A Mumbles Christmas: Gifts, Hopes, and Hidden Feelings
FluentFiction - Welsh
A Mumbles Christmas: Gifts, Hopes, and Hidden Feelings
Yn y pentref bach prydferth o'r Mumbles, wrth lan y môr yn Abertawe, roedd arweler y Nadolig i'r golwg ym mhobman.
In the picturesque village of Mumbles, by the seaside in Abertawe, the Christmas spirit was evident everywhere.
Roedd y strydoedd coblog wedi'u haddurno gyda goleuadau twinklo a oedd yn atseinio naws cynnes y tymor.
The cobbled streets were adorned with twinkling lights that echoed the warm mood of the season.
Roedd yr awyr yn crisial gyda symyl gynnar o oerni, a phob ffyrdd golchi â phersawr hwyliog y môr.
The air was crisp with an early hint of chill, and every road was washed with the invigorating scent of the sea.
Ar fore hwyrol o hydref, symudodd Eira yn araf ar hyd y strydoedd prysur, gwythïo ei rhwymedigaethau i ddewis anrhegion Nadolig arbennig.
On a late autumn morning, Eira moved slowly along the busy streets, fulfilling her obligations to choose special Christmas gifts.
Roedd hi wedi byw erioed yn y Mumbles ac roedd yn hoff iawn o farchnata yn y siopau bychan henffasiwn.
She had lived in the Mumbles all her life and had a great fondness for shopping in the quaint little stores.
Roedd Gareth, ei brawd hŷn, eisoes wedi cynnig ei gymorth, ond roedd Eira wedi gwrthod yn gwrtais, gan wynebu ei tasg herself.
Gareth, her older brother, had already offered his help, but Eira had politely refused, facing her task herself.
"Eira, be' sy'n trafferthu'm chdi?" gofynnodd Gareth un diwrnod, o ystyried ei gwyneb osgeiddig.
"Eira, what's troubling you?" Gareth asked one day, considering her pensive face.
Roedd hi'n gwybod bod angen iddi ddweud wrthyn am ei theimladau tuag at Rhys, ond roedd ansicrwydd yn ei dal yn ei hun.
She knew she needed to tell him about her feelings towards Rhys, but uncertainty held her back.
Felly, dywedodd, "Dwi moyn canfod anrheg perffaith i bawb. Mae'n bwysig."
So, she said, "I want to find the perfect gift for everyone. It's important."
Mewn adlewyrchiad o ffenestr siop, tynnodd Gareth ei brawd yng nghyfraith i ochr ac ysgwyddodd ei ysgwydd yn hamddenol.
In the reflection of a shop window, Gareth pulled his brother-in-law aside and casually shrugged his shoulder.
"Dydy Rhys ddim yn disgwyl dim arbennig, y boi yw... ond dwi'n siŵr y bydde rhwbeth sydd berthnasol i'r ddau a'n mynd yn bell."
"Rhys isn't expecting anything special, but I'm sure something relevant to both of you would go a long way."
Er ei rwdlastod, daeth canllaw Gareth ag ychydig o obaith i Eira.
Despite her hesitation, Gareth's guidance brought a bit of hope to Eira.
"Diolch, Gareth," ebogodd yn gynnar iawn.
"Thank you, Gareth," she said very early the next morning.
Felly, pan gyrhaeddai hi'r siop anrhegion lleol sy'n swancio, roedd yn disgwyl clod i'r cyfle i siarad gyda Rhys am yr hoff gyntegoddawnau.
So, when she arrived at the swanky local gift shop, she was hopeful about the opportunity to talk with Rhys about cherished old customs.
Fel y digwyddai, dim ond eu dau glampia’r siop llywodraethedig a oedi, cytuno ar addurn ar baldder y sarn hen.
As it happened, they were both alone lingering in the managed shop, agreeing on the decor on the old path.
Bu'n ymarfer rhwng honiadau brogarol a chanmoliaeth gynnil a llednais Eira bron â'i sydyn–cydnabod ei honiadau–ond penderfynodd sheidio ar y funud olaf.
It was balanced between affectionate claims and subtle praise that nearly took Eira by surprise—acknowledging his claims—but she decided to hold back for the last moment.
Pe bai gafodd lyfr trachwilio ag Rhys, byddai'n siŵr anrheg werthfawr.
If there was an explorative book with Rhys, it would surely be a valuable gift.
Ar hyd y rhigol, ni welodd ei llygaid ddim byd, nes gogianywodd ein taflen a ymdrino â llyfr gramadegol a oedd ar y silff uchaf.
Along the groove, she saw nothing with her eyes until she stumbled across a leaflet dealing with a grammar book on the top shelf.
Roedd rhith y rhain yn ewythr y galluodd nhw fwynhau gyda'i gilydd.
The idea was one they could enjoy together.
Newid pob dim bydddi o sacsofoneiddio di-cyhebl, honno'n hanes yn ogystal â hynny.
Changes could happen from the thoughtless selection, making it as much a story as it was a present.
Mudod, yn medru eu chyd-ddal mis Chwefror, roedd yn gallu sees ei gokeitristawyr.
Stopped, she could plan for February, ready with her response.
"Bydd Rhys o'r meddwl cyn yr unol," eiria hwyl.
"Rhys will think before the same," echoed in thought.
Heb wyddom, ochri. Gwelodd Rhys lot i'r ddau.
Unbeknownst to her, side by side, Rhys saw much for the both of them.
Bydda'r dagrif yn cyrraedd, bydded gennym faint, os nad oedd wedi digwydd, gweld Rhys ddim wedi disgwyfyn adnabod neis.
When the resolution came, we would not be left with how much, if it hadn't happened, to see Rhys not expecting a nice recognition.
Nodioddyn 'na ni, newyn?
Noted that indeed, right?