A Christmas Confession: Jordi's Letter of Love
FluentFiction - Catalan
A Christmas Confession: Jordi's Letter of Love
L'ambient a la cafeteria de l'institut era una explosió de color i alegria.
The atmosphere in the school cafeteria was an explosion of color and joy.
Llums que parpellejaven, arbres guarnits amb brillants guarniments i una aroma de pi i xocolata calenta que envaïa l'espai.
Flickering lights, trees adorned with brilliant ornaments, and an aroma of pine and hot chocolate filled the space.
Era el dia de la festa de Nadal, i l'expectativa es palpava a l'aire.
It was Christmas party day, and anticipation was palpable in the air.
Jordi, amb els seus auriculars sempre presents al voltant del coll, mirava amb una mescla de nervis i emoció.
Jordi, with his headphones always hanging around his neck, watched with a mix of nerves and excitement.
Admirava Marina des de feia temps, però la seva timidesa li impedia fer un pas endavant.
He had admired Marina for a long time, but his shyness prevented him from taking a step forward.
Marina, sempre riallera i envoltada d'amics, semblava inabastable.
Marina, always cheerful and surrounded by friends, seemed unattainable.
"Jordi, només has de dir-ho!", li recomanava sovint l'Elena, la seva millor amiga, amb un somriure entremaliat.
"Jordi, you just have to say it!" his best friend Elena often recommended with a mischievous smile.
Però Jordi tenia un pla secret: havia escrit una carta d'amor a Marina.
But Jordi had a secret plan: he had written a love letter to Marina.
Mai no l'hi havia d'entregar directament; només volia que ella sabés els seus sentiments.
He never intended to give it to her directly; he just wanted her to know his feelings.
Al racó de la cafeteria, es preparava la taula per a les presentacions.
In the corner of the cafeteria, the table was being set up for the presentations.
Jordi va alçar la vista, amb un sobresalt, quan va veure com l'Elena, amb el seu etern aire despreocupat, agafava papers d'un munt desordenat.
Jordi looked up, startled, when he saw Elena, with her perpetual carefree air, picking up papers from a disordered pile.
El cor li va donar un sotrac; el seu secret podria estar allà.
His heart skipped a beat; his secret could be there.
Desespsobrat, Jordi pensava en les seves opcions.
Desperate, Jordi thought about his options.
Podria arrabassar els papers abans que arribessin a les mans de Marina.
He could snatch the papers before they reached Marina's hands.
Però el seu cos no el va obeir i es va quedar quiet.
But his body did not obey him and he stayed still.
La sala va ressonar amb l'anunci de l’inici de les activitats.
The room resonated with the announcement of the start of activities.
Els estudiants van començar a aplaudir i cridar.
The students began to applaud and shout.
Marina es va posar dempeus, disposada a llegir les notes que li havien passat.
Marina stood up, ready to read the notes she had been given.
Jordi va sentir el seu nom, mentre ella llegia les paraules amb la seva veu melodiosa.
Jordi heard his name as she read the words with her melodious voice.
El temps es va aturar.
Time stood still.
Marina llegia al principi amb entusiasme, fins que el to de la carta va canviar.
Marina started reading enthusiastically, until the tone of the letter changed.
Les seves galtes es sonrojaren lleugerament, però va seguir llegint fins al final.
Her cheeks blushed slightly, but she kept reading until the end.
Un petit somriure va aparèixer als seus llavis mentre acabava la lectura.
A small smile appeared on her lips as she finished the reading.
Jordi la mirava, amb el cor bategant amb força.
Jordi watched her, his heart beating hard.
Quan va abaixar els papers, el soroll de la sala va baixar un to.
When she lowered the papers, the noise in the room lowered a tone.
Marina, amb els ulls brillant de complicitat, va buscar la mirada de Jordi entre la multitud.
Marina, with her eyes bright with complicity, sought out Jordi's gaze in the crowd.
Ell, amb un somriure sincer, va fer un petit gest amb la mà, com qui demana una oportunitat.
He, with a sincere smile, made a small gesture with his hand, like someone asking for a chance.
I així, enmig de la bullícia de la festa, Jordi va aprendre una lliçó: la vulnerabilitat pot ser un pont cap a la confiança.
And so, amid the bustle of the party, Jordi learned a lesson: vulnerability can be a bridge to trust.
Marina, sense perdre el seu agradable caràcter, havia entès i havia acceptat els seus sentiments.
Marina, without losing her pleasant demeanor, had understood and accepted his feelings.
L'Elena, al seu costat, va donar-li un copet al braç.
Elena, by his side, gave him a light tap on the arm.
"Veus? Això és la màgia del Nadal.", va dir ella, amb un mig somriure de satisfacció.
"See? That's the magic of Christmas," she said with a half-smile of satisfaction.
A la cafeteria, la celebració va continuar, encara més alegre i significativa per a Jordi.
In the cafeteria, the celebration continued, even more joyful and meaningful for Jordi.
Les llums del Nadal no només il·luminaven l’espai, sinó també el seu cor renovat de confiança i esperances de futur.
The Christmas lights not only illuminated the space but also his heart, renewed with confidence and hopes for the future.