La Tomatina Mayhem: A Juicy Tale of Allergies and Friendship
FluentFiction - Spanish
La Tomatina Mayhem: A Juicy Tale of Allergies and Friendship
El sol brilla en Buñol.
Here's the English translation: The sun shines in Buñol.
Es un día especial.
It's a special day.
Las calles están llenas de gente.
The streets are full of people.
Hay muchas cajas de tomates rojos por todas partes.
There are many boxes of red tomatoes everywhere.
Ernesto camina nervioso.
Ernesto walks nervously.
No quiere estar aquí.
He doesn't want to be here.
Tiene alergia a los tomates.
He's allergic to tomatoes.
Su amiga Lola lo invitó, pero él no sabía qué era La Tomatina.
His friend Lola invited him, but he didn't know what La Tomatina was.
¡Por aquí!"
Over here!"
grita Lola.
shouts Lola.
Ella está muy emocionada.
She's very excited.
Ernesto ve a Lola y camina hacia ella.
Ernesto sees Lola and walks towards her.
De repente, suena una sirena.
Suddenly, a siren sounds.
La gente empieza a gritar y reír.
People start shouting and laughing.
Los tomates vuelan por el aire.
Tomatoes fly through the air.
"¡Oh no!"
"Oh no!"
piensa Ernesto.
thinks Ernesto.
Intenta escapar, pero hay mucha gente.
He tries to escape, but there are too many people.
Lola agarra un tomate y lo lanza a Ernesto.
Lola grabs a tomato and throws it at Ernesto.
"¡Lola, no!"
"Lola, no!"
grita Ernesto.
shouts Ernesto.
Pero es tarde.
But it's too late.
El tomate explota en su cara.
The tomato explodes on his face.
Ernesto empieza a estornudar.
Ernesto starts sneezing.
Sus ojos pican.
His eyes itch.
Su piel se pone roja.
His skin turns red.
Lola sigue lanzando tomates, feliz.
Lola keeps throwing tomatoes, happy.
"¡Tengo que salir de aquí!"
"I have to get out of here!"
piensa Ernesto.
thinks Ernesto.
Corre entre la multitud.
He runs through the crowd.
Los tomates vuelan a su alrededor.
Tomatoes fly around him.
Su ropa está manchada de rojo.
His clothes are stained red.
Finalmente, Ernesto encuentra una calle vacía.
Finally, Ernesto finds an empty street.
Respira profundo.
He breathes deeply.
Está a salvo.
He's safe.
Lola lo encuentra.
Lola finds him.
¿Estás bien?"
Are you okay?"
pregunta preocupada.
she asks, worried.
Ernesto explica su alergia.
Ernesto explains his allergy.
Lola se siente mal.
Lola feels bad.
"Lo siento mucho," dice ella.
"I'm so sorry," she says.
Juntos, van a un café lejos de la fiesta.
Together, they go to a café far from the festival.
Ernesto se limpia.
Ernesto cleans up.
Lola le compra un helado.
Lola buys him an ice cream.
"La próxima vez, iremos a un lugar sin tomates," promete Lola.
"Next time, we'll go somewhere without tomatoes," Lola promises.
Ernesto sonríe.
Ernesto smiles.
A pesar de todo, tuvo una aventura inolvidable en La Tomatina.
Despite everything, he had an unforgettable adventure at La Tomatina.