The Melody of Mystery: Unveiling Secrets at Llanbister
FluentFiction - Welsh
The Melody of Mystery: Unveiling Secrets at Llanbister
Ymhen ychydig filltiroedd mewn plwyf tawel yng nghwm Llanbister, saif sefydliad arbennig, Cartref Plant Llanbister.
A few miles away in a quiet parish in the Llanbister valley, stands a special institution, Llanbister Children's Home.
Mae'r cartref wedi cuddio ymhlith coed a'r muriau cerrig trwchus, ac mae dail yr hydref yn dawnsio ar hyd ei dir canoloesol.
The home is hidden among trees and thick stone walls, with autumn leaves dancing across its medieval grounds.
Er ei goledni, ceir dirgelwch sy'n llenwi'r cartref yn ystod y nos: can dychrynllyd, lullaby dirgel, sy'n llenwi'r coridorau bob nos.
Despite its warmth, there is a mystery that fills the home at night: a haunting song, a mysterious lullaby, that echoes through the corridors each night.
Gethin yw un ar bymtheg, ac wedi byw yn y cartref ers ei oriau cyntaf.
Gethin is seventeen and has lived in the home from his earliest hours.
Mae'n fachgen hyeddedig a chwilfrydig, gyda thrywyddau cochion.
He is a talented and curious boy, with red trails.
Mae'n pendroni'n aml am darddiad y lullaby, am fod llenwi'r orffanfa gyda theimladau cymysg.
He often wonders about the origin of the lullaby, as it fills the orphanage with mixed feelings.
Mae'r plant eraill yn ofni, ac mae seiniau'r gerddoriaeth yn symud o le i le, fel pe bai'r gwynt ei hun yn eu cludo.
The other children are afraid, as the sounds of the music move from place to place, as if the wind itself carries them.
Mair, y gofalwr newydd, sydd â chalon garedig ac empathi oherwydd ei gorffennol fel plentyn amddifad, yw'r unig un sy'n gwrando ar bryder Gethin.
Mair, the new caregiver, who has a kind heart and empathy due to her past as an orphan, is the only one who listens to Gethin's concerns.
Mae eisiau sicrhau bod y plant yn teimlo'n ddiogel ac yn gartrefol, ond nid yw'r rheolwyr yn talu fawr o sylw i'w rhybuddion.
She wants to ensure the children feel safe and at home, but the managers pay little attention to her warnings.
Does ond un dewis i Gethin - ymchwilio cudd trwy'r nos gyda Mair wrth ei ochr.
Gethin has only one choice - to investigate secretly through the night with Mair by his side.
Wrth i'r noson fynd ymlaen, mae lleisiau y lullaby yn cryfhau, gan symud trwy'r adeilad, gan adael byddin o goringau gofidiedig.
As the night progresses, the voices of the lullaby grow stronger, moving through the building, leaving a trail of anxious whispers.
Mae Gethin a Mair yn tipio trwy'r llwybrau tywyll, tan iddynt glywed sŵn bach yn dod o’r to uchaf.
Gethin and Mair tiptoe through the dark paths until they hear a faint sound coming from the top floor.
Mae'r ddau yn breichled i'r hen ddrws, sy'n gwegian wrth ei agor.
The two of them brace the old door, which creaks as it opens.
Yno, maent yn dod o hyd i ystafell gudd, cwbl anghafan.
There, they discover a hidden room, completely unknown.
Yn y cornel, mae bocs cerddoriaeth clasurol, gyda thelynau bach sy'n symud gydag awel o ffenestr wedi cracio.
In the corner, there is a classical music box, with little harps that move with the breeze from a cracked window.
Panwyliodd Mair a Gethin at ei gilydd, yn deall mai dyma tarddiad y can nad oedd yn cymell i e.
Mair and Gethin exchange glances, understanding that this is the source of the song that was compelling them.
Mae'r bocs cerddoriaeth wedi ei adael gan sefydlydd gwreiddiol yr orffanfa, gyda'r nod o gysuro'r plant yn ei hamser.
The music box was left by the original founder of the orphanage, intended to comfort the children in its time.
Ystyriodd Gethin a Mair ei bwrpas newydd, gyda'r gobaith o drawsnewid yr ofn yn fynedfa o hiraeth a chysur.
Gethin and Mair considered its new purpose, with the hope of transforming the fear into an entryway of longing and comfort.
Ers hyn allan, bydd y bocs yn aros allan, yn canu i bawb i'w glywed ac i deimlo ei gwres.
From now on, the box would stay out, playing for everyone to hear and to feel its warmth.
Wrth iddynt fynd i lawr, teimladodd Gethin ymffrost yn ei stumog; goresgynodd lais tywyll - ei feddwl wedi'i gydio.
As they went downstairs, Gethin felt pride swell in his stomach; he had conquered a dark voice - his mind was gripped.
Roedd Mair, gyda'r lleddfodd ei galon llyfn, yn teimlo cymeradwyaeth newydd: lle anadlu mewn lle roedd angen ei bresenoldeb.
Mair, with her softly bold heart, felt a new affirmation: a breath of fresh air in a place that needed her presence.
Gan gerdded drwy ddail yr hydref, roeddent yn gwybod yn ddistaw fod yr orffanfa wedi eu gwneud yn deulu newydd.
Walking through the autumn leaves, they quietly knew that the orphanage had made them into a new family.