FluentFiction - Welsh

Trapped at Stonehenge: A Hilarious Halloween Mishap

FluentFiction - Welsh

15m 08sOctober 7, 2024

Trapped at Stonehenge: A Hilarious Halloween Mishap

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  • Ar ddiwrnod oer a gwyntog o hydref, roedd coesau coediog wedi dechrau cwympo o'r coed i fannau ger Stonehenge.

    On a cold and windy autumn day, the fallen leaves had started to gather around Stonehenge.

  • Roedd pobl yn ymgasglu o gwmpas, yn edrych gyda rhyfeddod ar y carreg gylch hynafol.

    People gathered around, gazing in wonder at the ancient stone circle.

  • Roedd y sengl i'r teirblith enwog, Bran, Aeron, a Carys, yn rhan o'r daith tywysedig.

    The famous trio, Bran, Aeron, and Carys, were part of the guided tour.

  • Bran oedd y cyntaf i deimlo'r awch i dynnu llun gyda'r cerrig hud.

    Bran was the first to feel the urge to take a photo with the magical stones.

  • Roedd ei ffrindiau Aeron a Carys yn sownd gan ei hylifedd anghofius a'i hoffter am y cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

    His friends Aeron and Carys were captivated by his forgetful fluidity and fondness for social media.

  • Roedd cronfeydd Bran yn llawn lluniau: hiraethu hanes a gwenwyn selfie perffaith.

    Bran's feeds were full of photos: longing for history and the perfect selfie poison.

  • Ar y diwrnod hwn, roedd Bran eisiau'r llun Halloween gorau.

    On this day, Bran wanted the best Halloween picture.

  • Gyda’i ffôn yn barod, roedd Bran eisiau dal y cerrig gyda phumpadrwmyn calan yn yr cefndir.

    With his phone ready, Bran wanted to capture the stones with pumpkin spice in the background.

  • Ond roedd hyn oll ail fynd i'r diafol pan neidiodd i mewn i doiled symudol ger y llwyfan gwylio, gan feddwl am well ergyd.

    But this all went awry when he jumped into a nearby portable toilet by the viewing platform, thinking of a better shot.

  • Wrth gau’r drws i gael y golau perffaith, nodwyd sefydlfa.

    As he closed the door to get the perfect light, a situation arose.

  • Roedd y drws wedi tipyn gafl, ac roedd Bran ar goll tu mewn.

    The door had jammed a bit, and Bran was trapped inside.

  • Fe wnaeth e ei lawn galed i agor y drws.

    He tried his hardest to open the door.

  • Twtio'r handlen, cafarodd ei gyfaill social media i lawr a deallodd ei sefyllfa.

    Fiddling with the handle, he lowered his social media status and realized his predicament.

  • Er bod ei gydwybod yn pwysau, gwnâi Bran joco am y sefyllfa.

    Although his conscience was weighing on him, Bran joked about the situation.

  • Aeth ei hynny i alw Aeron a Carys.

    He called for Aeron and Carys.

  • "Helpwch fi!" meddai'n swnllyd ar dy ffon.

    "Help me!" he said loudly over the phone.

  • Roedd ei falchder wedi diflannu; roedd angen cymorth arno.

    His pride had vanished; he needed assistance.

  • Methodd Carys a Aeron bolchi wrth eu cochi pan ddaethant, ac ar ôl chwerthin da, dechreuant dacluso cyfrinach drws.

    Carys and Aeron couldn’t help but giggle as they arrived, and after a good laugh, they began to tackle the door's mechanism.

  • Gan gydweithio, llwyddant i ddadleoli'r drws, a saethodd Bran allan, wedi'i osgoi ond yn wên llawn o lintwll.

    Working together, they managed to dislodge the door, and Bran shot out, unscathed but with a smile full of relief.

  • Roedd cylhoeddu'r embaras wedi ei ddarllen, ond roedd yn falch o gael ffrindiau o'i ymyl.

    The embarrassment of the situation had been noted, but he was grateful to have friends by his side.

  • Gwelodd yr amser y flu rhwng hyn a hynny, a gyda munudau yn brin cyn goresgyn Stonehenge, cipiodd Bran hunlun yn cyflym.

    Time seemed to fly between all this, and with minutes scarce before leaving Stonehenge, Bran quickly snapped a selfie.

  • Defnyddiodd hidlydd pwmpen i ychwanegu mwt a donioldeb Halloween i'r llun, gan obeithio y byddai’n plesio’r net o’i ffrindiau ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol.

    He applied a pumpkin filter to add humor and a touch of Halloween spirit to the photo, hoping it would please his circle of friends on social media.

  • Wrth farchio’n ôl tuag at y daith, llafarganodpwyglodd Bran wers sylfaenol.

    As they marched back toward the tour, Bran realized a fundamental lesson.

  • Roedd y gwir werth yn y profiad ei hun, y cyfeillgarwch, a’r atgofion, nid dim ond yn y llun perffaith.

    The true value lay in the experience itself, the friendship, and the memories, not just in the perfect picture.

  • Roedd yn gwestusrwydd proffilwch bython cemeg gwallus drws.

    He pondered the profile of the faulty toilet door as a historical note.

  • Roedd y meicrolyfrau hynny, nid yn unig y fferm tauograwn.

    It was these microadventures, not just the grand landscapes.