Prague History: A Student's Journey on Charles Bridge
FluentFiction - Czech
Prague History: A Student's Journey on Charles Bridge
Na Karlově mostě bylo rušno.
The Charles Bridge was bustling.
Slunce svítilo a turisti se procházeli.
The sun was shining, and tourists were strolling.
Jan, Eva a Petr stáli na okraji mostu.
Jan, Eva, and Petr stood at the edge of the bridge.
Byli to studenti střední školy.
They were high school students.
Měli velký projekt z historie.
They had a big history project.
„Musíme fotit a psát si poznámky,“ řekla Eva.
"We have to take photos and write notes," Eva said.
Všichni tři měli malé zápisníky.
All three had small notepads.
Jan měl taky digitální fotoaparát.
Jan also had a digital camera.
Eva se podívala na sochy na mostě.
Eva looked at the statues on the bridge.
„Tahle socha je svatý Jan Nepomucký,“ řekla a napsala si to.
"This statue is Saint John of Nepomuk," she said and wrote it down.
„On je důležitý pro českou historii.“
"He is important for Czech history."
Jan si zvedl fotoaparát k oku a vyfotil sochu.
Jan lifted his camera to his eye and took a photo of the statue.
„Co ještě o něm víme?“ zeptal se.
"What else do we know about him?" he asked.
Petr se zamyslel.
Petr thought for a moment.
„Říká se, že byl svržen do Vltavy,“ dodal a také zapisoval.
"It's said that he was thrown into the Vltava," he added, writing as well.
„Podívejte,“ ukázala Eva na ceduli na mostě.
"Look," Eva pointed to a sign on the bridge.
„Tady je napsáno, že most postavil Karel IV.“
"It says here that the bridge was built by Charles IV."
„Karel IV. byl velký český král,“ připomněl Jan.
"Charles IV was a great Czech king," Jan reminded them.
„Měli bychom najít víc o Karlu IV.,“ dodal Petr.
"We should find more about Charles IV," Petr added.
Dostali se k velké věži.
They reached a large tower.
Vlezli na věž.
They climbed up the tower.
Vyšli po schodech a nahoře viděli celý most a Prahu.
They went up the stairs and at the top, they could see the entire bridge and Prague.
Eva si dělala poznámky: „Tady nahoře je krásný výhled.“
Eva was taking notes: "The view from up here is beautiful."
Jan fotil panorama.
Jan was photographing the panorama.
„Tohle bude v naší prezentaci.“
"This will be in our presentation."
Petr se najednou zamračil.
Petr suddenly frowned.
„Nemáme dost informací. Musíme do knihovny.“
"We don't have enough information. We need to go to the library."
„Ano, ale teď jsme shromáždili hodně informací,“ namítla Eva.
"Yes, but we've gathered a lot of information now," Eva countered.
„Můžeme ty informace spojit s dalšími zdroji.“
"We can combine this information with other sources."
Jan a Petr přikývli.
Jan and Petr nodded.
„Eva má pravdu,“ řekl Jan.
"Eva is right," said Jan.
„Musíme zjistit víc, ale už jsme udělali hodně.“
"We need to find more, but we've done a lot already."
Vrátili se zpět na most a podívali se na Vltavu.
They returned to the bridge and looked at the Vltava.
Byli spokojení.
They were satisfied.
„Mám už hodně fotek,“ řekl Jan.
"I have a lot of photos now," said Jan.
„S těmi poznámkami to dohromady bude skvělá prezentace.“
"With these notes, it will be a great presentation."
„Jo, bude to super,“ usmála se Eva.
"Yeah, it'll be awesome," Eva smiled.
Petr zavřel svůj zápisník.
Petr closed his notepad.
„Pojďme do knihovny dokončit projekt.“
"Let's go to the library to finish the project."
S úsměvem se vydali z Karlova mostu.
Smiling, they walked away from the Charles Bridge.
Věděli, že jejich projekt bude úspěšný.
They knew their project would be successful.