Mystery of the Charles Bridge: A Treasure Hunt Across Prague
FluentFiction - Czech
Mystery of the Charles Bridge: A Treasure Hunt Across Prague
Na jedné klidné sluneční odpoledne, Jakub a Eva se procházeli po Karlově mostě.
On a serene sunny afternoon, Jakub and Eva were strolling across the Charles Bridge.
Měli rádi krásný výhled na město a Vltavu.
They loved the beautiful view of the city and the Vltava River.
Slyšeli, jak rackové zpívají a lodě tiše kloužou po řece.
They could hear the seagulls singing and the boats gliding silently on the river.
Jakub se náhle zvedl ze starého kamene a našel tajemný lístek mezi kameny mostu.
Jakub suddenly stood up from an old stone and found a mysterious note among the stones of the bridge.
Podal jej Evě.
He handed it to Eva.
"Podívej se, co jsem našel," řekl s úžasem.
"Look what I found," he said in amazement.
Eva jemně vzala lístek a začala ho číst.
Eva gently took the note and began to read it.
Na lístku stálo: "Hledání pokladu začíná zde.
The note said, "The treasure hunt begins here.
Podívej se pod sochu svatého Jana Nepomuckého."
Look under the statue of Saint John of Nepomuk."
Nemohli tomu uvěřit.
They could hardly believe it.
Rychle šli k soše.
They quickly went to the statue.
"Je to vůbec možné?"
"Is it even possible?"
ptala se Eva a oči jí zářily vzrušením.
Eva asked, her eyes shining with excitement.
Jakub pokrčil rameny, ale ruka mu otvírala tajné místo pod sochou.
Jakub shrugged, but his hand was already opening the secret place under the statue.
Tam našli další lístek.
There they found another note.
"Jděte k Pražskému orloji a hledejte hodiny," přečetla Eva nahlas.
"Go to the Astronomical Clock and look for the clock," Eva read aloud.
Bez váhání se oba vydali na cestu.
Without hesitation, they both set off on their way.
Srdce jim rychle bušilo, když běželi po královském městě.
Their hearts were pounding as they ran through the royal city.
U Orloje našli další stopu: "Konečný klíč je pod lavičkou v parku Stromovka."
At the Clock, they found another clue: "The final key is under a bench in Stromovka Park."
To už se stmívalo, ale Jakub a Eva se nenechali odradit.
It was already getting dark, but Jakub and Eva were not deterred.
Vešli do parku.
They entered the park.
Tam uviděli lavičku.
There, they saw a bench.
Během hledání našli malou skříňku pod ní.
During their search, they found a small box underneath it.
Uvnitř byla stará mapa a malá truhla.
Inside was an old map and a small chest.
Otevřeli truhlu a tam byly staré mince a drahokamy.
They opened the chest and there were old coins and gems.
Oba se rozesmáli radostí.
They both burst out laughing with joy.
"Našli jsme to!"
"We found it!"
vykřikl Jakub.
Jakub shouted.
Eva se na něj usmála a objala ho.
Eva smiled at him and hugged him.
Byli šťastní.
They were happy.
Poklad byl jejich.
The treasure was theirs.
Vrátili se na Karlův most s pokladem v batohu.
They returned to the Charles Bridge with the treasure in their backpack.
Slunce zapadalo a jejich dobrodružství skončilo.
The sun was setting and their adventure had come to an end.
Byli spokojeni a s krásnými vzpomínkami se vrátili domů.
They were content and returned home with beautiful memories.
Vždy budou vzpomínat na ten den a na záhadu Karlova mostu.
They would always remember that day and the mystery of the Charles Bridge.
A tak skončila jejich tajemná cesta s pokladem v srdci Prahy.
And so, their mysterious journey with the treasure in the heart of Prague ended.