FluentFiction - Welsh

Lost and Found: A Shepherd's Winter Adventure

FluentFiction - Welsh

15m 55sJanuary 3, 2025

Lost and Found: A Shepherd's Winter Adventure

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  • Wrth edrychiad cynta, roedd y tir amaeth yn ymddangos yn dawel y bore hwnnw, wedi'i orchuddio a rhew tawel.

    At first glance, the farmland appeared quiet that morning, covered with a silent frost.

  • Y tu allan i'r bwthyn, roedd awel y gaeaf yn cnocio yn y coed.

    Outside the cottage, the winter breeze knocked against the trees.

  • Roedd y mynyddoedd eira yn edrych fel tapedi gwyn yn ymestyn tuag at leuad dal, ac roedd ysgafnach o haul yn taflu cysgodion hir dros y bryniau.

    The snow-capped mountains looked like white carpets stretching towards a tall moon, and a light touch of sun cast long shadows over the hills.

  • Ar ddiwrnod cyntaf y Flwyddyn Newydd, roedd Gethin, bugeilwr ifanc brwdfrydig, wrth ei fodd gyda'r dasg o gyfrif defaid ei deulu.

    On the first day of the New Year, Gethin, an enthusiastic young shepherd, was delighted with the task of counting his family's sheep.

  • Mae'n teimlo'n gyfrifol ac yn gyffrous i ddangos i'w deulu ei fod yn gallu trin y fferm ar ei ben ei hun.

    He felt responsible and excited to show his family that he could manage the farm on his own.

  • Ond, pan wnaeth e gyfri'r defaid, sylweddolai bod un yn eisiau.

    But when he counted the sheep, he realized one was missing.

  • Roedd ei lygaid glas yn Llawn pryder.

    His blue eyes were filled with worry.

  • "Be' 'di'r broblem, Gethin?

    "What's the problem, Gethin?"

  • " gofynnodd Carys, ei gyfnither direidus a chlyfar, a oedd yn ymweld am y gwyliau.

    asked Carys, his mischievous and clever cousin who was visiting for the holidays.

  • Roedd hi'n awyddus i wybod, gyda gwên fach ddireidus ar ei gwefusau.

    She was eager to know, with a small mischievous smile on her lips.

  • "Un defaid ar goll," meddyliodd Gethin yn dawel.

    "One sheep missing," thought Gethin quietly.

  • "Dim byd i hithau wybod am 'ny," meddai wrtho'i hun yn awyddus i beidio ag ymddangos "anniben.

    "Nothing for her to know about that," he said to himself, eager not to appear "messy."

  • "Ond Carys, onest a byth yn methu cludadau'r gwir, wnaeth fwrw ati i helpu Gethin.

    But Carys, honest and never failing to carry the truth, set out to help Gethin.

  • Doedd hi ddim yn gadael iddo fynd ar ei ben ei hun i chwilio am yr hwrdd coll.

    She wouldn't let him go off alone to search for the lost ram.

  • Roedd gan Carys weddïau digon o jôcs i ddweud wrth Gethin wrth iddyn nhw grwydro'r caeau, yn gweiddi "Baa!

    Carys had plenty of jokes to tell Gethin as they roamed the fields, shouting "Baa!"

  • " wrth basio'r ysguborydd, gan wneud iddo chwerthin.

    as they passed the barns, making him laugh.

  • Gethin, gyda’i dŷnedd fain a’i oleuni anghymesur, penderfynodd derbyn y cynnig o help Carys.

    Gethin, with his slender frame and disproportionate lightness, decided to accept Carys's offer of help.

  • Gyda'i gilydd, roedd y ddau yn chwilio drwy'r caeau, draw i'r ardal heibio'r nant lle'r oedd y dail byr gyda’r frost yn gwneud i’w traed lithro.

    Together, the two searched through the fields, over to the area past the brook where the short leaves with frost made their feet slip.

  • Beth amser wedi hynny, trodd Carys wrth glywed sŵn.

    Some time later, Carys turned at the sound.

  • "Gwrandew, Gethin!

    "Listen, Gethin!

  • Mae o draw fan'na!

    It's over there!"

  • " gwaeddodd hi, a'r ddau yn rhuthro tuag at y lle.

    she shouted, and the two rushed toward the spot.

  • Yna, gwelson nhw hi – roedd yr hwrdd coll wedi'i sugno mewn gwrychoedd, yn beidio â stopio mwmian yn ddig.

    Then, they saw it—the lost ram was stuck in hedges, not stopping its grumbling.

  • Roedd llais uchel y defaid coll yn adnabyddus—ei bleidio yn ddigon uchel i'w glywed hyd y diwedd.

    The loud voice of the lost sheep was recognizable—its bleating was loud enough to be heard to the end.

  • Roedd yn cyffwrdd â doniau'r ddau ffrind.

    It touched the talents of the two friends.

  • "Dyma fo!

    "There it is!"

  • " wênodd Gethin wrth dynnu’r hwrdd bach o’r hedge.

    Gethin smiled as he pulled the small ram from the hedge.

  • "Ti wedi gwneud e o,' meddai Carys, yn ddoniol ac yn hapus.

    "You've done it," said Carys, humorously and happily.

  • Gyda hwrdd yn gwylio, daeth Gethin i’r penderfyniad fod derbyn help fwy o fudd nag aros yn dosturiol a phwysau oddi ar ei ysgwyddau.

    With the ram watching, Gethin came to the decision that accepting help was more beneficial than staying pitiful and burdened.

  • Wrth iddyn nhw gerdded yn ôl tuag at y fferm, gyda'r hwrdd aeth yno hefyd, roedd y ddau gous yn chwerthin, mwynhau dod â golwg arallfydol o'r lug love mynydd.

    As they walked back towards the farm, with the ram accompanying them, the two cousins laughed, enjoying the otherworldly view of the wintry mountains.

  • Daeth Gethin i ddeall nad oedd rhaid iddo ysgwyddo popeth ar ei ben ei hun.

    Gethin came to understand that he didn't have to shoulder everything alone.

  • Mewn gwirionedd, ddwylo mewn llaw, roedd yn braf cael rhywun fel Carys wrth ei ochr.

    Indeed, hand in hand, it was nice to have someone like Carys by his side.