Unlocking Family Secrets: A Halloween Attic Adventure
FluentFiction - Welsh
Unlocking Family Secrets: A Halloween Attic Adventure
Ar hosanau melfedog ar y llawr llithrig, Aeron dringo'r grisiau creaky i'r atig.
On the velvet socks on the slippery floor, Aeron climbed the creaky stairs to the attic.
Y tymor oedd Hydref, a'r coed o gwmpas y tŷ fawr yn dawnsio yn y gwynt trwm.
The season was autumn, and the trees around the big house were dancing in the strong wind.
Roedd y tywydd perffaith ar gyfer noson Calan Gaeaf, ac Aeron yn llawn cyffro.
The weather was perfect for a Halloween night, and Aeron was full of excitement.
Wrth iddo agor drws yr atig, roedd hen arogl llwch yn ei symud.
As he opened the attic door, an old smell of dust moved him.
Roedd Aeron yn chwilio am dlysau teuluol hen.
Aeron was searching for old family treasures.
Ei gyrru oedd y chwilfrydedd am hanes cuddiedig, ac efallai, cyfrinachau newydd.
His curiosity was driven by hidden history, and perhaps, new secrets.
Tra'n agor un o'r bocsys, daeth o hyd i ddyddiadur.
While opening one of the boxes, he found a diary.
Roedd y lledr melyn a'r tudalennau hen yn gwneud iddo fod yn ddirgelwch hollol.
The yellow leather and old pages made it a complete mystery.
Ar frys, aeth Aeron at ei chwaer, Carys.
In a hurry, Aeron went to his sister, Carys.
"Edrych ar hyn," meddai, ei lygaid yn disgleirio.
"Look at this," he said, his eyes shining.
Roedd Carys yn cynhyrfu.
Carys was unenthusiastic.
"Dydw i ddim mewn hwyl i stori ddyddiadur arall, Aeron," dywedodd hi trwy ysgwyd ei phen.
"I'm not in the mood for another diary story, Aeron," she said while shaking her head.
Mynd i lawr i'r gegin oedd ei bwriad.
Her intention was to go down to the kitchen.
"Ond Carys, mae'n swnio'n gyffrous.
"But Carys, it sounds exciting.
Cyfrinach teuluol wedi'i chuddio!
A hidden family secret!"
" Aeron yn gweiddi.
Aeron shouted.
Roedd angen ei helpu.
He needed her help.
Er ei anfodlonrwydd cychwynnol, cytunodd Carys i helpu gyda chyfrinach yr hen ysgrifen.
Despite her initial reluctance, Carys agreed to help with the secret of the old writing.
Dechreuodd eu hantur gyda'r her gyntaf – y cod.
Their adventure began with the first challenge – the code.
Nid oedd y geiriau'n hawdd darllen.
The words were not easy to read.
"Mae'n rhaid i ni ddeall hyn," meddai Aeron gyda phenderfyniad.
"We have to understand this," said Aeron with determination.
Y gwobr, yn ôl Aeron, oedd antur.
The reward, according to Aeron, was an adventure.
Roedd Carys yn siŵr nad oedd y cod hwn yn dylifrio.
Carys was sure that this code wasn't gibberish.
Ei rhiant oedd eu prioledd pa bryd erioed allan.
Their parents had never prioritized it before.
Ni chawsant lawer o amser gyda'i gilydd.
They didn't get much time together.
Roedd angen i'r brawd a'r chwaer weithio'n gyflym.
The brother and sister needed to work quickly.
Blynyddoedd teuluoedd yn dal ymateb yng nghornelau eu calonnau wrth i Aeron a Carys eu harchwilio gyda phenderfyniad.
Years of family history quietly resonated in the corners of their hearts as Aeron and Carys explored them with determination.
Wedi sesiynau hir, gyda thalpau o gaws ar ben tost i gyplu'r amser, llwyddwyd i ddatrus y dirgelwch.
After long sessions, with chunks of cheese on toast to pair the time, they managed to solve the mystery.
"Digon rhybudd, mae ystafell gudd yn ein tŷ!
"Enough warning, there's a hidden room in our house!"
" meddai Carys yn annifrif.
said Carys jokingly.
Roedd yr ysgrifen yn tynnu llun o'r lle.
The writing drew a picture of the place.
Yn ôl y disgrifiad, roedd rhywbeth gwerthfawr yn aros.
According to the description, something valuable was waiting.
Dilynodd Aeron a Carys yr awgrymiadau.
Aeron and Carys followed the clues.
Casglwyd yn ofalus drwy'r coridorau, a rhwng y llofftiau.
They carefully gathered through the corridors, and between the lofts.
Yn o'r diwedd, roedd y drws cudd – dan ddesg trin yr hen ystafell fyw.
Eventually, there was the hidden door – beneath the old living room desk.
Codi'r drws, a gwelwyd storfa o bethau – nid aur, ond llythyrau a lluniau.
Lifting the door, they saw a store of things – not gold, but letters and photographs.
Cafodd yr hyn a ddarganfyddasant arwyddocâd.
What they discovered was meaningful.
Roedd hanes teulu, llond llaw o dreftadaeth na wyddent erioed.
It was family history, a handful of heritage they never knew.
Dim ond drwy ddeall y gorffennol, roedd Aeron a Carys yn deall gwerth eu teulu.
Only by understanding the past did Aeron and Carys comprehend the value of their family.
Roedd y dirgelwch ddim yn ymwneud ag incwm, ond am gysylltiadau teuluol.
The mystery was not about wealth, but about family connections.
Aeron a Carys wedi dod yn nes, ac ar flwyddyn nesaf, maen nhw'n barodd am antur arall, gyda mwy o werthfawrogiad na chyfrinachedd.
Aeron and Carys became closer, and next year, they are ready for another adventure, with more appreciation than secrecy.
Roedd cynghanedd o ddarganfyddiad a phleser o sesiwn atgyweirio cysylltiadau.
There was a harmony of discovery and pleasure from the session of mending connections.
Roedd y lluniau'n cynnig stori – un o deulu, cariad, a hanes oedd yn llewn mor werthfawr â'r eitemau oeddent yn disgwyl.
The pictures offered a story – one of family, love, and history that was as valuable as the items they were expecting.