
Lars: A Tale of Courage in the Copenhagen Rain
FluentFiction - Danish
Lars: A Tale of Courage in the Copenhagen Rain
Lars var ikke glad.
Lars was not happy.
Det regnede i København.
It was raining in Copenhagen.
Han havde ingen paraply.
He did not have an umbrella.
Koldt vand løb ned af hans ansigt.
Cold water ran down his face.
Hans tøj var vådt.
His clothes were wet.
Han sad på sin cykel i regnen.
He sat on his bike in the rain.
Gaderne i København var glatte.
The streets of Copenhagen were slippery.
Regnen piskede ned.
The rain was pouring down.
Lars var på vej til arbejde.
Lars was on his way to work.
Han arbejdede i en butik i København.
He worked in a store in Copenhagen.
Butikken solgte tøj.
The store sold clothes.
Pludselig skete det.
Suddenly, it happened.
Lars følte noget mærkeligt.
Lars felt something strange.
Det var hans cykel.
It was his bike.
Den skred ud!
It slipped!
Han faldt af cyklen.
He fell off the bike.
", sagde det.
it sounded.
Folk så på ham.
People looked at him.
De havde paraplyer.
They had umbrellas.
De var ikke våde.
They were not wet.
Lars var våd og kold.
Lars was wet and cold.
Han havde ondt.
He was in pain.
Hans knæ var skrabet op.
His knee was scraped.
Han rejste sig op.
He stood up.
Han samlede sin cykel op.
He picked up his bike.
Folk gik forbi ham.
People walked past him.
Ingen hjalp ham.
No one helped him.
Lars var alene i regnen.
Lars was alone in the rain.
Han tænkte på butikken.
He thought about the store.
Han tænkte på sit arbejde.
He thought about his work.
Han tænkte på sin chef.
He thought about his boss.
Ville han blive vred?
Would he be angry?
Lars var bange for det.
Lars was afraid of that.
Lars tog en dyb indånding.
Lars took a deep breath.
Han satte sig på cyklen igen.
He got back on the bike.
Han cyklede videre.
He continued cycling.
Han ville ikke være sent på den.
He didn't want to be late.
Regnen piskede stadig ned.
The rain was still pouring down.
Lars nåede frem til butikken.
Lars arrived at the store.
Han gik indenfor.
He went inside.
Det var varmt i butikken.
It was warm in the store.
Han tog sin våde jakke af.
He took off his wet jacket.
Hans chef så på ham.
His boss looked at him.
Lars var bange.
Lars was scared.
"Hvorfor er du våd?
"Why are you wet?"
", spurgte hans chef.
asked his boss.
"Jeg faldt af min cykel", sagde Lars.
"I fell off my bike," said Lars.
"Er du okay?
"Are you okay?"
", spurgte chefen.
asked the boss.
"Ja," sagde Lars, "jeg har det fint nu.
"Yes," said Lars, "I'm fine now."
"Chefens ansigt blødede op.
The boss's face softened.
Han smilede.
He smiled.
"Du er stærk, Lars," sagde han, "du er modig.
"You are strong, Lars," he said, "you are brave."
" Lars smilte tilbage.
Lars smiled back.
Han var glad.
He was happy.
Han vidste at han kunne klare regnen.
He knew he could handle the rain.
Han vidste at han kunne klare alt.
He knew he could handle anything.
Den aften cyklede Lars hjem.
That evening, Lars cycled home.
Det var stadig regnvejr.
It was still rainy.
Men Lars var ikke bange.
But Lars was not scared.
Han havde sin cykel og han havde sit mod.
He had his bike and he had his courage.
Han havde overvundet en svær dag.
He had overcome a tough day.
Lars var våd og kold, men han var glad.
Lars was wet and cold, but he was happy.
Han havde lært noget vigtigt.
He had learned something important.
Regn eller sol, glat vej eller tørt, han kunne klare det.
Rain or shine, slippery road or dry, he could handle it.
Han kunne overvinde enhver situation.
He could overcome any situation.
Han var stærk.
He was strong.
Han var Lars.
He was Lars.
Og han var glad.
And he was happy.