A Celebration at Prague Castle: A Family's Love and Legacy
FluentFiction - Czech
A Celebration at Prague Castle: A Family's Love and Legacy
Jan a Eva stáli před Pražským hradem.
Jan and Eva stood in front of Prague Castle.
Bylo to krásné ráno.
It was a beautiful morning.
Slunce svítilo a ptáci zpívali.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
Jan držel květiny.
Jan was holding flowers.
Eva měla velkou krabici s dortem.
Eva had a large box with a cake.
Oba byli nervózní.
Both were nervous.
Dnes byla velká oslava, výročí svatby prarodičů.
Today was a big celebration, their grandparents' wedding anniversary.
Hrad byl plný lidí.
The castle was full of people.
Celá rodina se sešla.
The whole family had gathered.
Strýcové, tety, bratranci a sestřenice.
Uncles, aunts, cousins.
Všichni se smáli a povídali si.
Everyone was laughing and chatting.
Jan a Eva se připojili k ostatním.
Jan and Eva joined the others.
Prarodiče seděli uprostřed nádvoří.
The grandparents sat in the middle of the courtyard.
Dědeček měl na sobě starý dobrý oblek.
Grandfather wore his good old suit.
Babička měla krásné červené šaty.
Grandmother wore a beautiful red dress.
Jan dal babičce květiny.
Jan gave the flowers to grandmother.
„Pro tebe, babi!
"For you, grandma!"
“ řekl s úsměvem.
he said with a smile.
Babička byla dojatá.
Grandmother was touched.
„Jsi tak hodný, Janku,“ řekla a objala ho.
"You are so kind, Jan," she said and hugged him.
Eva otevřela krabici s dortem.
Eva opened the box with the cake.
Všichni tleskali.
Everyone clapped.
Dort byl velký a krásný.
The cake was big and beautiful.
Měl padesát svíček.
It had fifty candles.
Někdo přinesl kytaru.
Someone brought a guitar.
Začala hudba a všichni zpívali.
Music started and everyone sang.
Prarodiče tančili.
The grandparents danced.
Byli šťastní.
They were happy.
Dědeček políbí babičku.
Grandfather kissed grandmother.
„Miluji tě,“ řekl.
"I love you," he said.
Babička se usmála.
Grandmother smiled.
„A já tebe,“ odpověděla.
"And I love you," she replied.
Večer začali pouštět ohňostroj.
In the evening, they started the fireworks.
Obloha byla plná barev.
The sky was full of colors.
Všichni se dívali a jásali.
Everyone watched and cheered.
Byla to krásná podívaná.
It was a beautiful spectacle.
Jan se podíval na Evu.
Jan looked at Eva.
„Jsem rád, že jsme tady,“ řekl.
"I'm glad we're here," he said.
Eva přikývla.
Eva nodded.
„Já taky,“ odpověděla.
"Me too," she replied.
Když ohňostroj skončil, všichni se pomalu rozcházeli.
When the fireworks ended, everyone slowly dispersed.
Jan a Eva pomáhali uklidit.
Jan and Eva helped clean up.
Bylo to dlouhý, ale krásný den.
It had been a long but beautiful day.
Dnes oslavili nejen prarodiče, ale i celou rodinu a lásku.
Today they celebrated not only their grandparents, but the whole family and love.
Nakonec se Jan a Eva rozloučili s prarodiči.
Finally, Jan and Eva said goodbye to their grandparents.
„Děkujeme za všechno,“ řekli.
"Thank you for everything," they said.
Babička a dědeček se usmáli.
Grandmother and grandfather smiled.
„Děkujeme vám, že jste přišli,“ odpověděli.
"Thank you for coming," they replied.
Jan a Eva odešli domů, unavení, ale šťastní.
Jan and Eva went home, tired but happy.
Věděli, že tento den si budou pamatovat navždy.
They knew they would remember this day forever.