Autumn's Whisper: Finding Strength Beneath Cathedral Skies
FluentFiction - Welsh
Autumn's Whisper: Finding Strength Beneath Cathedral Skies
Roedd y dail yn cwympo fel telynau aur o goed Saint David's Cathedral, gyda'r awyr o gwmpas yn crisial clir o hydref yn y Gogledd Hemisffer.
The leaves were falling like golden harps from the trees at Saint David's Cathedral, with the air around as a crystal clear autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.
Roedd Emrys yn edrych i fyny at y tyrau uchel, ei galon yn llonydd wrth ddeall holl hanes y lle sanctaidd yma.
Emrys looked up at the tall towers, his heart steady as he contemplated the immense history of this sacred place.
Roedd Carys wrth ei ochr, ei gwallt yn chwythu yn y gwynt meddal, yn teimlo'r un parch pur at yr adeilad eiconig.
Carys was by his side, her hair blowing in the gentle wind, feeling the same pure reverence for the iconic building.
Ond, er gwaethaf y harddwch o'i gwmpas, teimlodd Emrys bwysau anhysbys yn sicrhau ei dal.
However, despite the beauty surrounding him, Emrys felt an unknown burden bearing down on him.
Ei ben yn rhyddhau tonnau o ddolur sy'n dychwelyd yn aml.
His head released waves of pain that often returned.
Ofnai fod rhywbeth mwy difrifol nag effaith straen.
He feared something more serious than mere stress.
Roedd yn teimlo fel pe byddai'r pen poeth yn gorchfygu pob meddyliau positif a dwfn o heddwch oedd y cathestrol yn ei gynnal.
It felt as if the throbbing was overpowering every positive thought and sense of peace the cathedral upheld.
Wrth i Emrys a Carys dod i eistedd ar fainc dan dŵr kopr, edrychodd Emrys ar ei chyfaill.
As Emrys and Carys sat on a bench beneath a copper bough, Emrys looked at his companion.
Roedd Carys yn person o dosturi, ei llygad yn llawn dealltwriaeth bob amser.
Carys was a person full of compassion, her eyes always filled with understanding.
"Mae gen i un peth i ddweud," dechreuodd Emrys gyda gryndod yn ei lais.
"I have something to say," Emrys began, his voice trembling.
"Pen tost...nid yw wedi mynd, Carys. Mae'n digwydd yn aml."
"This headache... it hasn't gone away, Carys. It happens often."
Cododd Carys ei llais heb taro nodyn o bryder.
Carys raised her voice without hitting a note of concern.
"Ai, rhyw newydd-deb? Pam nad oeddet yn dweud wrthyf cyn hyn?" gofynnodd hi'n dawel, ei chlyworasau'n cael eu lenwi gyda'r sain tawel o ganu arall o fewn y besty mausolem.
"Oh, something new? Why didn't you tell me before?" she asked quietly, her ears filled with the soft sound of distant chants within the grand mausoleum.
"Roeddwn i'n ofni," atebodd Emrys, ei lygaid yn gosod bwrw i lawr, "pe'thai rhywbeth difrifol, ni fyddwn am i'n taith yma gael ei ddifetha."
"I was afraid," Emrys replied, his eyes casting downwards, "if it were something serious, I didn't want our trip here to be ruined."
"Emrys," Carys yn parhau, yn agosáu’i law tan oglau cynnes ei ffrind, "dylech chi dalu sylw i'ch iechyd. Rhaid mynd at y meddyg. Ond ni fyddwch chi’n wynebu hyn ar ben ei hun."
"Emrys," Carys continued, reaching her hand near the warm presence of her friend, "you should pay attention to your health. You must see a doctor. But you won't face this alone."
Ymunodd teimlad o ryddhad gydag Emrys, fel dŵr glan yn golchi dros pridd.
A sense of relief washed over Emrys, like clean water washing over soil.
Daeth y dolur i ben am ychydig eiliadau, tra roedd golau'r ffenestri lliw yn llithro llwyth o'i flodau eu hunain ar y llawr slab.
The pain subsided for a few moments, as the light from the stained glass windows cast their own flowers on the stone floor.
Roedd y cathedrol yn rhoi heddwch inni.
The cathedral provided them peace.
"Diolch, Carys," dywedodd Emrys yn dawel ond yn benderfynol.
"Thank you, Carys," Emrys said softly but determinedly.
"Mae'n bwysicach nag erioed i fynd a chlywed y gwir."
"It's more important than ever to go and hear the truth."
Er y tywyllwch o bryder oedd wedi'i drwytho yn ei feddwl, cefais Emrys ddysgu gwerth cefnogaeth, ac ymdeimlodd gyda sicrwydd newydd.
Despite the darkness of worry that had seeped into his thoughts, Emrys learned the value of support and felt a newfound certainty.
Nawr, roeddynt dau, nid un, yn wynebu'r ansicrwydd.
Now, they were two, not one, facing the uncertainty.
Roedd y gwynt yn pigo drwy fynd neu addurniad llwyd.
The wind blew through the gentle or gray embellishment.
Y gwynt wrthynaya bod popeth yn iawn yn y diwedd, gyda ffrind sydd bob amser wrth ei ben.
The wind whispered that everything would be alright in the end, with a friend who is always there.