Finding Hope in the Silent Night: A Christmas Eve Revelation
FluentFiction - Welsh
Finding Hope in the Silent Night: A Christmas Eve Revelation
Mae'n Noswyl Nadolig ac mae tref fach Gymreig wedi'i haddurno'n hyfryd â goleuadau sy'n pefrio yn y bore gaeafol.
It's Christmas Eve, and a small Welsh town is beautifully adorned with lights that sparkle in the winter morning.
Yn yr eira ysgafn sydd yn cwympo o'r awyr, mae pobl leol yn mynd o amgylch, wedi cynhesu gan awyrgylch yr ŵyl.
In the light snow falling from the sky, the locals are walking around, warmed by the festive atmosphere.
Yn nghanol hyn i gyd, mae Rhys yn eistedd yn ei gwt, y goleuadau twym yn adlewyrchu ar ei waith celf a'r dyledion melys a lliwgar sy'n addurno'i waliau.
In the midst of all this, Rhys sits in his shack, the warm lights reflecting on his artwork and the sweet, colorful debts decorating his walls.
Mae Rhys, artist llawn talent, yn ymlacio yn ei cadair am hoff gorner y stafell.
Rhys, a talented artist, relaxes in his favorite corner of the room.
Ond, y tu mewn, mae Rhys yn teimlo pwysau rhywbeth mwy llwm, newyddion wedi dychryn ei galon.
But inside, Rhys feels the weight of something more grim: news that has frightened his heart.
Yn ddiweddar, mae wedi cael diagnosis gyda chyflwr meddygol difrifol.
Recently, he has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition.
Ond wrth i Rhys feddwl am ei gariad hirbell, Cerys, a'i ffrind bore oes, Eleri, mae'n ansicr sut i rannu hynny gyda nhw.
But as Rhys thinks about his long-distance love, Cerys, and his childhood friend, Eleri, he is unsure how to share that with them.
Mae erioed wedi bod eisiau niweidio'r cyfnod arbennig hwnnw o flwyddyn gyda'i newyddion.
He never wanted to mar this special time of year with his news.
Wrth i'r cloc ticio a'r eira ddal i gwympo, mae Rhys yn penderfynu cysylltu â'i ffrind Eleri gyntaf.
As the clock ticks and the snow continues to fall, Rhys decides to reach out to his friend Eleri first.
Mae'n gwybod fod Eleri wedi bod yn trwy lawer gydag ef dros y blynyddoedd, ac fe all hi helpu ei arwain.
He knows that Eleri has been through a lot with him over the years and she can help guide him.
"Shwmae, Eleri," mae'n dechrau ar y ffôn, ysgwydd a seiren ei lais yn dristach na'r arfer.
"Shwmae, Eleri," he begins on the phone, his voice sounding sadder than usual.
"Alli di ddod draw i'w nabod ychydig?
"Can you come over for a bit?
Mae 'na rhywbeth angen i mi siarad gyda ti.
There's something I need to talk to you about."
"Mae ton nodweddiadol o bryder yn cael ei glywed yng nghymuned fach y pentref wrth i Eleri groesi’r strydoedd wedi eu gorchuddio â phrwst brand newydd.
A characteristic tone of concern is heard in the small village community as Eleri crosses the streets covered in brand new frost.
Wrth iddi gyrraedd, mae Rhys yn datgelu ei sefyllfa: "Dw i ddim yn gwybod sut i ddweud wrth Cerys am hyn.
As she arrives, Rhys reveals his situation: "I don't know how to tell Cerys about this."
"Mae Eleri yn clywed ei ffrind yn llawn gwasanaeth a'r gefnogaeth.
Eleri listens to her friend with full service and support.
Mae'n cynnig cwtsh gynnes ac amsugno'r holl ofn yn ei sylwadau o anogaeth, "Dylen ni ddweud wrth hi.
She offers a warm hug and absorbs all the fear in her encouraging comments, "We should tell her.
Ond peth gorau ydi gwneud hynny gyda'r teimlad cywir.
But the best thing is to do so with the right feeling.
Hwyl ein gilydd yw'r gwir ychwanegu hyder.
Our friendship is truly what adds confidence."
"Gyda hyn, mae Rhys yn penderfynu y byddai'n gwneud hynny gyda'r camera wedi'i osod bron yn wyneb i wyneb gyda Cerys ar y sgrîn.
With this, Rhys decides he would do it with the camera almost face-to-face with Cerys on the screen.
Wrth i'r dydd Nadolig agosáu, mae'r trasiedi known yn golygu llawer i gyd gyda gwrthdarodd y car ar ben arall y byd.
As Christmas Day approaches, the known tragedy means a lot as it collides with a car on the other side of the world.
Dw i'n falch fod Rhys yn teimlo'r pwysau yn llai poeni wrth edrych ar Eleri yn clywed ei tywallt fel tyrfedd o ryddhad ac anhawster.
I'm glad that Rhys feels less worried as he looks at Eleri listening to him pour out his heart like a flood of relief and difficulty.
Yr amser yn cyrraedd, mae Rhys a Eleri yn cysylltu â Cerys dros fideo alwad y noson olaf.
The time arrives, and Rhys and Eleri connect with Cerys over a video call on the last evening.
O ddiwedd mae Rhys yn casglu ei bethau a gwneud cymal ddiwedd: yn dweud wrth Cerys yr hyn sy'n byth ei phryderon mwyaf, ond mae ei wynepyn yn dangos y gwir wyleidd-dra sy'n bwrw drwyddo.
Eventually, Rhys gathers his thoughts and makes his final step: telling Cerys what has long been his greatest concern, but his face shows the genuine modesty coursing through him.
"Mae'n iawn, Rhys," Cerys yn ateb, ei wyneb yn llawn caredigrwydd a dewrder.
"It's okay, Rhys," Cerys responds, her face full of kindness and courage.
"Dow i draw i dy gefnogi di.
"I'll come over to support you."
"Am y tro cyntaf mewn wythnosau, mae Rhys yn edrych ar Eleri, gan deimlo fe ysbryd o obaith gyda'r fro mewn dign betrusgar corp at ei chyniaeth.
For the first time in weeks, Rhys looks at Eleri, feeling a spirit of hope with the village in an undaunted composure towards its anticipation.
Mae Cerys yn bersonagensiad ei bellter hirbell, a Rhys yn dysgu gwerth gwir swn amddiffyn cymryd cyfrifoldeb negyddol.
Cerys, despite her long distance, personifies closeness and Rhys learns the true value of taking ownership of negative responsibility.
Mae Cerys yn cynllunio ymweliad ag ochr Eleri, sy'n dehongli gwir ffordd y dylent ddod yn agosach yn ei hymffurf bellach.
Cerys plans a visit with Eleri’s side, which interprets the real way they should come closer in their now distant formality.
Crëwyd cysylltiad ymdro i gyd â chymelodau teuluol, nad oedd Rhys erioed wedi ceisio wrthi.
An intertwined connection is created with family members that Rhys had never sought before.
Dros eira a chynhesrwydd, Rhys yn ymwybodol o'r pwysigrwydd o rannu llwyddo'n agos y rhai sy'n wir yma i rannu iawnderau'r calon.
Over snow and warmth, Rhys is aware of the importance of sharing triumphs closely with those who truly matter.
Ac wrth i Nadolig dynnu ymlaen, mae Rhys yn teimlo'n ddiogel, cefnogol a chariadus mewn swn y cymunedau gyhoeddus.
And as Christmas progresses, Rhys feels safe, supported, and loved in the resonance of the community.