Santorini's Warm Winds: A Family Reunited in Harmony
FluentFiction - Welsh
Santorini's Warm Winds: A Family Reunited in Harmony
Daeth y gwynt cynnes o gyfandir Groeg â hiraeth a gobaith yng nghanol yr hydref.
The warm wind from the Greek mainland arrived with longing and hope in the middle of autumn.
Roedd Santorini, gyda’i adeiladau gwynion yn sgleinio yn haul aur, yn lle perffaith ar gyfer cyfarfyddiad arbennig.
Santorini, with its white buildings shining in the golden sun, was the perfect place for a special reunion.
Roedd teulu hir wedi’i wahanu, ac roedd Eira, y plentyn canol, wedi mentro i adfer y bond tyner rhwng ei brodyr, Rhys a Griff.
A family long separated, and Eira, the middle child, had ventured to restore the tender bond between her brothers, Rhys and Griff.
Roedd Rhys yn hen frawd, dyn tawel sydd bob amser yn ofalus.
Rhys, the older brother, was a quiet man who was always cautious.
Roedd y cof o hen ddadleuon yn dal ar ei ysgwyddau.
The memory of old disagreements still weighed on his shoulders.
Griff, y brawd ieuengaf, oedd mor annibynnol â’r môr islaw.
Griff, the youngest brother, was as independent as the sea below.
Roedd yn gwisgo casineb tuag at Rhys fel haen o ddiogelwch, ond roedd Eira yno i newid hynny.
He wore his resentment towards Rhys like a cloak of protection, but Eira was there to change that.
Felly, yng ngolwg y môr a’r caldera mawr, trefnodd Eira ginio arbennig.
So, in view of the sea and the great caldera, Eira arranged a special dinner.
Roedd hi eisiau dod â’u calonnau at ei gilydd eto, fel y cawsant ei wneud gynt.
She wanted to bring their hearts together again, as they had been in the past.
Roedd y bwrdd wedi’i osod ar gyfer tri, gyda ffenestri mawr yn dangos symudiad y tonnau islaw, nad oeddent yn gwybod am eu poen.
The table was set for three, with large windows showing the movement of the waves below, unaware of their turmoil.
Wrth i’r nos prysurir eu curo’n gall, dechreuodd y bwyd ar y bwrdd lenwi’r ystafell ag arogldarth blasus.
As the evening quietly enveloped them, the food on the table began to fill the room with a delicious aroma.
Ar y dechrau, roedd sibrwd wedi’i wasgu rhwng eu geiriau.
At first, whispers were pressed between their words.
Sgwrsio am bethau rydym oll am eu clywed: y tywydd, y wlad.
Talk of things we all like to hear: the weather, the country.
Ond roedd Griff yn cadw’i lygaid ar Rhys yn gyson, wrth aros am gyfle i gyfleu ei boen.
But Griff kept his eyes on Rhys constantly, waiting for a moment to convey his pain.
"Wyt ti’n cofio pan feiddiwn chwarae ar y traeth gynt?
"Do you remember when we dared to play on the beach?"
" Awgrymai Eira, yn fyrlymus â chofion cynnes.
suggested Eira, bubbling with warm memories.
Ond nid oedd Rhys na Griff yn cydweddu gyda’r teimlad.
But neither Rhys nor Griff resonated with the sentiment.
Roedd y tensiwn yn cyniwair ym mhob ystumled.
The tension simmered in every gesture.
Roedd y cysgodion rhwng y goleuadau golau haul amserol yn dangos na all cellulite cymod.
The shadows between the timeless sunlight revealed that reconciliation couldn’t be forced.
Gyda chymorth y nos, daeth y curfew o aflonyddwch.
With the night’s help, the unrest curfew was lifted.
Dechreuodd Griff y gôl o’i enaid, yn rhannu ei boen mewn llais lleddf: "Rhys, ti’n gwybod faint wnes i ddioddef o’r hen ddadleuon hynny?
Griff began to open his soul, sharing his pain in a gentle voice: "Rhys, do you know how much I suffered from those old arguments?"
"Partnerwyd effeithiau’r tonnau yn y cefndir fel sain cymhleth o adlais.
The sound of the waves partnered in the background as a complex echo.
Ond teimlodd Rhys yr undeb heddiw mewn ton arall.
But Rhys felt the unity today in another wave.
"I know.
Dwi wir yn gwn.
I truly know.
Ond doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod sut i droi'n ôl.
But I didn’t know how to turn back."
"Gyda chylch y cyffro yn agor, dechreuodd Eira siarad.
As excitement began to circle, Eira started to speak.
Rhan o’i hanes na ddywedwyd erioed yr oedd hi ar fin ei rannu.
A part of her story that had never been told, she was ready to share.
Roedd yn pam mae adfer ei deulu mor bwysig iddi – eu profiadau roedd yn eisiau eu trosglwyddo i’w plant.
Why restoring her family was so important to her – the experiences she wanted to pass on to her children.
"Gollais eich olygfeydd yma, y brodyr rwyt yn deulu, eius awyddus am greu cyfnewid can rifedd," soniodd Eira gyda llygaid llawn, gan ei blygio gyda’i llais sefydlog, ac ar y funud honno, gafaelodd y gwynten ar eu straeon.
"I missed seeing you here, the brothers who are family, eager to create exchange with countless wonders," Eira mentioned with eyes full, steadying her voice, and at that moment, the wind took hold of their stories.
Daeth rhyw gryfder o fewn eu brwydro er mwyn llenwi’r distawrwydd gyda siswrn.
A strength came from their struggle, filling the silence with a new bond.
Wrth i’r eiliadau boenus dorchi o’r diwedd, gwelwyd newid.
As the painful moments finally unraveled, a change was seen.
Rhys dechreuodd droi ei siwrne.
Rhys began to shift his journey.
Roedd yn galluogi Griff i ddeall fod angen i deuluoedd weithiau ymgyfreithio ar sail newydd.
He allowed Griff to understand that sometimes families need to rebuild on a new foundation.
Dywed Griff yn lleddfn, "Mae’n bryd.
Griff said softly, "It's time."
"Goleuodd yr athro nawr ac wedyn, ac wrth iddynt adael y bwrdd, nid oeddent ddim mwy’n ddieithriaid.
Now and then the teacher brightened, and as they left the table, they were no longer strangers.
Roedd eira Santorini wedi creu cwmwl o bethau newydd rhwng y tri.
The Santorini air had created a cloud of new beginnings among the three.
Roedd y teulu’n cychwyn ailadeiladu, cam wrth gam, prisedi gobeithion oedd yn cario ynghyd a chanu yn yr yd gorffennol.
The family began to rebuild, step by step, with precious hopes woven together, singing in the field of the past.
Dim bailydd o straeon newydd syn troedio’au lluoedd, dim addewidion wedi’u torri.
No more backlog of stories tripping on their forces, no broken promises.
Dim ond dechrau newydd, teithiau i’w creu.
Just a new beginning, journeys to create.
Roedd haul Santorini’n pefrio, yn goleuo’r ffordd ymlaen gyda ei oleuni tawelwch.
The Santorini sun sparkled, lighting the way forward with its calm light.
Roeddent yn deulu unwaith eto.
They were a family once again.