Laia's Bold Leap: From Barcelona to Paris Dream Pursuit
FluentFiction - Catalan
Laia's Bold Leap: From Barcelona to Paris Dream Pursuit
La Laia estava dreta davant del taulell de facturació a l'aeroport de Barcelona-El Prat.
Laia was standing in front of the check-in counter at Barcelona-El Prat airport.
Les llums de Nadal il·luminaven l'espai amb una calidesa alegre.
The Christmas lights illuminated the space with a cheerful warmth.
Les seves mans tremolaven amb una barreja d'excitació i nervis.
Her hands were trembling with a mix of excitement and nerves.
Feia setmanes que es preparava per aquest moment.
She had been preparing for this moment for weeks.
Laia somiava amb estudiar a París.
Laia dreamed of studying in Paris.
Volia millorar el seu francès i viure una gran aventura.
She wanted to improve her French and live a great adventure.
Però ara, l'emoció es barrejava amb el temor de viatjar sola per primera vegada.
But now, the excitement was mixed with the fear of traveling alone for the first time.
L'Oriol, el seu germà gran, estava al seu costat.
Oriol, her older brother, stood by her side.
Havia insistit en acompanyar-la fins al final.
He had insisted on accompanying her to the end.
Tot i la seva cara de preocupació, va abraçar-la amb força.
Despite his concerned face, he hugged her tightly. "
"Laia, ets molt valenta, però estàs segura que estàs preparada per viure sola a l'estranger?
Laia, you are very brave, but are you sure you are ready to live alone abroad?"
", va preguntar amb una veu una mica tremolosa.
he asked with a slightly trembling voice.
La Marta, la seva millor amiga, es mantenia al costat de Laia mentre els ulls li brillaven amb llàgrimes.
Marta, her best friend, stood next to Laia while her eyes glistened with tears.
"Ho faràs genial!
"You will do great!
Però em costarà molt no tenir-te a prop", va confessar, mentre les llàgrimes li regalimaven galta avall.
But it will be hard not having you close," she confessed, as tears streamed down her cheek.
"Ho sé, Marta," va dir Laia amb un somriure trist.
"I know, Marta," said Laia with a sad smile.
"Però prometo mantenir-nos en contacte, sempre.
"But I promise to keep in touch, always."
"A prop del taulell, s'apropava el moment d'acomiadar-se.
Near the counter, the moment to say goodbye was approaching.
La Laia va respirar profundament i va mirar al seu voltant.
Laia took a deep breath and looked around.
Va veure famílies reunint-se, parelles acomiadant-se amb petons dolços, i nens corrent emocionats.
She saw families gathering, couples bidding farewell with sweet kisses, and children running excitedly.
Tot l'aeroport era un mosaic de vides que es creuaven.
The whole airport was a mosaic of intersecting lives.
Finalment, va arribar el moment.
Finally, the moment arrived.
L'Oriol i la Marta la van abraçar un cop més.
Oriol and Marta hugged her once more.
"Cuida’t", va murmurar Oriol.
"Take care," murmured Oriol.
La Marta simplement va agafar les mans de Laia i va somriure.
Marta simply held Laia's hands and smiled.
La Laia es va apartar i es va dirigir cap a la porta d'embarcament.
Laia stepped away and headed toward the boarding gate.
Va mirar enrere una última vegada, veient les cares amables dels qui tant estimava.
She looked back one last time, seeing the kind faces of those she loved so much.
Sabia que aquest era el moment de deixar els dubtes enrere.
She knew this was the moment to leave doubts behind.
Mentre esperava, la Laia es va adonar que, tot i els seus nervis, estava disposada a afrontar el repte.
As she waited, Laia realized that despite her nerves, she was ready to face the challenge.
Si quedava alguna por, va decidir que el desig d'aprendre i créixer era més fort.
If there was any fear left, she decided that her desire to learn and grow was stronger.
Quan la cridaren per embarcar, Laia va agafar aire i va somriure amb confiança.
When she was called to board, Laia took a breath and smiled confidently.
Va entrar a l’avió amb la intenció de fer realitat el seu somni.
She boarded the plane with the intention of making her dream a reality.
Així, amb el cor ple d'emoció, Laia va saber que el camí que iniciava seria només el primer pas d'un gran viatge personal.
Thus, with her heart full of emotion, Laia knew that the path she was starting was just the first step of a great personal journey.