Mystery at Rosenborg: The Great Crown Heist
FluentFiction - Danish
Mystery at Rosenborg: The Great Crown Heist
Sofie vågnede tidligt.
Sofie woke up early.
Solen skinnede blidt ind i hendes værelse.
The sun was gently shining into her room.
Hun kunne se Rosenborg Slot fra sit vindue.
She could see Rosenborg Castle from her window.
Det store slot stod majestætisk midt i København.
The grand castle stood majestically in the middle of Copenhagen.
Sofie arbejdede på slottet som guide.
Sofie worked at the castle as a guide.
Denne dag var speciel.
This day was special.
Der var en vigtig udstilling om gamle kongelige skatte.
There was an important exhibition of ancient royal treasures.
Mange mennesker kom for at se de gamle artefakter.
Many people came to see the old artifacts.
Sofie glædede sig til at vise dem rundt.
Sofie was excited to show them around.
Ved indgangen mødte Sofie sin kollega, Lars.
At the entrance, Sofie met her colleague, Lars.
"Hej, Sofie!
"Hi, Sofie!
Er du klar til den store dag?"
Are you ready for the big day?"
spurgte han.
he asked.
"Ja, Lars.
"Yes, Lars.
Jeg er meget spændt," svarede Sofie.
I'm very excited," Sofie replied.
De gik sammen gennem slottets lange gange.
They walked together through the castle's long corridors.
De passerede flotte sale og gamle møbler.
They passed splendid halls and old furniture.
Sofie kunne høre besøgende, som talte om de smukke udstillinger.
Sofie could hear visitors talking about the beautiful exhibits.
Pludselig hørte de larm fra en af salene.
Suddenly, they heard noise from one of the halls.
Sofie og Lars skyndte sig derind.
Sofie and Lars hurried there.
En sikkerhedsvagt stod og talte med nogle besøgende.
A security guard was speaking with some visitors.
Han så bekymret ud.
He looked worried.
"Hvad sker der?"
"What’s happening?"
spurgte Sofie.
Sofie asked.
"En af de gamle skatte er væk," svarede vagten.
"One of the old treasures is missing," the guard replied.
"Den kongelige krone er forsvundet."
"The royal crown is gone."
Sofie gispede.
Sofie gasped.
"Hvordan kan det være sket?"
"How could that have happened?"
Vagten pegede mod en udstillingsmonter, som stod tom.
The guard pointed to an empty display case.
"Vi ved det ikke endnu.
"We don't know yet.
Men vi må finde den!"
But we must find it!"
Sofie tænkte hurtigt.
Sofie thought quickly.
"Lad os søge i hele slottet.
"Let's search the entire castle.
Vi kan tjekke alle rum," foreslog hun.
We can check every room," she suggested.
Lars og vagten nikkede.
Lars and the guard nodded.
"God idé, Sofie."
"Good idea, Sofie."
De begyndte deres søgning.
They began their search.
Sofie løb fra rum til rum.
Sofie ran from room to room.
Hun kiggede bag møbler og inde i skabe.
She looked behind furniture and inside closets.
Efter en times søgen var de stadig tomhændede.
After an hour of searching, they were still empty-handed.
Sofie satte sig på en bænk og tænkte.
Sofie sat on a bench and thought.
Hvor kunne kronen være?
Where could the crown be?
Så fik hun en idé.
Then she had an idea.
Hun løb til biblioteket, hvor gamle kort og planer af slottet blev opbevaret.
She ran to the library, where old maps and plans of the castle were kept.
Hun fandt en plan over en hemmelig korridor.
She found a plan of a secret corridor.
"Se, Lars!"
"Look, Lars!"
sagde hun og viste ham planerne.
she said, showing him the plans.
"Måske er artefakten gemt her."
"Maybe the artifact is hidden here."
Lars kiggede.
Lars looked.
"Lad os tjekke det ud."
"Let's check it out."
De gik gennem en smal dør og ned ad en mørk korridor.
They went through a narrow door and down a dark corridor.
Der var næsten ingen lys.
There was almost no light.
Pludselig stødte de på en lille kiste.
Suddenly, they came across a small chest.
Lars åbnede kisten forsigtigt.
Lars opened the chest carefully.
Der, midt i kisten, lå den kongelige krone.
There, in the middle of the chest, lay the royal crown.
Den glimtede i lyset fra deres lommelygter.
It glittered in the light from their flashlights.
"Vi fandt den!"
"We found it!"
råbte Sofie glad.
Sofie shouted joyfully.
De bar kronen forsigtigt tilbage til udstillingen.
They carefully carried the crown back to the exhibition.
Vagten så lettet ud.
The guard looked relieved.
Besøgende klappede, da de hørte nyheden.
Visitors applauded when they heard the news.
Sofie smilede.
Sofie smiled.
Hun kunne mærke stoltheden i sit hjerte.
She could feel the pride in her heart.
De gamle skatte var sikre igen, og Rosenborg Slot var i ro.
The ancient treasures were safe again, and Rosenborg Castle was at peace.
Dagen sluttede med en fest for alle, der arbejdede på slottet.
The day ended with a party for everyone who worked at the castle.
Sofie så ud over København fra slotlets balkon.
Sofie looked out over Copenhagen from the castle's balcony.
Hun vidste, at hun havde gjort noget vigtigt.
She knew she had done something important.
Slottet var igen fyldt med historie og glæde.
The castle was once again filled with history and joy.
Og Sofie vidste, at hun ville huske denne dag for altid.
And Sofie knew she would remember this day forever.