Legacy of Change: A Journey from Memory to Action
FluentFiction - Welsh
Legacy of Change: A Journey from Memory to Action
Hedfanodd Aneira ac a Cian draw i Genefa, un mawrth gynnar yn yr hydref.
Aneira and Cian flew over to Geneva on an early Tuesday in the autumn.
Mae'r haul yn goleuo, ond mae'r wynt yn oer wrth iddynt deithio at ganolfan gynadledda fawreddog sy'n edrych dros ddŵr glas a distaw Llyn Genefa, wedi'i amgylchynu gan ffoilâj cochion a melyn.
The sun was shining, but the wind was cold as they traveled to a grand conference center overlooking the calm blue waters of Lake Geneva, surrounded by red and yellow foliage.
Yn y cysgodion newid tymhorol, ceir hefyd ynnodiadau o newid y tu mewn i’r waliau hyn.
In the shadows of seasonal change, there were also notes of transformation within these walls.
Bywodd Aneira am y digwyddiad hwn ers blynyddoedd.
Aneira had lived for this event for years.
Cynigiodd ad y cofio ei thaid hen, BJones, a fu farw yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, yr oedd ei hymrwymiad i wella'r byd yn tanio ei hangerdd am gofio.
She was driven by the memory of her great-grandfather, BJones, who died during the First World War, whose commitment to improving the world fueled her passion for remembrance.
A hi oedd yn gyflwynydd o flaen y gynulleidfa hon, gyda gobaith wrth reso i gael cefnogaeth am ei phrosiect ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru.
She was to be the presenter in front of this audience, hoping to garner support for her renewable energy project in Wales.
Byddai fel cofgolofn o weithredol mewn harmoni â natur - ond ro'n i'n gwybod bod llawer yn amheugar ei fod yn bosib.
It would be like a memorial of action in harmony with nature - but she knew many were skeptical that it was possible.
Edrychodd Cian o amgylch, gyda'i gyfrifiadur cludadwy o dan ei fraich, yn chwilio am stori go iawn.
Cian looked around, with his laptop under his arm, searching for a real story.
Fel newyddiadurwr profiadol ond sinigaidd, mae wedi mynychu digwyddiadau o'r fath ormod o weithiau dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, cynnal gobaith o sicrhau lle prif gyhoeddiad yr wythnos.
As an experienced but cynical journalist, he had attended too many such events over the past few years, holding out hope of securing a lead story for the week.
Ond roedd wedi dod yma gyda'r gobaith caeth us hwyluso gweithredol.
But he had come here with the hopeful trap of facilitating action.
"Dwi angen stori efo sylwedd," meddai’n dawel iddo’i hun.
"I need a story with substance," he quietly said to himself.
Cyn hir, fe sylweddolodd ef beth roedd angen: oedd darganfod pobl fel Aneira - y rhai a wirioneddol yn wneud gwahaniaeth.
Before long, he realized what was needed: to find people like Aneira - those who truly make a difference.
Yn un sesiwn feddwl, digwyddiad enfawr, sef lôn roedd y drefn yn adeiladu tuag at egwyl fawr, rhuthrodd y rhai a gafodd eu drysu i gyfeillga ddiangach ystafell.
In one brainstorming session, a massive event where the proceedings were building towards a big break, those who were bewildered rushed to the conversational escape of the room.
Sylwodd Aneira bod y cyfle.
Aneira noticed the opportunity.
Hi gododd ar ei thraed, ac aeth ati i gyflwyno ei ymchwil.
She stood up and began presenting her research.
Darparodd ffeithiau, gweledigaeth, ac angerdd.
She provided facts, vision, and passion.
Roedd ei llais yn gadarn, ei ddeiliadaeth yn ddigyfaddawd.
Her voice was strong, her stance uncompromising.
Dechreuodd wynebau'r gynulleidfa droi tuag ati gyda chwilfrydedd angerddol.
The faces in the audience began to turn towards her with vibrant curiosity.
Synhwyrodd Cian yr emosiwn yn y babell, ac ysgrifennai'i erthygl heb stopio.
Cian sensed the emotion in the room and wrote his article without stopping.
Gwnaeth hyn synnwyr roedd hon yn foment na ellid ei cholli.
It made sense that this was a moment not to be missed.
Pan ai'r sesiwn i ben, cafodd Aneira ei gwthio gan gynrychiolaeth o gynghrair sy'n ger ein cefnogi ei phrosiect.
When the session ended, Aneira was approached by representatives of a coalition who were eager to support her project.
Y tu hwnt i'w disgwyl, roedd gwynt anadl newydd o obaith.
Beyond her expectations, there was a fresh breath of hope.
Gadawodd Cian y ganolfan, gydag erthygl newydd wedi’i chwblhau a'i chyhoeddi, hawdd ei darllen ond gyda chymaint o ffydd yn y bobl a’r gweithredoedd.
Cian left the conference center, with a new article completed and published, easy to read but with so much faith in the people and the actions.
Gwnaeth hynny gydag hyder newydd yn ei waith, a sylweddol newid gwirioneddol oedd o fewn gafael.
He did so with new confidence in his work, realizing real change was within reach.
Roedd yr hydref yn gadael ei farc, yn union fel yr uchafbwynt hwn.
The autumn was leaving its mark, just like this highlight.
Roedd ymdrechion Aneira a throsglwyddiadau Cian yn dyst i ddechrau arweiniadau newid – yma a draw, nid yn unig yn ôl sôn.
Aneira's efforts and Cian's storytelling were testaments to the beginning of change leadership – here and beyond, not just in word.