Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport
FluentFiction - Catalan
Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport
L’estiu era abrasador, i l'interior de l'aeroport internacional de Barcelona era un formiguer de gent movent-se d’un lloc a l’altre.
The summer was scorching, and the interior of Barcelona's international airport was a beehive of people moving from one place to another.
Els terres brillants reflectien la llum del sol que entrava pels grans finestrals.
The shiny floors reflected the sunlight coming through the large windows.
Mireia, una infermera d'uns trenta anys, esperava amb impaciència el seu vol a Ginebra.
Mireia, a nurse in her thirties, was impatiently waiting for her flight to Geneva.
La seva destinació era una conferència mèdica, però el seu sentit del deure sempre estava present.
Her destination was a medical conference, but her sense of duty was always present.
Enric, un home de negocis de gairebé cinquanta anys, intentava oblidar l'estrès i concentrar-se en els documents de la seva maleta.
Enric, a businessman nearing fifty, was trying to forget the stress and concentrate on the documents in his briefcase.
El seu vol era gairebé a punt per embarcar.
His flight was almost ready for boarding.
Mentrestant, Joan, un jove viatger, mirava el seu mòbil emocionat, planejant la seva propera aventura.
Meanwhile, Joan, a young traveler, was looking at his phone excitedly, planning his next adventure.
De sobte, un crit va trencar l'ambient monòton de la sala d'espera.
Suddenly, a shout broke the monotonous atmosphere of the waiting room.
Enric s'havia desplomat a terra, amb la mà al pit.
Enric had collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest.
Mireia va reaccionar immediatament, corrent cap a ell.
Mireia immediately reacted, running towards him.
“Sóc infermera, apartin-se, si us plau!”, va cridar amb autoritat.
“I'm a nurse, please step aside!” she shouted authoritatively.
Joan va aixecar la vista del seu mòbil, fascinant-se per la situació.
Joan looked up from his phone, fascinated by the situation.
Va començar a gravar amb la càmera del seu telèfon.
He started recording with his phone's camera.
Mireia, agenollada al costat d'Enric, va començar a prendre mesures d'urgència.
Mireia, kneeling beside Enric, began to take urgent measures.
“Necessito ajuda!” va dir, mirant als voltants.
“I need help!” she said, looking around.
Però ningú s'hi apropava.
But no one approached.
Una lluita interna va passar per la ment de Joan.
An internal struggle passed through Joan's mind.
Continuar gravant o ajudar?
Continue recording or help?
Finalment, va abaixar el telèfon i es va agenollar al costat de Mireia.
Finally, he put down his phone and knelt beside Mireia.
“Què necessites que faci?” va preguntar, mirant-la als ulls.
“What do you need me to do?” he asked, looking her in the eyes.
“Busca un desfibril·lador,” va respondre ella, “i avisa el personal de l’aeroport.”
“Find a defibrillator,” she responded, “and alert the airport staff.”
Joan va saltar a l'acció, mentre Mireia realitzava maniobres de reanimació cardiopulmonar a Enric.
Joan sprang into action while Mireia performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Enric.
El temps semblava alentir-se i Mireia sentia la pressió de cada segon que passava.
Time seemed to slow down, and Mireia felt the pressure of every passing second.
Afortunadament, Joan no va trigar a tornar amb el personal de l'aeroport i el desfibril·lador.
Fortunately, Joan quickly returned with airport staff and the defibrillator.
“Bonic treball, Joan,” va dir Mireia mentre posicionava els elèctrodes al pit d'Enric.
“Good job, Joan,” said Mireia as she positioned the electrodes on Enric's chest.
Amb una descàrrega, el cos d'Enric es va sacsejar, i de cop, l’aire va tornar als seus pulmons.
With a shock, Enric's body jolted, and suddenly, air filled his lungs again.
Va esclatar a respirar amb profunditat.
He gasped deeply.
“Està bé, senyor. Li portarem a l’hospital,” va assegurar-li Mireia.
“You’re okay, sir. We’ll get you to the hospital,” Mireia assured him.
El personal de l’aeroport va carregar Enric en una llitera i se’l van endur.
The airport staff loaded Enric onto a stretcher and took him away.
“Gràcies...” va dir Enric, amb veu baixa però plena d’agraïment.
“Thank you…” Enric said, his voice low but full of gratitude.
Quan tot va acabar, Mireia va mirar el seu rellotge i va veure que havia perdut el vol.
When it was all over, Mireia looked at her watch and saw she had missed her flight.
Tot i això, no estava disgustada.
Nevertheless, she was not upset.
Va trucar per reprogramar el seu viatge mentre pensava en l’important que era el seu treball.
She called to reschedule her trip while reflecting on the importance of her work.
Joan, al seu costat, havia après una lliçó valuosa.
Joan, beside her, had learned a valuable lesson.
“Gràcies per la teva ajuda,” va dir-li Mireia.
“Thank you for your help,” Mireia said to him.
“De res,” va respondre Joan. “He après que ajudar és més important que qualsevol vídeo.”
“You’re welcome,” Joan replied. “I learned that helping is more important than any video.”
Enric, des del llit de l'hospital, va prometre cuidar la seva salut.
From his hospital bed, Enric promised to take better care of his health.
Aquell dia, tres vides van canviar gràcies a la dedicació d’una infermera, un jove inspirat i un home que finalment va afrontar la seva realitat.
That day, three lives changed thanks to the dedication of a nurse, an inspired young man, and a man who finally faced his reality.
Així, entre la calor de l'estiu i la tensió d’un aeroport, Mireia, Enric i Joan van trobar un nou camí.
Thus, amidst the summer heat and the tension of an airport, Mireia, Enric, and Joan found a new path.
Titubejant entre l’aventura i el deure, van descobrir que ajudar és l’autèntic propòsit de la vida, i cap viatge és més important que cuidar els altres.
Hesitating between adventure and duty, they discovered that helping is the true purpose of life, and no journey is more important than caring for others.