Chance Encounters at Heathrow: A Halloween Connection
FluentFiction - Welsh
Chance Encounters at Heathrow: A Halloween Connection
Ar ddiwrnod hydref oeri, roedd Maes Awyr Heathrow yn brysur gyda theithwyr.
On a chilly autumn day, Heathrow Airport was bustling with travelers.
Roedd addurniadau Calan Gaeaf yn addurno'r derfynellau, yn gwneud y lle'n edrych yn chwareus.
Halloween decorations adorned the terminals, giving the place a playful appearance.
Yn eu canol, roedd Eleri, teithiwr anturus o Gymru, yn aros am ei hediad difreintiedig.
Among them was Eleri, an adventurous traveler from Wales, waiting for her delayed flight.
Roedd hi wedi dychwelyd o daith i'r cestyll hynafol, ei chamera bob amser wrth law.
She had returned from a trip to ancient castles, her camera always at the ready.
Roedd Eleri'n sefyll wrth un o'r byrddau agosaf, yn syllu ar y lluniau oedd newydd eu tynnu.
Eleri was standing by one of the nearest tables, gazing at the photos she had just taken.
Roedd hi'n edrych ar y goeden derw a gefnodd arni y tro diwethaf, y castell tal oddi wrthi, a'r haul oedd yn machlud y tu hwnt.
She was looking at the oak tree she leaned against the last time, the tall castle across from it, and the sun setting beyond.
Ar yr eiliad honno, sylwodd ar Dylan, newydd-gylchgrawnwr syml ond hudolus, yn pasio.
At that moment, she noticed Dylan, a simple yet charming new-journalist, walking by.
Fe wnaeth Dylan sylwi ar wedd fodlon Eleri wrth edrych ar ei delweddau, ac roedd hyn wedi cynhyrfu ei chwilfrydedd.
Dylan observed Eleri's content expression as she looked at her images, and this sparked his curiosity.
"Byddai'n rhaid i chi ddweud wrthyf am eich taith," meddai, gan gychwyn sgwrs.
"You must tell me about your trip," he said, initiating a conversation.
Amser maith, roedd yn teimlo'r angen am gysylltiad dyfnach.
For a long time, he had felt the need for a deeper connection.
Am eiliad, roedd Eleri'n betrus.
For a moment, Eleri was hesitant.
Ond roedd y sgwrs fel gwynt newydd.
But the conversation was like a fresh breeze.
Fe ddechreuodd Eleri rannu ei chasgliad o luniau gyda Dylan.
Eleri began to share her collection of photos with Dylan.
Roedd y lluniau nid yn unig yn bont at hanesion ei thaith ond hefyd tua'u sgwrs dyfnach.
The pictures were not only a bridge to the stories of her travels but also to their deeper conversation.
"A wyt ti'n hoffi mynd am ddatte yn y loncsiwn maes awyr?
"Would you like to go for a bite in the airport lounge?"
" awgrymodd Dylan, ar ben ei eiriau wedi gwrando ar straeon Eleri.
Dylan suggested, encouraged by Eleri's stories.
Amser maith roedd yn ddistaw am wneud hynny, ond roedd Eleri'n ymddangos yn wahanol.
For a long time, he had been silent about doing so, but Eleri seemed different.
Roedd hyn yn newid i Dylan.
This was a change for Dylan.
Pan aethant i'r loncsiwn, roedd canhwyllau a pwmpenni'n tanio lle têw a chlyd.
When they went to the lounge, candles and pumpkins lit up the cozy and warm space.
Yn yr eiliadau hapus hynny, tynnodd Eleri lun byrfyfyr ohonyn nhw.
In those happy moments, Eleri took an impromptu photo of them.
Cysylltiad tyner ydyw, dwbl ganol.
It was a gentle connection, twice centered.
Wrth iddynt ddiweddu'r dydd gyda sbwyl lliw adnabyddus o hydref o'u cwmpas, teimlodd Eleri brydereiddio'r eiliadau.
As they ended the day with the familiar colorful spoils of autumn around them, Eleri cherished the moments.
"Gadewch di gwybod pan mae dy deithiau'n ein dod ni gyda'n gilydd eto," meddai hi, gan ddal ei ben.
"Let me know when your travels bring us together again," she said, holding her head up.
Wrth iddi fynd ar ei awyren o'r diwedd, teimlai Eleri gymdeithas newydd a brydnasedd.
As she finally boarded her plane, Eleri felt a newfound companionship and serenity.
Roedd agor allan i brofiadau newydd, i gwrdd â phobl wahanol, yn fwy gwerth chweil nag y besid am un eiliad.
Opening up to new experiences and meeting different people was more rewarding than she had imagined for a moment.
Roedd Dylan yn gliriach hefyd, yn teimlo'r werth mewn buddsoddi mewn perthnasoedd go iawn, hyd yn oed mewn bywyd prysur.
Dylan also felt clearer, appreciating the value of investing in real relationships, even in a busy life.
Ac felly, gadawsant eu llwybrau yn gyffroes, yn edrych ymlaen at yr hyn fydd yn dod nesaf.
And so, they parted ways excitedly, looking forward to what would come next.