When Rain Sparks Connection: Love Blooms at Bae Caerdydd
FluentFiction - Welsh
When Rain Sparks Connection: Love Blooms at Bae Caerdydd
Roedd glaw yn disgyn yn drwm dros Fae Caerdydd.
Rain was falling heavily over Bae Caerdydd.
Roedd y tymor yn Hydref, ac er bod yr awyr yn las, roedd sŵn y glaw yn canu fel cerddoriaeth ar do'r milltir.
The season was autumn, and although the sky was blue, the sound of the rain played like music on the roof of the bay.
Roedd Aeron yn camu i mewn i'r aquariwm, yn chwilio am loches.
Aeron stepped into the aquarium, seeking shelter.
Roedd yn well ganddo fwydro trwy'r tanciau pysgod anferth na sefyll yn y glaw oer.
He preferred to wander through the enormous fish tanks than stand in the cold rain.
Yn yr un acwariwm, roedd Megan yn gwerthfawrogi’r golygfeydd o bysgod lliwgar.
In the same aquarium, Megan was appreciating the views of colorful fish.
Roedd hi'n hoff iawn o dynnu lluniau’r creaduriaid môr.
She loved taking pictures of the sea creatures.
Roedd y lliwiau'n ysbrydoliaeth i'w gwaith celf.
The colors were an inspiration for her artwork.
Roedd pobl yn symud o amgylch, ond roedd eu teithiau'n cydblethu yma ac acw.
People moved around, but their journeys intertwined here and there.
Pan adewais lle i sefyll ger un o'r tanciau mwyaf, trodd Megan a gweld Aeron yn sefyll wrth ochr y ffenestr wenfflam.
When she made room to stand by one of the largest tanks, Megan turned and saw Aeron standing by the large window.
Roedd eu llygaid yn cwrdd a rhannwyd golwg syfrdanol rhyngddynt.
Their eyes met, and a stunning look was shared between them.
"Ti'n hoffi pysgod?" gofynnodd Aeron, gan gwenu’n ddoniol.
"Do you like fish?" Aeron asked, grinning playfully.
"Ydy, mae’r moroloion yn anhygoel! Dwi'n cael llawer o ysbrydoliaeth ganddyn nhw." Atebodd Megan, ei llais yn llawn brwdfrydedd.
"Yes, the marine creatures are incredible! I get a lot of inspiration from them," replied Megan, her voice full of enthusiasm.
"Beth sy'n dod â thi yma? Y glaw?" chwarddodd hi.
"What brings you here? The rain?" she laughed.
"Ie, a fy niddordeb mewn bywyd môr. Dwi newydd symud i Gaerdydd a dwi'n gweithio ym maes bioleg môr." Roedd ei lygaid yn disgleirio wrth siarad am ei waith.
"Yes, and my interest in marine life. I just moved to Caerdydd and am working in marine biology." His eyes sparkled as he talked about his work.
"Dyna mor ddiddorol! Dwi'n artist lleol. Ryn ni erioed wedi cwrdd o'r blaen?" gofynnodd Megan, chwilfrydig.
"That's so interesting! I'm a local artist. Have we ever met before?" asked Megan, curious.
"Na, ond mi fyddai'n hoffi cyfarfod eto. Mae’n anodd symud i le newydd a gwneud cyfeillion... ond dwi’n siŵr y daw.
"No, but I'd like to meet again. It's hard to move to a new place and make friends... but I'm sure it will happen.
Mae digon i ddarganfod yma. Beth amdanat ti? Oes gen ti brosiect newydd?" gofynnodd Aeron.
There's plenty to discover here. How about you? Do you have a new project?" Aeron asked.
Megan yr oedd yn amheuaethus o'r amser byddai'n siarad am ei chelf.
Megan was usually cautious about discussing her art.
Ond teimlai'n gysur â'r ddeialog.
But she felt comfortable with the conversation.
"Dwi'n gweithio ar gyfres newydd o luniadau môr. Gelli di weld fy nghofiant os ti eisiau?" Cynnigiodd hi, yn gostyngei.
"I'm working on a new series of marine drawings. You can see my portfolio if you want?" she offered, modestly.
Roedd Aeron wedi synnu, ond hapus mendio.
Aeron was surprised but delighted.
Gyda phowldraeth a balchder, agorodd Megan ei llyfr brasluniau.
With pride, Megan opened her sketchbook.
Y creaduriaid hwnnw o'r môr wedi cael eu dal yn ei gwaith celf.
The creatures from the sea captured in her artwork.
Roedd Aeron yn cael ei swyno gan ei thalent.
Aeron was captivated by her talent.
“Ti'n anhygoel,” meddai Aeron yn amlwg, y geiriau'n llifo’n naturiol rhwngdynt.
"You're amazing," said Aeron genuinely, the words flowing naturally between them.
"Dyma sy'n rhoi bywyd i'r byd morol. Sut fydde ni'n colli hebddo? Dwi'n gwir werthfawrogi."
"This is what gives life to the marine world. How would we live without it? I truly appreciate it."
Ar ôl i'r glaw glirio, cerddodd y ddau i'r caffi cyfagos i siarad ymhellach.
After the rain cleared, the two walked to the nearby café to talk further.
Wrth rannu straeon am eich angerdd, roedd y ddau wedi teimlo cysylltiad.
Sharing stories about their passions, both felt a connection.
Roeddynt yn rhannu rhifau, gyda chytundeb o gyfarfod eto.
They exchanged numbers, agreeing to meet again.
Efallai i ymweld ag eraill o leoedd môr neu hyd yn oed cyd-weithio ar brosiectau celf.
Perhaps to visit other marine places or even collaborate on art projects.
Erbyn diwedd y dydd, teimlai Aeron yn fwy cartrefol yn ei dref newydd.
By the end of the day, Aeron felt more at home in his new town.
Roedd yn ddigon dewr i agor calon, a daeth Megan i gredu yn ei phrosiectau celf ei hun.
He was brave enough to open his heart, and Megan came to believe in her own art projects.
Roedd cyswllt newydd o flaenllaw, gyda'r môr fel cefndir.
A new connection was forming, with the sea as a backdrop.
Roedd y cysylltiad arbennig hwn yn teimlo fel dechrau rhywbeth mwy.
This special connection felt like the beginning of something greater.