Dragons and Friendship: A Dydd Santes Dwynwen Tale
FluentFiction - Welsh
Dragons and Friendship: A Dydd Santes Dwynwen Tale
Yn nghanol y gaeaf, roedd sgwâr y pentref yn llawn sŵn a bywiogrwydd.
In the middle of winter, the village square was full of noise and liveliness.
O gwmpas, gwelid tai cerrig gyda baneri lliwgar yn chwifio o'r to, a phobl y pentref yn paratoi ar gyfer cystadleuaeth addurniadau thema draig i ddathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen.
Around, stone houses with colorful flags waving from the rooftops could be seen, and the village people were preparing for a dragon-themed decoration competition to celebrate Dydd Santes Dwynwen.
Roedd y nef yn las ac yn ysgafn, ond roedd yr awyr wedi'i orlifo â'r oerwynt crisial.
The sky was blue and clear, yet the air was flooded with the crisp winter wind.
Yn y torf, safai Gareth, crefftwr brwd a oedd yn benderfynol o ennill y gystadleuaeth.
In the crowd stood Gareth, an eager craftsman determined to win the competition.
Roedd ei ffrind, Carys, gyda hi, yn rhoi cyngor a gwneud sylwadau doniol yn achlysurol.
His friend, Carys, was with him, offering advice and making occasional humorous remarks.
Ar draws y sgwâr, gwelwyd Eleri, ei brif wrthwynebydd, yng nghanol creu campwaith trawiadol.
Across the square, Eleri, his main rival, was seen in the middle of creating an impressive masterpiece.
Roedd ychydig yn bryderus ond hefyd yn gyffrous.
She was a bit anxious but also excited.
Garfraith oedd Gareth.
Gareth was a blacksmith.
Roedd bob amser yn chwilio am y mwyaf cywir o'r offer, ond deallodd yn fuan bod Eleri yn meddu ar bopeth ar gyfer ei chreadigaeth ddychmygus.
He was always searching for the most precise tools, but he soon realized that Eleri had everything for her imaginative creation.
Roedd mathau o frethyn, metel disglair a chrëadurion papur â menig amryliw i gyd yn addurno ei stondin.
Various types of fabric, shiny metal, and paper creatures with colorful mittens all adorned her stall.
Roedd Gareth yn teimlo'r pwysau'n cynyddu ac roedd angen help arno.
Gareth felt the pressure increasing and needed help.
"Wel, Gareth," meddai Carys, chwarae ei ffon frethyn i'r awyr, "pam lai wyt ti ddim yn defnyddio'r hyn sydd ar gael yma yn y pentref?
"Well, Gareth," said Carys, waving her fabric wand in the air, "why don't you use what's available here in the village?
Mae honno'n ffordd ddigon diddorol o wneud pethau.
That's an interesting enough way to do things."
""Ond barn siarad," meddai Gareth gan amau, "mae pawb yn disgwyl rhywbeth mawr gan y gystadleuaeth.
"But honestly," Gareth doubted, "everyone expects something big from the competition."
""Tro arni," cymhellodd Carys yn chwareus.
"Give it a try," Carys urged playfully.
"Nid trwy'r offer gorau mae crochenwaith gorau'n dod, ond trwy dy ysbryd.
"The best pottery doesn't come from the finest tools but from your spirit."
"Yn olaf, penderfynodd Gareth wrando ar Carys a chwilio am ddeunyddiau anghyffredin.
Finally, Gareth decided to listen to Carys and seek out unusual materials.
Daeth o hyd i hen faril, pyllau henai, a hyd yn oed llond llaw o offer garddio oethau wedi'u hesgeuluso ger y siop lan tŷ.
He found an old barrel, some old chains, and even a handful of neglected gardening tools near the local shop.
Dyna'r pethau anhygoel a fyddai'n rhan o'i greadigaeth arbennig.
Those were the incredible things that would be part of his special creation.
O fewn diwrnod neu ddau, roedd draig Gareth ar ben ei hun.
Within a day or two, Gareth's dragon was complete.
Roedd wedi torchi fbag tal, gydag olwyn amlwg ac âchwipen sgleiniog fel wyneb.
He had raised a tall banner, with a prominent wheel and a glittering tail like a spear.
Roedd y draig yn edrych yn ddoniol ac yn ddychrynllyd yr un pryd.
The dragon looked both comical and terrifying at the same time.
Daeth y diwrnod mawr.
The big day arrived.
Stondinau yn llawn draig a phawb yn siarad am grefft Eleri hefyd.
Stalls were full of dragons, and everyone was talking about Eleri's craft as well.
Ond mae ymateb a wnaethpwyd gan Gareth wedi cynyddu'r disgwyl.
But the response sparked by Gareth increased the anticipation.
Pan ddaeth yr enillwr i mewn, roedd pawb yn disgwyl.
When the winner was announced, everyone was expectant.
Doedd Gareth ddim yn ennill, ond roedd ei ysgytist draig yn denu sylw.
Gareth did not win, but his unique dragon drew attention.
Daeth yn ail gydag ysgogiad arbennig am 'oryniaeth gwreiddiol.
He came in second with special recognition for 'original creativity.'
'Amheuthyn oedd hynny, ond roedd Gareth a Eleri yn deimladau llawn cyfeillgarwch newydd.
That was a reward, but Gareth and Eleri felt filled with a new friendship.
Sylweddolon nhw bwysigrwydd y gymuned a'r llawenydd yn hytrach na budd personol.
They realized the importance of the community and joy over personal gain.
Roedd hwy a phobl y pentref yn dathlu Dydd Santes Dwynwen gyda mwy na dim ond draig addurno, ond gyda'r teimlad o lawenydd!
They and the village people celebrated Dydd Santes Dwynwen with more than just dragon decorations—with a feeling of joy!
Ac felly, gyda'r prysurdeb a'r creu ar ben, dysgodd Gareth i fwynhau y broses yn fwy na'r canlyniad.
And so, with the hustle and bustle of creation over, Gareth learned to enjoy the process more than the result.
Roedd yn rhaid gweld y gymuned gyfan yn dod at ei gilydd—dyna oedd yr enwogiaeth go iawn, a'r gystadleuaeth iw ffyniant.
Seeing the whole community come together—that was the real fame, and the competition's true success.