Oriol's Journey: Between Family Ties and New Horizons
FluentFiction - Catalan
Oriol's Journey: Between Family Ties and New Horizons
Barcelona-El Prat bullia de vida aquell matí de primavera.
Barcelona-El Prat was bustling with life that spring morning.
Els viatgers caminaven amunt i avall, amb maletes rodant i murmuris en moltes llengües.
Travelers walked up and down, with rolling suitcases and murmurs in many languages.
L'Oriol es trobava en un racó de la botiga duty-free, envoltat de records tradicionals.
L'Oriol found himself in a corner of the duty-free shop, surrounded by traditional souvenirs.
Feia dies que li donava voltes a la seva vida, arrossegat entre la família a qui adorava i la necessitat de trobar el seu propi camí.
For days, he had been pondering his life, torn between the family he adored and the need to find his own path.
La Clara i la Laia, les seves amigues de tota la vida, l'havien acompanyat fins a l'aeroport.
La Clara and la Laia, his lifelong friends, had accompanied him to the airport.
Les dues estaven emocionades, preparades per anar a les Falles de València, tot i que Oriol havia decidit explorar nous horitzons fora del país.
The two were excited, ready to go to les Falles in València, even though Oriol had decided to explore new horizons outside the country.
"Què busques, Oriol?
"What are you looking for, Oriol?"
" va preguntar la Clara, observant com ell agafava i deixava objectes amb indecisió.
asked la Clara, watching as he picked up and put down objects with indecision.
"Alguna cosa que parli de mi i també de la família," respongué l'Oriol amb un sospir.
"Something that speaks about me and also about the family," replied L'Oriol with a sigh.
El temps corria i ell seguia embadalit davant de sabons de regal, ventalls de colors i ampolles de licor.
Time was ticking and he remained fascinated in front of gift soaps, colorful fans, and bottles of liquor.
Llavors, entre les figures de ceràmica, va veure'l: un petit "ninot" vestit amb roba tradicional valenciana.
Then, among the ceramic figures, he saw it: a small "ninot" dressed in traditional Valencian clothing.
Les Falles representaven la destrucció del vell i el naixement del nou.
Les Falles represented the destruction of the old and the birth of the new.
"Això és," pensà l'Oriol.
"This is it," thought Oriol.
Aquest ninot simbolitzava exactament el que sentia: la seva lluita entre l'obligació i la llibertat.
This "ninot" symbolized exactly what he felt: his struggle between obligation and freedom.
Amb el ninot a la mà, es va dirigir a la caixa.
With the "ninot" in hand, he headed to the cash register.
En aquell moment, per les altaveus, va sentir l'última crida per al seu vol.
At that moment, over the loudspeakers, he heard the final call for his flight.
El cor li va començar a bategar fort.
His heart began to race.
S'havia aparellat fins aquell punt amb la idea que podia triar entre la cua o l'avió, i ara necessitava reaccionar ràpid.
He had paired up until that point with the idea that he could choose between the line or the plane, and now he needed to react quickly.
"Corre, Oriol!
"Run, Oriol!"
" la Laia el va instar, i així ho va fer.
Laia urged him, and so he did.
Just abans de pujar a l'avió, va aconseguir pagar el souvenir i, amb el ninot ja a les mans, va pujar a bord.
Just before boarding the plane, he managed to pay for the souvenir and, with the "ninot" already in hand, he boarded.
Seient a l'avió, i mirant el petit ninot, l'Oriol va sentir una calma inesperada.
Seated on the plane and looking at the small "ninot," L'Oriol felt an unexpected calm.
Va comprendre que podia reconciliar el seu amor per la família amb el desig d'explorar el món.
He understood that he could reconcile his love for his family with the desire to explore the world.
Aquest petit tresor seria el seu record per recordar-li d'on venia i cap a on volia anar.
This little treasure would be his reminder of where he came from and where he wanted to go.
I amb aquest pensament, l'avió va enlairar-se suaument cap al cel, mentre ell tancava els ulls, sentint una renovada confiança per l'aventura que l'esperava.
And with this thought, the plane gently took off into the sky, as he closed his eyes, feeling a renewed confidence for the adventure that awaited him.