New Year's Eve: A Love Found Amidst Barcelona's Festivities
FluentFiction - Catalan
New Year's Eve: A Love Found Amidst Barcelona's Festivities
La nit de Cap d'Any a la Plaça de Catalunya era màgica.
New Year's Eve at Plaça de Catalunya was magical.
Un mar de gent omplia la plaça, il·luminada per milers de llums brillants.
A sea of people filled the square, illuminated by thousands of bright lights.
L'aire era fred, però l'emoció escalfava l'ambient.
The air was cold, but the excitement warmed the atmosphere.
Oriol s'obria pas entre la multitud, concentrat en una única missió: trobar la Marta abans de la mitjanit.
Oriol made his way through the crowd, focused on one single mission: to find Marta before midnight.
Marta era distraïda, sempre amb el cap a mil llocs diferents.
Marta was absent-minded, always with her head in a thousand different places.
Havia perdut el seu braçalet preferit durant la celebració i Oriol, que havia estat al seu costat una estona abans, ho havia recollit del terra.
She had lost her favorite bracelet during the celebration, and Oriol, who had been by her side a moment earlier, had picked it up from the ground.
El cor d'Oriol bategava ràpidament, no només per la urgència de tornar el braçalet, sinó pels sentiments que portava guardats per la Marta.
Oriol's heart was beating rapidly, not only because of the urgency to return the bracelet but because of the feelings he had kept inside for Marta.
Jordi, al seu costat, li havia dit de manera escèptica: "No serà fàcil trobar-la amb tanta gent, però no perdis l'esperança".
Jordi, beside him, had skeptically said, "It won't be easy to find her with so many people, but don't lose hope."
La plaça bullia d'alegria i música.
The square buzzed with joy and music.
El temps passava, els segons semblaven córrer més ràpid que mai.
Time was passing, and the seconds seemed to race by faster than ever.
Oriol va pensar ràpidament i va decidir fer quelcom arriscat.
Oriol thought quickly and decided to do something risky.
Se'n va enfilar a un escenari temporal muntat per la festa, buscant una millor visió.
He climbed onto a temporary stage set up for the party, seeking a better view.
Des d'allà, va escanejar la multitud, el pols li martellava a les orelles.
From there, he scanned the crowd, his pulse pounding in his ears.
I aleshores, just quan el rellotge marcava el començament del compte enrere, Oriol va veure una silueta coneguda entre la gent.
Then, just as the clock started the countdown, Oriol spotted a familiar silhouette among the people.
Era Marta, ballant i somrient com sempre.
It was Marta, dancing and smiling as usual.
Sense pensar-s'ho dues vegades, Oriol va baixar de l'escenari i es va obrir pas, esquivant i empenyent suaument entre la massa, el temps era curt, el moment crític.
Without a second thought, Oriol descended from the stage and made his way through, gently dodging and pushing through the mass, time was short, the moment critical.
"Deu! Nou! Vuit!" El compte enrere començava a ressonar per tota la plaça.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!" The countdown began to echo throughout the square.
Oriol gairebé va ensopegar, però no es va rendir.
Oriol nearly tripped, but he didn't give up.
"Set! Sis! Cinc!" Va estirar el braç amb el braçalet tancat al seu puny.
"Seven! Six! Five!" He stretched out his arm with the bracelet clutched in his fist.
Finalment, la seva mà va tocar l'espatlla de Marta, just quan es cridava "Un!"
Finally, his hand touched Marta's shoulder, just as "One!" was shouted.
Marta es va girar, sorpresa, i va veure l'Oriol amb el braçalet.
Marta turned, surprised, and saw Oriol with the bracelet.
Els ulls d'Oriol brillaven amb determinació i també amb una mica de nerviosisme.
Oriol's eyes shone with determination and a bit of nervousness.
Li va retornar el braçalet i, amb els focs artificials esclatant al cel, va trobar el valor per dir-li: "No només volia tornar-te això. Volia dir-te com em sento. Feliç Any Nou, Marta."
He returned the bracelet to her, and with fireworks bursting in the sky, he found the courage to say, "I didn't just want to return this to you. I wanted to tell you how I feel. Happy New Year, Marta."
Marta va somriure, una barreja d'alegria i sorpresa.
Marta smiled, a mix of joy and surprise.
"Feliç Any Nou, Oriol," va respondre, mentre el cel s'omplia de colors.
"Happy New Year, Oriol," she replied, as the sky filled with colors.
En aquell moment, tot i la multitud i el soroll, semblava que només hi fossin ells dos.
At that moment, despite the crowd and the noise, it seemed it was just the two of them.
El nou any començava amb un nou encenall d'esperança i la promesa d'un començament compartit.
The new year began with a new spark of hope and the promise of a shared beginning.