FluentFiction - Catalan

A Journey Home: Martí's Unforgettable Christmas Reunion

FluentFiction - Catalan

17m 16sDecember 24, 2024

A Journey Home: Martí's Unforgettable Christmas Reunion

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  • El vent d'hivern bufava fred a l'aeroport del Prat.

    The winter wind blew cold at el Prat airport.

  • Les llums de Nadal brillaven al sostre, donant un toc càlid a l'hall ple de gent.

    The Christmas lights shone on the ceiling, adding a warm touch to the hall full of people.

  • Martí, amb la maleta a la mà, mirava el panell de vols.

    Martí, with the suitcase in hand, looked at the flight board.

  • Retrasat.


  • Un altre cop.


  • El cor li va fer un tomb.

    His heart sank.

  • Volia estar a casa per Nadal.

    He wanted to be home for Christmas.

  • Feia mesos que era a Londres, treballant en una nova feina.

    He had been in London for months, working at a new job.

  • L'experiència era enriquidora, però la soledat es feia sentir.

    The experience was enriching, but the loneliness was palpable.

  • Els dies eren rutinaris, i els caps de setmana, silenciosos.

    The days were routine, and the weekends, silent.

  • Martí somiava amb el sopar de Nadal: el rostit de l'àvia, la música de fons, i sobretot, les rialles de la seva família.

    Martí dreamed of the Christmas dinner: Grandma’s roast, background music, and above all, the laughter of his family.

  • Decidit a no perdre's l'ocasió, va anar de seguida a una taquilla.

    Determined not to miss the occasion, he immediately went to a ticket counter.

  • "Vull un altre vol cap a Barcelona, si us plau."

    "I want another flight to Barcelona, please."

  • La noia del mostrador li va somriure comprensiva i es va posar a teclejar.

    The girl at the counter gave him an understanding smile and started typing.

  • Martí es recolzava al taulell, sentint l'angoixa del temps que s'escapava.

    Martí leaned on the counter, feeling the anxiety of time slipping away.

  • Mentrestant, a casa, Gemma i Àlex ja ho tenien tot preparat.

    Meanwhile, at home, Gemma and Àlex had everything ready.

  • La taula llarga, decorada amb espelmes i galets, esperava el seu fill.

    The long table, decorated with candles and galets, awaited their son.

  • La Gemma fregia els últims calamars, mentre l'Àlex afegia llenya al foc.

    Gemma was frying the last of the squid while Àlex added logs to the fire.

  • “Creus que arribarà a temps?” va preguntar Àlex, mirant per la finestra.

    “Do you think he’ll make it on time?” asked Àlex, looking out the window.

  • La neu començava a caure suaument, cobrint tot d'una capa blanca.

    The snow began to gently fall, covering everything in a white layer.

  • A l'aeroport, Martí finalment va trobar un vol.

    At the airport, Martí finally found a flight.

  • Corria pels passadissos, esquivant viatgers amb pressa.

    He ran through the corridors, dodging hurried travelers.

  • El seu cor bategava ràpid.

    His heart was racing.

  • Va filar-se entre la gent amb agilitat, el bitllet ferm a la mà.

    He weaved through the crowd with agility, the ticket firm in his hand.

  • Finalment, va pujar a l'avió, sentint l'estirabot de l'adrenalina i l'esperança renéixer.

    Finally, he boarded the plane, feeling a rush of adrenaline and hope blossoming again.

  • Les hores van passar lentes a l'aire.

    The hours passed slowly in the air.

  • Martí no podia aguantar les ganes d'aterrar.

    Martí could barely hold back his excitement to land.

  • Quan finalment van arribar a Barcelona, es va llençar per la porta, optimista.

    When they finally arrived in Barcelona, he rushed out the door, optimistic.

  • El seu cor bategava amb força.

    His heart was pounding.

  • Sabia que corria contra el temps, però no es va detenir.

    He knew he was racing against time, but he didn't stop.

  • La terminal brillant amb unes llumetes li va semblar més amable que mai.

    The terminal, glowing with little lights, seemed kinder than ever.

  • Martí travessà la porta de sortida amb energia renovada.

    Martí crossed the exit door with renewed energy.

  • Dins la casa, els seus pares s'asseien a taula amb un aire melancòlic.

    Inside the house, his parents were sitting at the table with a melancholic air.

  • Just en aquell moment, la porta es va obrir bruscament.

    Just at that moment, the door swung open.

  • Martí, amb les galtes enrojolades pel fred, els mirava amb ulls brillants.

    Martí, his cheeks flushed from the cold, looked at them with bright eyes.

  • Ells es van aixecar corrents i el van abraçar amb força.

    They stood up quickly and hugged him tightly.

  • “Has arribat!” va exclamar la Gemma, amb llàgrimes a la cara.

    “You made it!” exclaimed Gemma, with tears on her face.

  • Martí els va envoltar amb els braços, sentint-se, per fi, a casa.

    Martí wrapped his arms around them, feeling finally at home.

  • L'àlex li va donar un cop afectuós a l'esquena.

    Àlex gave him an affectionate pat on the back.

  • Al seu voltant, aquell sopar prenia vida.

    Around him, the dinner came to life.

  • La distància no havia apagat l'amor.

    The distance hadn't extinguished the love.

  • Martí ho entenia ara.

    Martí understood that now.

  • Ser present era el que importava.

    Being present was what mattered.

  • I davant d'ells, el Nadal brillava amb més intensitat que mai.

    And before them, Christmas shone more brightly than ever.

  • Els plats es van omplir i la música va començar a sonar.

    Plates were filled, and the music started to play.

  • Junts, van gaudir d'una vetllada que mai oblidarien.

    Together, they enjoyed an evening they would never forget.

  • Aquell Nadal a casa era, definitivament, el millor regal.

    That Christmas at home was, definitely, the best gift.