexpected Chariot Adrenaline: A Modern Woman's Roman Adventure
El sol estiuenc es reflectia en les pedres blanques del Fòrum Romà, inundant amb llum cada cantonada del mercat bulliciós.
The summer sun reflected off the white stones of the Roman Forum, flooding every corner of the bustling market with light.
Ariadna es movia amb curiositat entre les parades, intentant imaginar la vida quotidiana de fa tants segles.
Ariadna moved curiously between the stalls, trying to imagine daily life from so many centuries ago.
Sempre havia tingut una fascinació per la història antiga, i estar allà li semblava un somni fet realitat.
She had always had a fascination with ancient history, and being there felt like a dream come true.
De sobte, va escoltar crits i rialles procedents d’una àrea més oberta del fòrum.
Suddenly, she heard shouts and laughter coming from a more open area of the forum.
Ariadna s’hi va acostar, intrigada.
Ariadna approached, intrigued.
Era una carrera de quadrigues!
It was a chariot race!
Els carros tirats per cavalls donaven voltes a gran velocitat, i el públic animava amb entusiasme.
The horse-drawn carts sped around at great speed, and the crowd cheered enthusiastically.
Ariadna es va adonar que estaven buscant participants.
Ariadna realized they were looking for participants.
Abans que pogués reaccionar, una mà la va empènyer suaument endavant.
Before she could react, a hand gently pushed her forward.
– Tu!
– va cridar un home robust amb una túnica vermella.
shouted a burly man in a red tunic.
– Un nodus més per la cursa.
"One more for the race.
Come on!"
– Sense ni tan sols pensar-hi, Ariadna es va trobar asseguda en un carruatge.
Without even thinking about it, Ariadna found herself seated in a chariot.
Va intentar protestar, però l’home la va ignorar, concentrat en la carrera.
She tried to protest, but the man ignored her, focused on the race.
Amb el cor bategant fort, Ariadna es va aferrar a les regnes.
With her heart pounding, Ariadna clung to the reins.
No volia que descobrissin que no tenia ni idea de com conduir els caballs!
She didn’t want them to discover that she had no idea how to drive horses!
Amb un esclat de soroll, la carrera va començar.
With a burst of noise, the race began.
Els cavalls van arrencar bruscament, i Ariadna va haver de lluitar per mantenir-se a peu.
The horses shot forward abruptly, and Ariadna had to struggle to stay upright.
Les regnes li lliscaven per les mans, però va aconseguir recuperar-les just a temps.
The reins slipped through her hands, but she managed to recover them just in time.
Els altres participants eren ràpids i habilidosos, i Ariadna es trobava en una lluita constant per no quedar-se enrere.
The other participants were fast and skillful, and Ariadna found herself in a constant struggle not to fall behind.
A mesura que avançava la cursa, va començar a sentir menys por i més adrenalina.
As the race progressed, she began to feel less fear and more adrenaline.
A la recta final, estava coll i coll amb un altre conductor.
On the final straight, she was neck and neck with another driver.
Amb la suor relliscant-li pel front, va ajuntar tota la seva força per guiar els cavalls cap a la línia de meta.
With sweat slipping down her forehead, she mustered all her strength to guide the horses towards the finish line.
Amb un últim esforç, va travessar la línia de meta al mateix temps que el seu competidor.
With one last effort, she crossed the finish line at the same time as her competitor.
El públic va explotar en aplaudiments i crits de joia.
The crowd exploded in applause and cheers of joy.
Ariadna, sense alè, va somriure.
Ariadna, out of breath, smiled.
No podia creure el que acabava d’aconseguir.
She couldn’t believe what she had just achieved.
Després de la cursa, la gent la va envoltar, felicitant-la i donant-li copets a l’espatlla.
After the race, people surrounded her, congratulating and patting her on the back.
Va sentir una nova força dins seu, una confiança que mai havia tingut abans.
She felt a new strength within her, a confidence she had never had before.
Havia estat un accident, però havia demostrat a si mateixa que podia fer qualsevol cosa.
It had been an accident, but she had proven to herself that she could do anything.
Amb una mirada d’humor i orgull, Ariadna va deixar el carro i es va dirigir cap a les parades, amb un relat increïble per explicar a tothom que l’escoltés.
With a look of humor and pride, Ariadna left the chariot and headed towards the stalls, with an incredible story to tell anyone who would listen.
Havia viscut una aventura autènticament romana, i el somni que una vegada havia tingut tan sols en la imaginació, ara era una experiència ben real i inesborrable.
She had lived a truly Roman adventure, and the dream she once had only in her imagination was now a very real and unforgettable experience.
Des d’aquell dia, Ariadna va mantenir la seva passió per la història, però amb un nou esperit d’aventura i confidència.
From that day on, Ariadna maintained her passion for history, but with a new spirit of adventure and confidence.
Va aprendre que, a vegades, els accidents poden portar-nos a les experiències més memorables de la nostra vida.
She learned that sometimes, accidents can lead us to the most memorable experiences of our lives.