
Spontaneous Celebration: Turning Lunch into a New Year's Bash
FluentFiction - Catalan
Spontaneous Celebration: Turning Lunch into a New Year's Bash
La llum del migdia entrava a raig per les finestres grans de la cafeteria de l'institut.
The midday light streamed in through the large windows of the school cafeteria.
L'aire estava ple de les olors del dinar i del xivarri dels estudiants.
The air was filled with the scents of lunch and the chatter of students.
Les taules eren un caos de safates i motxilles amuntegades.
The tables were a chaotic jumble of trays and piled-up backpacks.
Enmig d'aquest soroll, Oriol, un noi amb els cabells despentinats i el somriure entusiasta, es va aixecar de cop amb una idea brillant al cap.
Amidst all this noise, Oriol, a boy with messy hair and an enthusiastic smile, suddenly stood up with a brilliant idea in mind.
"Ostres, gent!
"Wow, everyone!
Per què no fem una festa de Cap d'Any aquí i ara?
Why don't we throw a New Year's party here and now?"
" va dir, amb la seva veu segura i feliç.
he said, in his confident and happy voice.
La majoria de companys paraven màquina i miraven cap a ell amb sorpresa.
Most of his classmates stopped what they were doing and looked at him in surprise.
La Laia, pràctica però amb un ull que sempre brillava quan hi havia una oportunitat per alguna aventura, va somriure.
Laia, practical but with an eye that always sparkled when there was an opportunity for an adventure, smiled.
"Oriol, estàs boig?
"Oriol, are you crazy?
Treu el cap de les idees brillants.
Get your head out of these brilliant ideas.
Però, la veritat és que seria divertit", va admetre.
But, honestly, it would be fun," she admitted.
Martí, assegut al costat de la Laia, va fer una ullada escèptica, però la curiositat era evident en els seus ulls.
Martí, sitting next to Laia, cast a skeptical glance, though curiosity was evident in his eyes.
"I com penses fer-ho?
"And how do you plan to do it?
No tenim res preparat", va replicar, més encuriosit que crític.
We haven't prepared anything," he replied, more curious than critical.
"No importa!
"It doesn't matter!"
" va exclamar Oriol, mirant al seu voltant.
exclaimed Oriol, looking around.
"Podem utilitzar el que tenim.
"We can use what we have.
Mirem les coses amb creativitat.
Let's look at things creatively.
Les tovalloles poden fer de barrets de festa!
Napkins can serve as party hats!"
"La voluntat d'Oriol era contagiosa i, tot i que molts van dubtar, alguns estudiants van començar a aixecar-se, seguint-lo en la seva recerca de materials.
Oriol's willingness was contagious, and although many hesitated, some students began to stand up, following him in his quest for materials.
Com que el temps apressava, van improvisar amb tovallons de paper, guarnint-los amb colors de bolígrafs.
As time was of the essence, they improvised with paper napkins, decorating them with pen colors.
Laia va començar a plegar tovallons com si fossin barrets de festa, amb Martí al seu costat, ajudant amb més ganes de les que volia admetre.
Laia started folding napkins as if they were party hats, with Martí by her side, helping with more enthusiasm than he wanted to admit.
Aviat, més i més estudiants es van reunir a la taula, somrient i rient, mentre Oriol preparava el moment culminant.
Soon, more and more students gathered at the table, smiling and laughing, while Oriol prepared the climax of the moment.
"Listen up!"
" va cridar Oriol, pujant-se sobre una de les taules de la cafeteria per atraure l'atenció de tothom.
Oriol shouted, climbing onto one of the cafeteria tables to grab everyone's attention.
"Aquest any ha estat una boja muntanya russa, però tenim l'oportunitat de començar-ne un de nou junts!
"This year has been a crazy roller coaster, but we have the chance to start a new one together!
Que opinem, celebrem ara, com una gran família!
What do you say, shall we celebrate now, like a big family?"
"Els dubtes es van dissipar en l'aire.
Doubts dissipated in the air.
De sobte, el moment es va sentir màgic.
Suddenly, the moment felt magical.
Els estudiants es van posar els seus barrets improvisats, una explosió de rialles i aplaudiments omplint la sala.
The students put on their improvised hats, an explosion of laughter and applause filling the room.
L'alegria era palpable, una energia que transformava el lloc en un mas de festa inesperada i acollidora.
The joy was palpable, an energy that transformed the place into a welcoming and unexpected party venue.
Quan finalment el remolí de sons i rialles va començar a calmar-se, Oriol va baixar de la taula, satisfet.
When the whirlwind of sounds and laughter finally began to calm down, Oriol stepped down from the table, satisfied.
Havia après que, tot i que la preparació és important, la capacitat de trobar el plaer en la improvisació no té preu.
He had learned that while preparation is important, the ability to find joy in improvisation is invaluable.
Amb un somriure ampli als llavis, va veure com els seus amics gaudien del moment, sabent que aquell dia inesperat seria un record entranyable per a tothom.
With a wide smile on his face, he watched as his friends enjoyed the moment, knowing that this unexpected day would be a cherished memory for everyone.
I així, enmig d'un dia normal d'hivern, en una cafeteria qualsevol, Oriol i els seus companys havien creat un instant de màgia, lliure de les cadenes del temps.
And so, in the midst of a normal winter day, in an ordinary cafeteria, Oriol and his friends had created a magical moment, free from the chains of time.