Finding Strength in the Winds of Change at Montserrat
FluentFiction - Catalan
Finding Strength in the Winds of Change at Montserrat
En el cor de la tardor, Montserrat Monestir brillava amb una aurèola de colors càlids i el so suau del vent entre les fulles.
In the heart of autumn, Montserrat Monastery shone with a halo of warm colors and the gentle sound of wind through the leaves.
Jordi, un professor que havia deixat la seva feina segura per un somni incert, estava al peu de les muntanyes, amb l'ànima plena de dubtes.
Jordi, a teacher who had left his secure job for an uncertain dream, stood at the foot of the mountains, his soul filled with doubt.
Va mirar al seu voltant, buscant una pau que el recompongués.
He looked around, searching for a peace that would restore him.
Marina, la seva amiga de sempre, l'acompanyava.
Marina, his lifelong friend, accompanied him.
Sabia que Jordi necessitava recolzament en aquest moment difícil.
She knew that Jordi needed support during this difficult time.
"Estàs segur?
"Are you sure?"
" li havia pregat ella més d'una vegada, però mai havia qüestionat la seva decisió.
she had asked him more than once, but she never questioned his decision.
Lentament, van caminar pel camí cap al monestir, les pedres sota els seus peus cruixent amb cada pas.
Slowly, they walked along the path to the monastery, the stones crunching under their feet with each step.
La tranquil·litat de l'entorn contrarestava amb la tempesta dins del cor de Jordi.
The tranquility of the surroundings contrasted with the storm in Jordi's heart.
Ell tenia por.
He was afraid.
Havia renunciat al seu treball fix per seguir una nova direcció, però ara es trobava perdut.
He had given up his steady job to follow a new direction, but now he felt lost.
"He fet el correcte?
"Did I do the right thing?"
" es preguntava constantment.
he asked himself constantly.
Quan van arribar al monestir, Jordi es va asseure sota un gran roure.
When they reached the monastery, Jordi sat under a large oak tree.
Marina es va quedar a prop, en silenci, respectant el moment de reflexió del seu amic.
Marina stayed close, silently respecting her friend's moment of reflection.
Jordi va tancar els ulls.
Jordi closed his eyes.
El murmuri del vent li semblava un murmuri de sostinguda esperança.
The whispering wind seemed to him a murmur of sustained hope.
Parlava sense paraules, just com ell necessitava.
It spoke without words, just as he needed.
El temps va passar lentament.
Time passed slowly.
Jordi recordava els rostres dels seus estudiants, les seves rialles.
Jordi remembered the faces of his students, their laughter.
L'altre somni també li parlava, però amb incertesa.
The other dream also spoke to him, but with uncertainty.
Malgrat tot, en aquell moment de silenci, va veure una cosa petita.
Despite everything, in that moment of silence, he saw something small.
Un ocell, que semblava tan fràgil, es va enlairar amb força des d'una branca fins al cel.
A bird, which seemed so fragile, took flight with strength from a branch to the sky.
Una força nascuda de confiança.
A strength born of confidence.
Jordi va respirar profundament.
Jordi took a deep breath.
Va entendre que el camí no estava escrit.
He understood that the path wasn't written.
Ell havia de construir-lo pas a pas, igual que l'ocell es construïa el vol amb cada batuda d'ales.
He had to build it step by step, just as the bird built its flight with each beat of its wings.
Va mirar Marina, qui li va somriure amb un somriure càlid, ple d'esperança i confiança en ell.
He looked at Marina, who smiled at him warmly, full of hope and trust in him.
Amb aquesta nova claredat, Jordi es va aixecar.
With this newfound clarity, Jordi stood up.
Les pors encara eren allí, però estaven bajant de pes sota la llum que havia trobat dins seu.
The fears were still there, but they felt lighter under the light he found within himself.
"Puc fer això", va pensar.
"I can do this," he thought.
Sabia que el camí seria difícil, però també sabia que havia de seguir endavant.
He knew the path would be difficult, but he also knew he had to keep going.
Jordi i Marina van marxar del monestir, caminant junts pel camí de tornada, sota el cel de Montserrat, ara més clar que mai.
Jordi and Marina left the monastery, walking together along the path back, under the Montserrat sky, now clearer than ever.
El viatge havia estat dur, però Jordi sabia que havia triat amb el cor, i això li donava una força que ni tan sols ell sabia que tenia.
The journey had been tough, but Jordi knew he had chosen with his heart, and that gave him a strength he didn't even know he had.
L'ocell al cel es perdia de vista, però la seva imatge es quedava al seu interior, com una guia, com una promesa.
The bird in the sky faded from view, but its image remained inside him, like a guide, like a promise.