Mystic Glow: Unveiling Legends of Castell Dinas Brân
FluentFiction - Welsh
Mystic Glow: Unveiling Legends of Castell Dinas Brân
O dan len y sêr, safodd Castell Dinas Brân yn grand ac yn unig, gorffwys ar ben y bryn fel gwarchodwr cyfrinachau’r oesau.
Under the blanket of stars, Castell Dinas Brân stood grand and lonely, resting atop the hill like a guardian of secrets from ages past.
Edrychai’r castell, â’i gerrig llychlyd, dros ddyffryn Llangollen, tra oedd clwydir yr eira'n araf yn cryfhau.
The castle, with its weathered stones, looked out over the Dyffryn Llangollen, while the snowdrift slowly grew stronger.
Roedd y gwynt yn hŵylio drwy’r muriau’n chwythu'n oer ac yn llym, fel ryw hen wrach yn canu hen ganeuon niwl.
The wind whistled through the walls, blowing cold and sharp, like some old witch singing ancient fog songs.
Roedd Gwilym ar fin dringo'r allt, ei lygaid yn cael eu tanio gan straeon bore oes ei dad-cu, straeon am oleuadau hud a hanesion y tylwyth teg o'r amseroedd a fu.
Gwilym was about to climb the slope, his eyes ignited by the early morning stories of his grandfather, tales of magical lights and folklore of the fairies from times gone by.
Yn ei gwmni roedd Carys, gwynep amheus gyda'i camerâu, barod i ddal delweddau syfrdanol tra'n chwalu'r chwedlau o flaen ei lens.
Accompanying him was Carys, a skeptical face with her cameras, ready to capture stunning images while shattering the myths before her lens.
"Paid â disgwyl rhywbeth arall heblaw gwynt a rhwyll," pwysleisiodd Carys, ei geiriau yn llithro allan mewn niwl bach o anadl yn y rhew.
"Don't expect anything other than wind and mist," Carys emphasized, her words slipping out in a small fog of breath in the frost.
"Mae pob lle fel hyn yn cael rhyw chwedl."
"Every place like this has some kind of legend."
“Wel," atebodd Gwilym gyda gwybedyn o gyffro, "bydd yn werth gweld beth bynnag a gawn ni. Mae'r glowyn yn dyfolaeth."
"Well," replied Gwilym with a buzz of excitement, "it'll be worth seeing whatever we find. The glow is in the future."
Roedd yr eira'n rhewi, yn crensian dan eu traed wrth iddynt ddringo.
The snow was freezing, crunching under their feet as they climbed.
Roedd yr haul wedi hen ddiflannu, a dim ond eu fflachlampau’n goleuo’r ffordd drwy’r adfeilion, wrth chwilio am unrhyw arwydd o oleuni dirgel.
The sun had long disappeared, and only their flashlights illuminated the path through the ruins, as they searched for any sign of mysterious light.
Wrth i'r noson blygu tuag at hanner nos, fe ddigwyddodd rhywbeth.
As the night bent towards midnight, something happened.
O ganol y muriau wywo, ymddangosodd golau meddal, balch ac anhraethadwy.
From the midst of the worn walls, a soft, proud, and indescribable light appeared.
Gwilym a Carys, â’i holl benlinioc yng nghyferbyniad eu credoau, stopiodd mewn syndod.
Gwilym and Carys, with their entire contrasting beliefs, stopped in amazement.
“Ai dyma yw e?” chwipiodd Carys yn agored, ei lygaid yn crwydro rhwng oleuni'r fflachlamp a'r golau gorchuddiedig.
"Is this it?" Carys snapped openly, her eyes wandering between the flashlight's beam and the veiled light.
Roedd Gwilym yn llawn gyfaredd, bron yn anadlu.
Gwilym was full of enchantment, almost breathless.
"Edrych!" wnaeth e wthio ymlaen, cyffro'n suddo’n ddwfn yn ei lais.
"Look!" he urged, excitement sinking deep into his voice.
Roedd y golau yn cydgynhesu yng nghanol y cae, fel petai'n creu ffurf dynol yn codi a dirgrynu; anwyldeb oedd yn denu ac yn dyrus ar yr un pryd.
The light gathered warmth in the middle of the field, as if forming a human shape that rose and shimmered; an allure that was both inviting and unsettling.
Yn dawel, cerddodd y ffigwr golau o'u blaenau, fel petai’n arwain y ffordd.
Silently, the light figure walked ahead of them, as if leading the way.
Gwnaeth y ddau ddilyn, eu gwyntoedd wedi'u dwysáu gan atgasedd yr oerfel drosodd arnynt.
They both followed, their breaths intensified by the resentment of the cold overtaking them.
Yn ddiefelyg, daethant at ran coll o’r adfeilion, yn guddiedig o olau’r dydd ac yn guddiedig o olwg dynol.
Unerringly, they came upon a hidden part of the ruins, concealed from the light of day and from human sight.
Dyma lle roedden nhw’n dod o hyd i'r siambr ddofn â'i drigfanau anghyfarwydd.
It was here they found the deep chamber with its unfamiliar dwellings.
Dewisodd Carys, ei amlwgdeb yn canu mewn symudiadau hudolus o’r camera, ddal delweddau difyr o'r hen greiriau a'r cerrig sy'n storïo'r gorffennol.
Carys, her prominence singing in the magical movements of the camera, chose to capture fascinating images of the ancient relics and stones that storied the past.
“Does dim myth gyda’r datguddiadau yma,” mudodd Carys, ei llygaid yn llawn hedflas anghrediniaeth.
"There’s no myth with these revelations," murmured Carys, her eyes full of incredulous wonder.
Yn y dawdd gwelw'r golau, teimlai Gwilym nerth o ganiad o ddychmyg.
In the pale glow of the light, Gwilym felt a power of imaginative cadence.
Wedi hynny, cerddodd y ddau i lawr, eu profiad yn uno’r straeon a'r gwirionedd.
Afterward, the two walked down, their experience uniting the stories and the truth.
Roedd yr hyder o fewn Gwilym wedi'i gerust, ond ymdeimlad o werth gwrando ar y chwedlau yn parhau.
The confidence within Gwilym was reassured, but a sense of the value of listening to the legends persisted.
Erbyn i Carys sylwi ar ffurf newydd o barch tuag at hanes, fe ddileuodd amheuaeth ynddi.
By the time Carys noticed a new form of respect towards history, doubt within her had been erased.
Ger y môr o ddyffryn Llangollen, yng nghanol adfeilion yr oesau, roedd un porth arall wedi agor – porth i antur ac ymffrost.
Near the sea of Dyffryn Llangollen, amidst the ruins of the ages, another gate had opened—a gateway to adventure and pride.
Wrth i nhw bwyllog ddynesu at ben y dyffryn unwaith eto, roedd hi’n glir iddynt i'r golau goch a welwyd yn nyfnderoedd Castell Dinas Brân ddim ond erchwyn y stori.
As they cautiously approached the edge of the valley once again, it was clear to them that the red light seen in the depths of Castell Dinas Brân was only the fringe of the story.