Jordi's Triumph: Bringing La Mercè to Life with Courage
FluentFiction - Catalan
Jordi's Triumph: Bringing La Mercè to Life with Courage
La Plaça Sant Jaume a Barcelona estava plena de fulles roges i grogues.
La Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona was full of red and yellow leaves.
Era tardor, i l'aire fresc portava l'aroma de castanyes torrades.
It was autumn, and the fresh air carried the aroma of roasted chestnuts.
Aquell dia, l'institut públic a prop de la plaça es preparava per a un esdeveniment especial durant la festa de La Mercè.
That day, the public institute near the square was preparing for a special event during the La Mercè festival.
Jordi, un estudiant apassionat per la història, estava preparat per presentar el projecte sobre les festes de Barcelona.
Jordi, a student passionate about history, was ready to present the project about the festivals of Barcelona.
Havia treballat durant setmanes.
He had worked for weeks.
La seva amiga Maria, amb el seu talent artístic, havia creat murals plens de colors i imatges de la festa.
His friend Maria, with her artistic talent, had created murals full of colors and images of the festival.
Els murals mostraven gegants ballant i castells humans elevant-se cap al cel blau de setembre.
The murals depicted giants dancing and human towers rising toward the blue September sky.
A la sala plena d'estudiants, es respirava un aire d'emoció i de nerviosisme.
In the room full of students, there was an air of excitement and nervousness.
Quan va arribar el moment de presentar, Jordi va sentir com li tremolaven les mans.
When the moment to present arrived, Jordi felt his hands trembling.
El seu cor bategava ràpidament.
His heart was beating rapidly.
Tanmateix, un problema tècnic inesperat va sorgir.
However, an unexpected technical problem arose.
Les diapositives no es van voler projectar.
The slides wouldn't project.
Sense dubtar, Jordi va mirar a Maria, que li va fer un gest d'ànim.
Without hesitation, Jordi looked at Maria, who gave him an encouraging gesture.
Amb coratge, va decidir confiar en la seva veu i en les imatges de Maria.
With courage, he decided to rely on his voice and Maria's images.
Començà a parlar, explicant les arrels de La Mercè, les tradicions, i com les festes uneixen la ciutat.
He began to speak, explaining the roots of La Mercè, the traditions, and how the festivities unite the city.
A mesura que parlava, la història esdevenia més viva i captivant.
As he spoke, the story became more lively and captivating.
Era com si els personatges dels murals prenguessin vida al seu costat.
It was as if the characters from the murals came to life beside him.
Els espectadors escoltaven amb atenció. Públic captivats per les descripcions vistes a través de les imatges de Maria.
The spectators listened attentively, captivated by the descriptions seen through Maria's images.
A poc a poc, Jordi va deixar de sentir por.
Slowly, Jordi stopped feeling afraid.
La seva veu va esdevenir ferma i clara.
His voice became firm and clear.
Cada paraula era un bri de confiança que es multiplicava amb el temps.
Each word was a thread of confidence that multiplied over time.
Quan va acabar la presentació, la sala es va omplir d'aplaudiments.
When he finished the presentation, the room filled with applause.
Els seus companys de classe i professors s'aproparen per felicitar-lo.
His classmates and teachers approached to congratulate him.
Jordi va sentir una calidesa al cor.
Jordi felt warmth in his heart.
Havia superat la seva por i havia demostrat a tothom la seva passió per la història de La Mercè.
He had overcome his fear and had shown everyone his passion for the history of La Mercè.
Aquell dia, Jordi va aprendre a confiar en les seves habilitats.
That day, Jordi learned to trust his abilities.
S'endugué la lliçó que la improvisació i un bon suport poden fer miracles.
He took away the lesson that improvisation and good support can work miracles.
I, mentre sortia de l'institut, amb les fulles de tardor ballant als seus peus, sabia que mai oblidaria aquell moment de triomf.
And, as he left the institute, with the autumn leaves dancing at his feet, he knew he would never forget that moment of triumph.