FluentFiction - Welsh

The Thoughtful Gift: Lessons from a Maritime Discovery

FluentFiction - Welsh

12m 47sFebruary 26, 2025

The Thoughtful Gift: Lessons from a Maritime Discovery

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  • Ar ddiwrnod oer a gwyntog ar ddechrau mis Chwefror, cododd Llew a cherdded i lawr strydoedd gliniol Doc Penfro.

    On a cold and windy day at the start of February, Llew got up and walked down the narrow streets of Doc Penfro.

  • Roedd siopau'r dref yn brysur gyda phobl mewn cotiau trymion yn ysgeintio o amgylch yr heolydd.

    The town's shops were busy with people in heavy coats bustling around the streets.

  • Roedd Llew yn gwybod bod angen canolbwyntio heddiw.

    Llew knew he needed to focus today.

  • Roedd rhaid iddo ddod o hyd i anrheg pen-blwydd berffaith ar gyfer ei ffrind gorau, Rhiannon.

    He had to find the perfect birthday gift for his best friend, Rhiannon.

  • Roedd hi'n hoff iawn o hanes, ac roedd Llew eisiau rhywbeth arbennig.

    She really loved history, and Llew wanted something special.

  • Ond roedd mwy nag un broblem.

    But there was more than one problem.

  • Roedd penderfynu rhwng rhywbeth ymarferol neu ystyriaethol yn gwthio Llew i feddwl yn ddwfn.

    Deciding between something practical or thoughtful was pushing Llew to think deeply.

  • Roedd angen iddo wneud Rhiannon deimlo'n arbennig, ond hefyd ddim eisiau rhywbeth a fyddai'n llawn prysurdeb diangen.

    He needed to make Rhiannon feel special, but also didn't want something that would be full of unnecessary fuss.

  • Trevor, ffrind arall Llew, wedi rhoi awgrym iddo: "Beth am lyfr hanes arbenigol?

    Trevor, another friend of Llew, had given him a suggestion: "How about a specialized history book?

  • Mae Rhiannon wrth ei bodd â'r pethau hynny.

    Rhiannon loves those things."

  • " Er bod cais Trevor yn swnio dda, roedd Llew wedi ymweld â sawl siop lyfrau eisoes heb lwc.

    Even though Trevor's suggestion sounded good, Llew had already visited several bookstores without luck.

  • Ond un siop fach ar ben y stryd dal heb weld.

    But one small shop at the end of the street hadn't been seen yet.

  • Yng nhornel y stryd, gyda ffenestri'n llewyrchu golau cynnes, roedd siop lyfrau felen.

    At the corner of the street, with windows gleaming warm light, was a yellow bookstore.

  • Yno, tra'n pori rhwng y silffoedd llawn llwch, gwelodd Llew lyfr arbennig.

    There, while browsing between the dusty shelves, Llew saw a special book.

  • Teitl hen, gorchudd lliwgar, llawn straeon am hanes morwrol Cymru.

    An old title, colorful cover, full of stories about the maritime history of Wales.

  • Lygadodd Llew byddai hwn yn anrheg gyflawn.

    Llew realized this would be the perfect gift.

  • Roedd yn berffaith ar gyfer Rhiannon.

    It was perfect for Rhiannon.

  • Cyffrous, cododd y llyfr a mynd at y cownter.

    Excited, he picked up the book and went to the counter.

  • Y diwrnod canlynol, gwawriodd.

    The next day dawned.

  • Gyntaf, roedd Llew yn nerfus, ond wrth weld Rhiannon yn glywed y llyfr, gwenodd yn tristach.

    Initially, Llew was nervous, but upon seeing Rhiannon as she received the book, she smiled tearfully.

  • "Diolch, Llew," meddai Rhiannon, ei llygaid yn dechrau dŵr.

    "Thank you, Llew," said Rhiannon, her eyes starting to water.

  • "Mae'n berffaith.

    "It's perfect."

  • "Ar y funud honno, sylweddolodd Llew ym mhwysigrwydd meddwl a gofal i anrheg.

    In that moment, Llew realized the importance of thoughtfulness and care in a gift.

  • Dim y cost, ond yr ystyr oedd yn bwysig.

    It wasn't the cost, but the meaning that was important.

  • Roedd wedi dysgu gwers werthfawr, un a fyddai'n aros gydag ef am byth.

    He had learned a valuable lesson, one that would stay with him forever.