Magic & Science: A Night of Discovery in El Montseny
FluentFiction - Catalan
Magic & Science: A Night of Discovery in El Montseny
El Montseny era ple de colors de tardor.
El Montseny was full of autumn colors.
Els arbres tenien fulles de tons grocs i vermells.
The trees had leaves in shades of yellow and red.
El vent fred xiuxiuejava entre les branques, anunciant l'arribada d'un hivern proper.
The cold wind whispered among the branches, announcing the arrival of a nearby winter.
El bosc era místic, com sempre en All Hallows' Eve.
The forest was mystical, as always on All Hallows' Eve.
Eudald passejava pel camí ple de fulles seques.
Eudald walked along the path filled with dry leaves.
Els seus passos feien un soroll suau sota els seus peus.
His steps made a soft noise beneath his feet.
Era un entusiasta del folklore, sempre a la recerca de relats antics.
He was an enthusiast of folklore, always searching for ancient tales.
En aquesta època de l'any, el bosc semblava ple de secrets.
At this time of year, the forest seemed full of secrets.
Havia sentit rumors d'una llum misteriosa que apareixia només de nit.
He had heard rumors of a mysterious light that appeared only at night.
Prop del bosc, Elisenda estava plantant un petit banc d'estudi sota un roure gran.
Near the forest, Elisenda was setting up a small study bench under a large oak tree.
Com a botànica, estava interessada en la diversitat de la flora del Montseny.
As a botanist, she was interested in the diversity of El Montseny's flora.
Creia que el món natural podia explicar tots els fenòmens estranys que esmentaven les llegendes.
She believed that the natural world could explain all the strange phenomena mentioned in legends.
Paraules de fantasmes i esperits no l'interessaven en absolut.
Words of ghosts and spirits did not interest her at all.
—T'he vist entrar al bosc —va dir ella quan Eudald s'acostava—.
"I saw you entering the forest," she said when Eudald approached.
També busques la llum?
"Are you looking for the light as well?"
Eudald va assentir amb el cap.
Eudald nodded.
—Sí. Avui penso passar-hi tota la nit.
"Yes. Tonight, I plan to stay here all night.
Busco proves que hi ha quelcom més enllà d'aquest món.
I'm looking for evidence that there is something beyond this world."
Elisenda va sospirar.
Elisenda sighed.
—No et sembla una pèrdua de temps?
"Don't you think it's a waste of time?
Les coses sobrenaturals són només mites.
Supernatural things are only myths."
—Aleshores vine amb mi —va dir Eudald.
"Then come with me," Eudald said.
La curiositat la va guanyar, encara que ho feia amb recança.
Curiosity got the better of her, even though she was reluctant.
Quan la nit va caure, el bosc es va tornar més fosc.
When night fell, the forest became darker.
El cel cobert de fulles permetia poc més que una llum feble de les estrelles.
The sky covered with leaves allowed little more than a faint glow from the stars.
La llum misteriosa va aparèixer com estava previst.
The mysterious light appeared as expected.
Va ser un resplendor suau, movent-se entre els arbres.
It was a soft glow, moving among the trees.
—Allà! —va xiuxiuejar Eudald emocionat.
"There!" Eudald whispered excitedly.
Ellisme va avançar amb determinació.
They advanced with determination.
Mentre s'apropaven, van començar a veure el que semblava una dansa de llums.
As they approached, they began to see what seemed to be a dance of lights.
Eudald es va aturar, meravellat.
Eudald stopped, amazed.
—No ho veus? Això no és natural!
"Don't you see? This isn't natural!"
Elisenda va observar les llums atentament.
Elisenda observed the lights attentively.
Finalment, va veure el que les provocava.
Finally, she saw what was causing them.
Era una combinació de boira i la reflexió de la llum de la lluna en petits cristalls de gebre a les fulles.
It was a combination of mist and the reflection of the moonlight on tiny frost crystals on the leaves.
Un fenomen espectacular i poc habitual.
A spectacular and rare phenomenon.
—És la naturalesa, Eudald. Com em pensava.
"It's nature, Eudald. Just as I thought."
Eudald va sentir una barreja d'admiració i resignació.
Eudald felt a mix of admiration and resignation.
—He d'admetre, Elisenda, que és meravellós. Gràcies per ajudar-me a veure-ho.
"I must admit, Elisenda, it is wonderful. Thank you for helping me see it."
Elisenda somriure, assaborint el moment.
Elisenda smiled, savoring the moment.
—Potser les llegendes no tenen tant de veritat,
"Maybe the legends don't have much truth,
però és important estar obert a les meravelles i els misteris.
but it's important to remain open to wonders and mysteries."
Amb un nou respecte mutu, van tornar pel camí del bosc.
With a new mutual respect, they returned along the path through the forest.
Eudald ja no buscava la màgia només en el sobrenatural; ara la veia en la vida i les ciències.
Eudald no longer sought magic only in the supernatural; now he saw it in life and the sciences.
Elisenda va començar a veure que l'encant i la curiositat podien enriquir les seves investigacions.
Elisenda began to see that enchantment and curiosity could enrich her research.
Aquella nit, el bosc del Montseny havia unit dos punts de vista diferents, mostrant que hi ha espai per a la màgia i la ciència en el món.
That night, the forest of El Montseny had united two different points of view, showing that there is room for both magic and science in the world.
I mentre caminaven cap a casa, el bosc els va semblar menys misteriós, però no menys màgic.
And as they walked home, the forest seemed less mysterious but no less magical.