From Rain to Revelation: A City Story of Reconnection
FluentFiction - Welsh
From Rain to Revelation: A City Story of Reconnection
Yn nghanol prysurdeb y ddinas, roedd nifer o sŵn a symudiadau.
In the midst of the city's hustle and bustle, there was a multitude of noises and movements.
Tirlenwad o goed uchel gwydr, y skyscrapers, oedd megis ymestyn i'r awyr las.
A skyline filled with tall glass trees—the skyscrapers—seemed to stretch into the blue sky.
Roedd Rhys ac Carys yn cerdded yng nghanol y torfeydd, yn ceisio dod o hyd i'w lleoliad mewn lle mor anhrefnus.
Rhys and Carys walked among the crowds, trying to find their location in such a chaotic place.
Roedd Rhys yn dal ei gamera.
Rhys was holding his camera.
Ei nod oedd dal emosiynau pobl yn y ddinas hon.
His goal was to capture people's emotions in this city.
Ond heddiw roedd ganddo waith arall, ei awydd i ailgysylltu gyda hen ffrind, Carys.
But today, he had another task, his desire to reconnect with an old friend, Carys.
Roedd misoedd wedi pasio ers iddynt siarad am y tro diwethaf.
Months had passed since they last spoke.
Carys oedd wedi anelu i'r ddinas i ddod o hyd i ysbrydoliaeth newydd.
Carys had come to the city seeking new inspiration.
Roedd yn darlunio byd lliwgar mewn paent, ond roedd rhywbeth yn brin.
She painted a colorful world, but something was missing.
Roedd hi'n edrych o gwmpas, yn canfod syniadau gan y goleuadau.
She looked around, gathering ideas from the lights.
Er hynny, roedd hi'n teimlo rhywbeth yn ei gwthio i wynebu'i theimladau tuag at Rhys.
Nonetheless, she felt something pushing her to confront her feelings towards Rhys.
Gwnaethant gyfarfod wrth groesfan brysur.
They met at a busy crosswalk.
Gwelodd Rhys wyneb cyfarwydd ac roddodd wên gynnil.
Rhys saw a familiar face and gave a subtle smile.
"Carys," meddai'n bendant.
"Carys," he said confidently.
Roedd Carys yn sownd.
Carys was frozen.
Ond yn hytrach na chywilyddio, wrth gwrs rhagor o synau, nid oedd ffordd arall ond siarad â'i gilydd.
But instead of retreating, amidst the cacophony, there was no other way but to talk to each other.
"Beth am gerdded?" awgrymodd Carys, gan osgoi ei shoplifio teimladau o'r gorffennol.
"How about a walk?" Carys suggested, avoiding digging up feelings from the past.
Yn ystod eu taith, roedd sŵn y cerbydau a gweiddi pobl yn eu cysgodi.
During their stroll, the noise of vehicles and people's shouting overshadowed them.
Roedd y straeon heb eu dweud yn pwysleisio'r gap rhyngddynt.
The untold stories emphasized the gap between them.
Wrth iddynt gerdded, datblygodd cymylau tywyll uwch eu pennau.
As they walked, dark clouds formed above them.
Dechreuodd glaw trwm ddisgyn, a bu iddynt redeg am gysgod.
Heavy rain began to fall, and they ran for shelter.
Yn amddiffyn o'r glaw tanddaearol, dechreuodd Rhys siarad am yr hyn yr oeddent wedi ceisio osgoi.
Taking refuge from the rain underground, Rhys began to talk about what they had been trying to avoid.
"Rydym wedi bod yn cysgodi...nid yn unig rhag y glaw," meddai'n bwyllog.
"We’ve been hiding... not just from the rain," he said calmly.
Tynnodd Carys anadl ddofn, yn edrych i'w lygaid.
Carys took a deep breath, looking into his eyes.
"Dwi ddim wedi anghofio... ond nid wyf eisiau colli eto," mynnodd yn ddwys.
"I haven’t forgotten... but I don’t want to lose again," she insisted earnestly.
Siartiwyd awr o siarad gonest.
An hour of honest conversation followed.
Datgelwyd teimladau trosglwyddedig a gobaith newydd i gadw'r cyfeillgarwch byw.
Hidden feelings were revealed, and new hope emerged to keep the friendship alive.
Teimlad o lonydd wnaeth syrthio drostynt wrth i'r glaw leihau ei law.
A sense of calm fell over them as the rain eased.
Safodd ar eu traed, edrychasant allan.
They stood up and looked out.
Roedd y ddinas yn dechrau dinoethi.
The city was starting to reveal itself.
Gosododd Rhys ei gamera i’r naill ochr, gan wybod ei fod wedi cipio mwy nag unrhyw lun y diwrnod hwnnw.
Rhys set his camera aside, knowing he had captured more than any photo that day.
Wrth gerdded law-yn-llaw, roeddent yn teimlo rhyddhad sydyn a braint i ddechrau eto.
Walking hand in hand, they felt an overwhelming sense of relief and the privilege of starting anew.
Rhys oedd mwy cyfarwydd â mynegi ei deimladau, a chawsai Carys ysbrydoliaeth newydd—iechyd eu cyfeillgarwch.
Rhys was more familiar with expressing his feelings, and Carys found new inspiration—the health of their friendship.
Roedd yr hydref wedi dod â distâd.
Autumn had brought serenity.
Bu iddynt adael yr anhapus ynghyd â'r glaw sy'n cilio.
They left the unhappiness behind along with the receding rain.