Navigating Storms: A Tale of Friendship's True Value
FluentFiction - Welsh
Navigating Storms: A Tale of Friendship's True Value
Wrth i'r gwynt chwythu dros Eryri, roedd Gwyneth, Emrys, a Carys yn sefyll ar ddechrau'r llwybr.
As the wind blew over Eryri, Gwyneth, Emrys, and Carys stood at the beginning of the path.
Roedd hi'n Ddydd Santes Dwynwen, ond yn hytrach na therfynu yn nhŷ braf gyda choffi twym, roedd y tri ffrind yn wynebu taith heriol.
It was Dydd Santes Dwynwen, but rather than ending up in a cozy house with warm coffee, the three friends were facing a challenging journey.
Roedd Gwyneth wedi gadael tlws teulu pwysig ar y llwybrau gwyliau blaenorol ac roedd hi'n benderfynol o'i gael yn ôl.
Gwyneth had left an important family heirloom on a previous holiday trail and was determined to get it back.
"Mae'n beryglus heddiw," rhybuddiodd Emrys, yn edrych ar y cymylau trwm ac yn clywed y gwynt yn rhuthro trwy'r coed.
"It's dangerous today," warned Emrys, looking at the heavy clouds and hearing the wind rushing through the trees.
"Ond dwi'n deall pam mae'n bwysig i ti.
"But I understand why it's important to you."
""Byddwn ni'n iawn os ydyn ni'n glyfar," meddai Gwyneth, er ei bod hi'n ofni'n dawel nad oedd yn mynd i fod yn ddigon i'w chyfeillion.
"We'll be fine if we're smart," said Gwyneth, though she quietly feared it wouldn't be enough for her friends.
"Dewch ymlaen," galwodd Carys, ei phersonoliaeth benderfynol yn goleuo'r sefyllfa.
"Come on," called Carys, her determined personality brightening the situation.
Roedd hi'n poeni am eu taith, ond roedd hi'n benderfynol i helpu ei ffrindiau.
She was worried about their journey, but she was determined to help her friends.
Wrth iddynt fynd yn ddyfnach i'r goedwig, dechreuodd y eira syrthio'n drymach.
As they ventured deeper into the forest, the snow began to fall more heavily.
Roedd y tirwedd gerwin yn cuddio'r llwybr fel ymaflai'r storm.
The rugged landscape hid the path as the storm gripped them.
Roedd y gwynt yn chwythu'n chwerw yn eu hwynebau, gan eu herio i bob cam.
The wind blew bitterly in their faces, challenging their every step.
"Gadewch i ni gyflymu.
"Let's speed up.
Dwi'n teimlo ein bod yn colli gafael," dywedodd Emrys, wrth iddynt arafu wrth gorseddfan garw.
I feel like we're losing grip," said Emrys, as they slowed at a rough bench.
Yn sydyn, roedd y tri wedi colli'r llwybr.
Suddenly, the three had lost the path.
Roedd pethau'n dechrau edrych yn anobeithiol wrth iddynt wynebu golygfa o eira ym mhob cyfeiriad.
Things started to look hopeless as they faced a view of snow in every direction.
"Beth am yr heirloom?
"What about the heirloom?"
" gofynnodd Emrys, yn poeni.
asked Emrys, worried.
Mae'n rhaid, Gwyneth, iawn?
"We must, Gwyneth, right?"
"Ond roedd Gwyneth wedi cael goleuni newydd.
But Gwyneth had a new revelation.
"Na, does dim synnwyr mynd yn ddyfnach.
"No, it doesn't make sense to go deeper.
Dydy'r heirloom ddim yn bwysicach na chi.
The heirloom isn't more important than you."
"Cydsyniodd Carys.
Carys agreed.
"Gadewch i ni fynd yn ôl at ddiogelwch.
"Let's head back to safety."
"Gyda'i gilydd, wrth wylio ein camau'n ofalus, dechreuon nhw fynd yn ôl.
Together, watching their steps carefully, they began to head back.
Rydyn nhw'n gweithio'n galed, gan ddefnyddio'r gwytnwch a'r penderfyniad i ddod o hyd i'w ffordd allan o'r storm.
They worked hard, using resilience and determination to find their way out of the storm.
Wrth iddynt gyrraedd y mynydd, roeddent yn segur ond yn ddiogel.
As they reached the mountain, they were weary but safe.
Roedd yr antur wedi dod i ben heb yr heirloom, ond roedd Gwyneth wedi dysgu rhywbeth pwysig.
The adventure had ended without the heirloom, but Gwyneth had learned something important.
"Diolch am eich cefnogaeth," meddai yn llawen at ei ffrindiau.
"Thank you for your support," she said happily to her friends.
"Rydych chi'n bwysicach na phethau.
"You are more important than things."
"Roedd y storm wedi clirio, a gyda hi, roedd dealltwriaeth newydd wedi aflonyddu.
The storm had cleared, and with it, a new understanding had emerged.
Roedd eu cyfeillgarwch hyd yn oed yn gryfach.
Their friendship was even stronger.
Ar ôl cael cacen bara brith a choffi yn Snowdonia, roedd yn brawf nad ydy mân golledion bywyd yn eu rhwystro.
After having cacen bara brith and coffee in Snowdonia, it was proof that life's minor losses didn't hinder them.
Ac felly, gyda gilydd, wistiad y tri ffrind drwodd yn ddiogel gyda gwers newydd ar bwysigrwydd cyfeillgarwch yn eu calonnau.
And so, together, the three friends navigated safely through with a new lesson on the importance of friendship in their hearts.