Unearthly Discoveries: Venturing Ancient Welsh Ruins
FluentFiction - Welsh
Unearthly Discoveries: Venturing Ancient Welsh Ruins
Yn nghanol mannau anghofiedig Cymru, lle mae hanes yn gorwedd o dan haenau pridd, roedd adfeilion castell hynafol.
In the forgotten corners of Wales, where history lies beneath layers of earth, stood the ruins of an ancient castle.
Roedd yno wydrdarth, lle taflai cerrig crumbling gysgodion hir dan haul gwan serennog.
There was a mystique about the place, where crumbling stones cast long shadows under a waning starlit sun.
O good nos, roedd lleisiau adar y nos yn ategwaith i fflachiadau o fflamiau bychain.
At nightfall, the calls of nocturnal birds accompanied flickers of tiny flames.
Y bore hwnnw, ym mis Hydref cynnar, roedd y gwynt yn ffres ac yn crisial.
That morning, in early October, the wind was fresh and crystalline.
Roedd lliwiau trwm y dail syrthiedig yn corunau plethedig ar y llawr.
The heavy colors of fallen leaves formed braided crowns on the ground.
Gareth, archaeolegydd â brwdfrydedd tanbaid, oedd ar y safle.
Gareth, an archaeologist with fiery enthusiasm, was at the site.
Roedd ei fronnau'n llenwi â chyffro doe'r adfeilion.
His heart filled with the excitement of the ruins.
Roedd Rhian ar ei ochr, cynorthwyydd ifanc sydd yn cwestiynu ei ddulliau ond yn awyddus i ddysgu.
Rhian stood at his side, a young assistant who questioned his methods but was eager to learn.
"Dyma'r man," meddai Gareth, yn sefyll lle'r adroddwyd am arteffact chwedlonol.
"This is the spot," Gareth said, standing where a legendary artifact was rumored to be.
Roedd y sgwrs ar gampfa'r arteffact yn llenwi'r tîm ag optimistiaeth, ac roedd Gareth yn benderfynol i ddod o hyd iddo.
The talk of the artifact's significance filled the team with optimism, and Gareth was determined to find it.
Ond roedd y waliau'n beryglus, yn bygwth ymgolli o dan unrhyw fwlch ychwanegol.
But the walls were dangerous, threatening to collapse under any additional weight.
Rhian a Gareth dechreuon nhw gloddio yn ofalus, brwsio'r pridd yma ac acw.
Rhian and Gareth began to carefully excavate, brushing the earth here and there.
"A yw hwn yn saff?" gofynnodd Rhian, yn teimlo cryndod y ddaear dan traed.
"Is this safe?" Rhian asked, feeling the tremors of the ground beneath her feet.
Roedd Gareth yn segur am eiliad, ac yna'n ymateb, "Mae'n rhaid cymryd risgiau weithiau i ddatguddio'r gorffennol."
Gareth paused for a moment and then responded, "Sometimes you have to take risks to uncover the past."
Yn ystod cyffro'r ddaear, clywsant rybudd o storm yn agosau.
Amid the excitement on the ground, they heard a warning of an approaching storm.
Roedd amser yn rhedeg allan, ond cynnwrf sbarduno Gareth i barhau.
Time was running out, but the thrill spurred Gareth to continue.
"Rhaid i ni stopio, mae'r storm yn angenfilwr," cyngorai Rhian, ei llais yn llawn pryder.
"We have to stop; the storm is monstrous," Rhian advised, her voice filled with concern.
Ond roedd hyn yn golygu rhoi'r gorau i'r arteffact, neu roedd Gareth yn meddwl, ei enw da.
But this meant abandoning the artifact, or so Gareth thought—his reputation was at stake.
Y storm dorrodd ymlaen, â charreg gaerog yn tarfu ar ddyheadau arwrol.
The storm broke, with armored clouds disrupting heroic aspirations.
Gwynt yn flin a thonnau o law yn gyrru'r ddau i benderfyniad sydyn—dim ond gadael gallant.
Angry winds and waves of rain drove the two to a sudden decision—they could only leave.
Lliwisg i ben y bryn, stopiodd Gareth am funud.
As they hurried to the hilltop, Gareth paused for a moment.
O’i ochrau, amlygwyd gem losgid ar y llawr.
At his side, a charred gem lay on the ground, marking the deeper location of what they sought.
Roeddent yn deall taw dychwelyd y byddai'r hynoraeth.
They realized they had to return.
"A weithiasom drwy'r storm unwaith eto, gyda'r amser a'r offer cywir y tro nesaf?" gofynnodd Rhian.
"If we worked through the storm once more, with the right time and equipment next time?" Rhian asked.
"Byddwn ni," atebodd Gareth, gyda newyddfraint o wyleidd-dra a phosibiliadau.
"We will," Gareth replied, with newfound humility and possibilities.
A oedd Gareth wedi dysgu ei wers, hynny'r safle'n anghyfarch trwy gydol yr hydref?
Did Gareth learn his lesson, with the site remaining unwelcoming throughout the autumn?
Duwies newydd y fo wedi sylweddoli, gyda balas bellach rhyfedd, cydbwysedd rhwng uchelgais a'r cyfrifoldeb gan brofi ei bleidioldeb newydd mewn gwyn ac awdurdod Rhian.
A newfound goddess he had discovered, with now a strange balance in ambition and responsibility proving his new allegiance in Rhian's wisdom and authority.
Udaeth y storïa, gyda chwefror y sêr yn heulwen y dewrion, wedi'u hysbrydoli am un hwb arall y daw'r tro nesaf.
The story concluded, with the February stars shining upon the courageous, inspired for one more attempt the next time around.