Bethan’s Market Quest: A Journey for Hidden Treasure
FluentFiction - Welsh
Bethan’s Market Quest: A Journey for Hidden Treasure
Ym Mharc Marchnad Llachar yng Nghaerdydd, roedd yr haul yn tywynnu'n llachar.
At the Vibrant Market Square in Cardiff, the sun was shining brightly.
Roedd Bethan yn cerdded trwy'r arcedau a'r stondinau lliwgar, chwilio am drysor prin.
Bethan walked through the arcades and colorful stalls, searching for a rare treasure.
Roedd y farchnad yn ferw bywyd, gyda seiniau gwerthwyr yn gweiddi, cerddorion stryd yn chwarae, ac arogleuon blodau ffres a bwyd stryd yn llenwi'r awyr.
The market was bustling with life, with the sounds of vendors shouting, street musicians playing, and the scents of fresh flowers and street food filling the air.
Roedd Bethan yn benderfynol.
Bethan was determined.
Roedd hi'n grwydro trwy'r stondinau efo llygaid chwilio.
She wandered through the stalls with searching eyes.
Roedd hi wedi darllen dyddiadur hen ei mam-gu a chael cliwiau'n arwain at drysor arbennig.
She had read her grandmother’s old diary and found clues leading to a special treasure.
“Beth ydych chi’n edrych amdano, cariad?” gofynnodd gwerthwr melysfaen gyda llygaid chwilfrydig.
“What are you looking for, love?” asked a candy seller with curious eyes.
“Rhywbeth hynafol, trinked bach gydag adroddiad arbennig,” atebodd Bethan, ceisio peidio dweud gormod.
“Something ancient, a small trinket with a special story,” replied Bethan, trying not to say too much.
Wrth ochr llall y farchnad, roedd dyn cyfrwys, gyda gwên slei, yn gwerthu pob math o bethau annisgwyl.
At the other side of the market, there was a sly man, with a cunning smile, selling all sorts of unexpected things.
Penderfynodd Bethan fynd ato.
Bethan decided to go to him.
“Mae gen i swllt, ond bydd rhaid i ti ddweud wrtha i beth yn union dych chi'n chwilio amdano,” meddai'r dyn gyda gwên.
“I have a shilling, but you’ll have to tell me exactly what you’re looking for,” said the man with a grin.
Eisiau peidio datgelu gormod, meddai Bethan yn bwyllog, “Rwy’n edrych am drysor hud a all ddatgelu cyfrinach hen.”
Not wanting to reveal too much, Bethan calmly said, “I’m looking for a magical treasure that can reveal an old secret.”
Gyda'r geiriau hynny, cafodd hi wybod fod pobl eraill yn chwilio am yr un trinked.
With those words, she found out that others were searching for the same trinket.
Roedd hynny’n gorffwys arno.
This rested heavily on her.
Roedd hi’n ei wybod nawr fod cyflwyniad yn agos i’r gwrthwynebwr.
She now knew that the discovery was close to the opponent.
Arhosodd hi gysgod sment.
She stayed in the shadow of a cement wall.
Roedd marchnadoedd prysur arwyddion a phob math o drysorodd hefyd.
Busy markets had their signs and all kinds of treasures too.
Roedd hi'n gwybod fod rhaid gasglu ei meddyliau.
She knew she had to gather her thoughts.
Cymerodd hi anadl ddofn a phenderfynodd i beidio a rhoi'r gorau iddi.
She took a deep breath and decided not to give up.
Wrth iddi bwyso ymlaen, gwelodd hen draddodiad o wasanethu trinsloffig gyda symbolau neiar arnaf.
As she pressed on, she saw an old piece of intricately carved wood with mysterious symbols on it.
“Mae hyn yn edrych fel beth rydw i’n chwilio amdano,” meddai Bethan wrtho.
“This looks like what I’m searching for,” said Bethan to herself.
“Rhaid i chwi ddod â phopeth i'w brofi'n gyntaf,” dywedodd y gwerthiwr, hefel.
“You must bring everything to prove it first,” said the seller, firmly.
Roedd pwysau'n cynyddu.
The pressure was increasing.
Bethan yn gwybod nawr beth oedd ei angen.
Bethan knew now what she needed.
Roedd hi'n gwybod nad oedd hi'n gallu stopio nawr.
She knew she couldn’t stop now.
Pan glywodd hi sŵn gwrthwynebwr yn dod, cyfeillith ei trincet.
When she heard the sound of the opponent approaching, she grabbed the trinket.
Roedd rhaid gwneud penderfyniad.
A decision had to be made.
Gwrthdawelodd i gasglu nwyddau a chymryd cynnig ddiogelwch.
She quietly gathered her belongings and took the first opportunity for safety.
Dyna ffordd dianc â hyn a pharhau ei chais.
That was her way to escape with it and continue her quest.
Cymrodd Bethan y trysor hud, ei dal yn nych i'w dor.
Bethan took the magical treasure, holding it tight to her chest.
Ar ddiweddant, roedd y drws llachar o'i blaen.
At the end, there was a bright door in front of her.
Roedd Bethan wedi gorffen ei thraciau a'i hafon.
Bethan had finished her track and journey.
Roedd hi'n gwybod fod hi ar y trywydd cywir nawr.
She knew she was now on the right path.
Roedd hi'n barod i ddatgelu hanes ei hen fam-gu a dilyn ei llwybr.
She was ready to uncover her grandmother's history and follow her trail.
Yn ôl yn ei chartref, agorwyd y dyddiadur ac am edrych cyntaf ar y tudalennau hyn.
Back at her home, the diary was opened, and she took the first look at its pages.
Roedd ei hyder wedi codi, ei chaledwedd wedi'i ennill, a'i chyswllt diwylliannol wedi'i gryfhau.
Her confidence had grown, her hard work gained, and her cultural connection strengthened.
Roedd hi'n barod i ddatgelu’r cyfrinachau a oedd wedi diflannu cyhyd.
She was ready to unveil the secrets that had been hidden for so long.