Núria's Heartwarming Gift Hunt at Mercat de Sant Antoni
FluentFiction - Catalan
Núria's Heartwarming Gift Hunt at Mercat de Sant Antoni
El mercat de Sant Antoni bullia d'activitat aquell matí d'hivern.
The mercat de Sant Antoni was buzzing with activity that winter morning.
Els llums de Nadal penjaven a l'aire, il·luminant els passadissos entre les parades.
The Nadal lights hung in the air, illuminating the aisles between the stalls.
Núria avançava amb pas ràpid, cuidant de no topar amb els altres compradors.
Núria moved quickly, careful not to bump into the other shoppers.
Volia trobar els regals perfectes per a la seva família i amics.
She wanted to find the perfect gifts for her family and friends.
Sentia l'ansietat creixent a mesura que mirava les llistes de preus i calculava mentalment el pressupost.
Her anxiety grew as she looked at the price lists and mentally calculated her budget.
El soroll de la gent feia que Núria es sentís més perduda.
The noise from the crowd made Núria feel more lost.
Però tenia un pla: prioritzar primer els regals dels seus familiars més propers.
But she had a plan: prioritize the gifts for her closest family members first.
Si li quedaven temps i diners, aleshores pensaria en la resta.
If she had any time and money left, then she would think about the others.
Pere, el seu germà petit, estimava els llibres d'aventures, així que va decidir buscar un que li agradés.
Pere, her little brother, loved adventure books, so she decided to look for one he would like.
Però, entre la gentada, trobar una parada de llibres semblava una tasca titànica.
But, amid the crowd, finding a book stall seemed like a Herculean task.
Llavors, va recordar en Jordi, un botiguer amable que sempre li havia donat bons consells.
Then, she remembered Jordi, a friendly shopkeeper who had always given her good advice.
Va decidir buscar la seva parada per demanar ajuda.
She decided to look for his stall to ask for help.
En veure-la arribar, Jordi la va saludar amb un somriure càlid.
Seeing her arrive, Jordi greeted her with a warm smile.
"Núria, bon dia!
"Núria, good morning!
Què et porta per aquí avui?
What brings you here today?"
""Hola, Jordi," va respondre Núria, "busco uns regals especials per Nadal i estic una mica perduda.
"Hello, Jordi," Núria replied, "I'm looking for some special gifts for Nadal and I feel a bit lost.
Creus que pots ajudar-me?
Do you think you can help me?"
"Jordi assentí amb entusiasme.
Jordi nodded enthusiastically.
"És clar que sí!
"Of course!
Vine, tinc algunes coses que podrien agradar-t'ho.
Come, I have some things you might like."
" La va conduir a una petita parada amagada darrere un badall de llums.
He led her to a small stall hidden behind a curtain of lights.
El lloc estava ple d'objectes fets a mà: artesanies, joies, bufandes de llana i, per descomptat, llibres.
The place was full of handmade items: crafts, jewelry, wool scarves, and, of course, books.
Núria va començar a veure possibilitats a tot arreu.
Núria began to see possibilities everywhere.
Va trobar un llibre il·lustrat per a Pere, una bufanda suau per a la seva mare i unes arracades elegants per a la seva germana.
She found an illustrated book for Pere, a soft scarf for her mother, and elegant earrings for her sister.
Mentre escollia, la seva ansietat es va anar dissipant, i va sentir una alegria creixent per haver trobat regals tan originals i significatius.
As she chose, her anxiety dissipated, and she felt a growing joy for having found such original and meaningful gifts.
Amb la bossa plena i el cor lleuger, Núria va sortir del mercat.
With her bag full and her heart light, Núria left the market.
La llum del matí brillava més intensament, reflectint-se en el seu somriure.
The morning light shone more brightly, reflecting in her smile.
Havia après que el que realment importava no era la perfecció dels regals, sinó el pensament i l'amor darrere d'ells.
She had learned that what really mattered was not the perfection of the gifts, but the thought and love behind them.
Ara, mentre caminava cap a casa, sabia que aquell Nadal seria especial.
Now, as she walked home, she knew this Nadal would be special.
No pel valor monetari dels regals, sinó per la dedicació i el sentiment que havia posat a cadascun d'ells.
Not because of the monetary value of the gifts, but because of the dedication and feeling she had put into each one of them.
Allò era el veritable esperit del Nadal.
That was the true spirit of Nadal.