Bee Stings and Medieval Magic: A Tale of Friendship and Courage
FluentFiction - Catalan
Bee Stings and Medieval Magic: A Tale of Friendship and Courage
Les fulles dels arbres dansaven amb suavitat sota el vent fred de la tardor.
The leaves of the trees danced gently under the cold autumn wind.
Els carrers antics de Besalú estaven plens de colors vius i sons animats del festival medieval.
The ancient streets of Besalú were full of vivid colors and lively sounds from the medieval festival.
Oriol, amb els seus ulls brillants i esperit aventurer, estava emocionat.
Oriol, with his bright eyes and adventurous spirit, was excited.
Sempre havia sentit una atracció especial pels festivals medievals, i aquest any no volia que la seva al·lèrgia a les picades d'abelles li espatllés la diversió.
He had always felt a special attraction to medieval festivals, and this year he didn't want his allergy to bee stings to ruin the fun.
Laia, la seva amiga sempre pràctica, el seguia de prop.
Laia, his ever-practical friend, followed closely.
Sabia que, encara que Oriol ho dissimulava bé, sempre hi havia una mica de por al fons dels seus pensaments.
She knew that, although Oriol hid it well, there was always a bit of fear at the back of his mind.
"Ja tens l'injector, oi?", li preguntà Laia, amb to preocupat.
"You have the injector, right?" Laia asked, with a worried tone.
"Ops, crec que m'he oblidat", respongué Oriol, ruboritzat i mirant cap a terra.
"Oops, I think I forgot it," replied Oriol, blushing and looking down at the ground.
"Vinga, Oriol! Sabies l'important que és!".
"Come on, Oriol! You knew how important it is!"
A prop, Núria, la mestressa d'un estand de remeis tradicionals, escoltava la conversa.
Nearby, Núria, the owner of a traditional remedies stand, was listening to the conversation.
Sempre havia confiat en les herbes per curar qualsevol mal.
She had always trusted herbs to cure any ailment.
Quan s'apropà, digué, "Tinc un ungüent especial per a les picades. No us preocupeu, és molt bo!"
As she approached, she said, "I have a special ointment for stings. Don't worry, it's very good!"
Oriol va somriure, agraït, però amb un gest de dubte.
Oriol smiled, grateful but with a gesture of doubt.
Encara així, van continuar passejant pel festival entre els sons d'acords de llúdrigues i el perfum de castanyes torrades.
Still, they continued walking through the festival among the sounds of lute strings and the scent of roasted chestnuts.
De sobte, va sentir un dolor agut al braç.
Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his arm.
Un abella l'havia picat.
A bee had stung him.
El pànic es pintà al seu rostre.
Panic painted his face.
Laia i Núria el van portar a la banda, lluny de la multitud.
Laia and Núria took him aside, away from the crowd.
Núria ja estava a punt d'aplicar l'ungüent, però Laia s'ho pensava dues vegades.
Núria was about to apply the ointment, but Laia hesitated.
Veia que Oriol començava a tenir dificultats per respirar.
She saw that Oriol was beginning to have difficulty breathing.
"Necessitem un metge", digué Laia, decidida.
"We need a doctor," said Laia, determined.
"Els remeis van bé, Núria, però ara cal actuar ràpid abans no empitjoreixi la situació!"
"The remedies are good, Núria, but now we need to act quickly before the situation worsens!"
Núria mirava la Laia amb dubte, però l'angoixa al rostre d'Oriol la va fer cedir.
Núria looked at Laia with doubt, but the distress on Oriol's face made her relent.
Junts, van córrer cap a un lloc on sabien que hi havia metges del festival.
Together, they ran to where they knew there were festival doctors.
El temps semblava aturar-se mentre buscaven.
Time seemed to stop as they searched.
Finalment, van trobar un metge, que ràpidament va administrar el tractament necessari a Oriol.
Finally, they found a doctor, who promptly administered the necessary treatment to Oriol.
Lentament, va començar a respirar amb més facilitat, i el color tornava al seu rostre.
Slowly, he began to breathe more easily, and color returned to his face.
Laia sospirà d'alleujament, mentre Núria observava admirada l'efectivitat del tractament modern.
Laia sighed with relief, while Núria watched the effectiveness of modern treatment in admiration.
Després d'haver-se recuperat, Oriol va agrair a les seves amigues.
After recovering, Oriol thanked his friends.
Havien salvat el dia.
They had saved the day.
Va aprendre que la preparació era la clau per a qualsevol aventura.
He learned that preparation was key to any adventure.
Núria, per la seva banda, va entendre que, de vegades, combinar la saviesa antiga amb la ciència moderna podia ser el millor camí.
Núria, for her part, understood that sometimes combining ancient wisdom with modern science could be the best way.
A la tornada, mentre el sol s'amagava darrere les muralles de Besalú, Oriol, Laia i Núria es van unir de nou al festival.
On the way back, as the sun hid behind the walls of Besalú, Oriol, Laia, and Núria rejoined the festival.
Aquest cop, preparats per gaudir amb saviesa i prudència.
This time, they were prepared to enjoy themselves with wisdom and prudence.
La música i els riures dels carrers medievals s'unien amb el so dels seus cors contents.
The music and laughter of the medieval streets mingled with the sound of their happy hearts.