Neon Dragons and AI Dreams: A Night in Cyber Valley
FluentFiction - Welsh
Neon Dragons and AI Dreams: A Night in Cyber Valley
Ar noson oer, roedd y dreigiau neon yn chwibanu dros y brifddinas dechnolegol o Cyber Valley.
On a cold night, the neon dragons were whistling over the technological capital of Cyber Valley.
Roedd yna stori arbennig yn dechrau.
A special story was beginning.
Roedd Carys a Gareth yn teithio i gynhadledd dechnoleg.
Carys and Gareth were traveling to a technology conference.
Cynffon o fflachiadau golau o skyscrapiau, pobl yn rhuthro heibio yn chwilio am newyddbethau.
A trail of light flashes from skyscrapers, people rushing by in search of novelties.
Carys oedd y gyntaf i weld yr adeilad lle'r oedd y gynhadledd.
Carys was the first to see the building where the conference was being held.
Yn wefr mewnol, roedd hi'n paratoi i gyflwyno ei phrosiect AI arloesol.
With internal excitement, she was preparing to present her groundbreaking AI project.
Roedd Gareth wrth ochr hi, yn cynnal y ffeiliau a'r cynlluniau—yn fwy cadarn na hi, ond yn llai brwdfrydig.
Gareth was by her side, holding the files and plans—more solid than she, but less enthusiastic.
Yn porth i'r dechnoleg newydd yma, roedd Rhiannon, newyddiadurwr roes honno'n chwilio am stôrïau cyffrous.
At the portal of this new technology was Rhiannon, a journalist who was looking for exciting stories.
Y fan yma roedd pobl o bob cwr yn annheir, yn cyflwyno eu syniadau gwych.
Here, people from all over were presenting their brilliant ideas.
Wrth baratoi, sylweddolodd Carys bod problem gyda'r offer cyflwyno.
While preparing, Carys realized there was a problem with the presentation equipment.
Mae'n gwneud iddi dybio am y tro cyntaf.
It made her hesitate for the first time.
'Roedd peiriant wedi methu, lluniau'n pylu, a dathliadau eraill yn sioe'r rhaglenni orau.
A machine had failed, images were fading, and other celebrations in the show of the best programs.
"Beth wna i nawr?
"What will I do now?"
" gofynnodd, tonau o bryder yn codi.
she asked, waves of worry rising.
"Peidiwch â phoeni," meddai Gareth.
"Don't worry," said Gareth.
"Rydyn ni yma i helpu.
"We're here to help."
"Yn y fan hyn, awgrymodd Rhiannon ei bod yn ymdrin â'r sefyllfa trwy ei mwyaeth.
At this point, Rhiannon suggested handling the situation with her expertise.
"Siaradwch gyda nhw Carys!
"Talk to them Carys!
Gallem ddefnyddio sylweddol yn lle lluniau.
We could use description instead of images."
"Cafodd y cwrdd â'r cynulleidfa, a theimlodd ei bod ar don newydd.
She addressed the audience, feeling like she was on a new wave.
Gyda phwyslais ar ei gweledigaeth a dychymyg, gosod mewn geiriau pwerus, roedd ei olwg technolegol yn taith i'r dyfodol.
With emphasis on her vision and imagination, set in powerful words, her technological insight was a journey to the future.
Wrth i'r tonnau i mewn, ni chred Carys y canmoliaeth a'r diolchgarwch.
As the applause came in, Carys couldn't believe the praise and gratitude.
Roedd cyfalafwyr posib yn ymdrin â pherthasoi newydd i'w syniad.
Potential investors were engaging in new partnerships for her idea.
Yn y diwedd, Carys ddysgu nad oes platen fford diogel.
In the end, Carys learned there is no perfect safety net.
Weithiau mae tech yn methu, ond gyda chynorthwyydd talentog, mae hyd yn oed y broblem fwyaf yn fyd lleiaf.
Sometimes tech fails, but with talented support, even the biggest problem becomes the smallest world.
Disgynnodd eira dros Cyber Valley wrth iddynt ymlwybro o'r cynhadledd, gwybod eu bod nhw wedi gwneud peth arbennig heddiw.
Snow fell over Cyber Valley as they walked away from the conference, knowing they had done something special today.
Roedd cydweithio a hyblygrwydd, nid dim ond gwell tech, yn creu llwyddiant gwirioneddol.
It was collaboration and flexibility, not just better tech, that created true success.