Lost Heirloom: A Christmas Market Mystery Unveiled
FluentFiction - Welsh
Lost Heirloom: A Christmas Market Mystery Unveiled
Mae hi'n aeaf yng Nghaerdydd, a'r farchnad Dolig yn llawn dop o bobl.
It's winter in Caerdydd, and the Christmas market is bustling with people.
Cerdded trwy heolydd yng ngolau'r goleuadau twinkle mae Eira.
Walking through the streets under the twinkling lights is Eira.
Mae ei chalon yn curo'n gyflym.
Her heart is beating quickly.
Collodd ei thelyn Celt addurnedig, teyrnged gwerthfawr ei theulu.
She lost her decorated Celtic harp, a valuable family heirloom.
Bydd rhaid iddi ei chael cyn Noswyl Nadolig, pan fydd y teulu'n cwrdd i adrodd straeon.
She must find it before Christmas Eve, when the family gathers to tell stories.
Mae'n sylweddoli y gallai fod angen help, felly mae'n ffonio Gareth, ei chyfnither.
She realizes she might need help, so she calls Gareth, her cousin.
Er iddo edrych yn ddidefrd, mae Gareth wastad yna pan fo angen.
Although he seems indifferent, Gareth is always there when needed.
Maent yn cyfarfod wrth stondin faner llachar lle mae soudog o fwyd poeth yn llenwi'r awyr.
They meet at a bright banner stall where the aroma of hot food fills the air.
Mae Eira'n esbonio'r sefyllfa, ac yn dechrau un arall i chwilio am yr heirloom colledig.
Eira explains the situation, and they set off on another search for the lost heirloom.
Wrth fynd trwy'r dorf, mae Gareth ac Eira'n sylwi ar stondin â llinellau prysur.
As they move through the crowd, Gareth and Eira notice a stall with busy lines.
Mae Rhys, gwerthwr dirgel, yn sefyll y tu ôl i hopi.
There's Rhys, a mysterious seller, standing behind a counter.
Mae ei wyneb yn guddiedig dan gôt hir ac un cap mawr, ond mae yna wincing llawenydd yn ei llygaid.
His face is hidden under a long coat and a large cap, but there's a twinkle of joy in his eyes.
Eira'n cynnal sgwrs â Rhys, deall mae angen ymddiried ynddo er gwaethaf ei natur dirgel.
Eira engages in conversation with Rhys, understanding that she needs to trust him despite his mysterious nature.
“Rwy’n gwybod am eich heirloom,” medd Rhys yn dawel.
“I know about your heirloom,” Rhys says quietly.
“Mae'n rhywbeth arbennig am y marchnad hon. Rwy'n credu mae'n rhan o seremonïau hŷn.”
“There's something special about this market. I believe it is part of older ceremonies.”
Gydag ymddygiad o annisgwyl, mae Eira'n wynebu Rhys, yn tybio fod mwy i'w ddeall.
With unexpected behavior, Eira faces Rhys, assuming there's more to understand.
Mae Rhys yn egluro ymhellach am y ddolen rhwng yr addurniad ac un o draddodiadau'r farchnad.
Rhys explains further about the link between the decoration and one of the market's traditions.
Dywed Rhys ei fod wedi gweld y telyn yn y cist gymuned, a oedd i’w gynnwys mewn arwerthiant elusennol dros y Nadolig.
Rhys tells her he has seen the harp in the community chest, which was to be included in a charity auction over Christmas.
Mae gan Eira ddiolch mawr i Gareth am ei helpu, ac mae hefyd yn sicrhau y bydd Rhys yn teimlo'n croesawgar yn y digwyddiadau.
Eira is very grateful to Gareth for his help, and she also ensures that Rhys feels welcome at the events.
Wedi deall mwy am hanes ei theulu, mae hi'n diolch Rhys, tra'n gwahodd ef i ymuno â'r dathliadau.
Having learned more about her family's history, she thanks Rhys, while inviting him to join the celebrations.
Mae'r awyrgylch yn braf ar ddiwedd y diwrnod.
The atmosphere is pleasant at the end of the day.
Mae carolwyr yn freeco drwy'r strydoedd a swn moch cynnau’n gwefreiddio amgylchion.
Carolers are wandering through the streets, and the sound of crackling fires electrifies the surroundings.
Eto, wythnos cyn Noswyl Nadolig, mae Ewropeiddydd y teulu diogel gyda phawb yn cysylltu o amgylch dangos y gwerth mewn traddodiadau a ffrindiau newydd.
Yet, a week before Christmas Eve, the family's European heirloom is safe with everyone connecting around showing the value in traditions and new friends.
Roedd yr hyn a ddechreuodd yn anhrefn wedi troi'n ddathliad o ymddiriedaeth a gwytnwch dynol.
What started in chaos has turned into a celebration of trust and human resilience.