Home for Christmas: Diego's Heartfelt Journey
FluentFiction - Spanish
Home for Christmas: Diego's Heartfelt Journey
En el bullicioso aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas, decorado con luces brillantes de Navidad, la gente corre de un lado a otro.
In the bustling aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas, decorated with bright luces de Navidad, people run from one side to another.
Unos esperan a sus seres queridos, otros se despiden.
Some are waiting for their loved ones, others are saying goodbye.
En medio de todo el caos está Diego, un joven de veintiocho años, cansado pero emocionado.
In the middle of all the chaos is Diego, a young man of twenty-eight, tired but excited.
Viene desde Estados Unidos, hace dos años que no ve a su familia.
He comes from the Estados Unidos, it's been two years since he last saw his family.
Tiene un solo objetivo: llegar a casa para la cena de Navidad y sorprender a todos.
He has a single objective: to get home for la cena de Navidad and surprise everyone.
Diego ajusta su bufanda mientras mira la pantalla de vuelos.
Diego adjusts his scarf while looking at the flight screen.
"Retrasado" dice el aviso con letras grandes.
"Delayed" says the notice in large letters.
Una tormenta de invierno ha retrasado su vuelo.
A winter storm has delayed his flight.
El frío aire madrileño no ayuda a su impaciencia.
The cold Madrid air does not help his impatience.
Intenta llamar a sus padres, pero la señal es débil.
He tries to call his parents, but the signal is weak.
Piensa en su hermana, Isabella, quien no sabe de su llegada.
He thinks of his sister, Isabella, who doesn't know about his arrival.
Ella ha estado ocupada con los exámenes y la organización de la Navidad en casa.
She has been busy with exams and organizing Christmas at home.
Sin poder comunicarse, decide buscar otra forma de llegar.
Unable to communicate, he decides to find another way to get there.
No puede esperar más.
He can't wait any longer.
Corre a la taquilla de trenes.
He runs to the train ticket booth.
Habla con la encargada, quien intenta ayudarlo.
He talks to the attendant, who tries to help him.
El siguiente tren a la ciudad sale en una hora.
The next train to the city leaves in an hour.
Diego compra el billete.
Diego buys the ticket.
Se sienta en un banco y mira su móvil, esperando ansioso.
He sits on a bench and looks at his phone, waiting anxiously.
Mientras tanto, Isabella está en casa.
Meanwhile, Isabella is at home.
La nieve cae suavemente afuera, cubriendo el paisaje de blanco.
The snow falls gently outside, covering the landscape in white.
Termina de decorar el árbol de Navidad.
She finishes decorating the Christmas tree.
Su madre cocina en la cocina y su padre prepara la chimenea.
Her mother cooks in the kitchen and her father prepares the fireplace.
Isabella se siente nerviosa.
Isabella feels nervous.
Organizar todo ha sido un desafío sin su hermano.
Organizing everything has been a challenge without her brother.
"Espero que Diego esté bien", piensa.
"I hope Diego is okay," she thinks.
El tren finalmente llega.
The train finally arrives.
Diego sube apresurado, con la esperanza de que no haya más retrasos.
Diego gets on in a hurry, hoping that there won't be more delays.
Las luces de Madrid se ven a lo lejos, y siente un nudo en el estómago.
The lights of Madrid are visible in the distance, and he feels a knot in his stomach.
Piensa en su familia, en todo lo que ha extrañado.
He thinks about his family, about all that he has missed.
El tren se detiene y Diego sale, respirando hondo el aire helado.
The train stops and Diego gets off, taking a deep breath of the icy air.
Hace un llamado rápido; aún nada.
He makes a quick call; still nothing.
Decide tomar un taxi.
He decides to take a taxi.
El reloj marca casi medianoche cuando el taxi se detiene frente a su casa.
The clock is almost midnight when the taxi stops in front of his house.
Diego baja, pagando al conductor con manos temblorosas de emoción.
Diego gets out, paying the driver with hands trembling with excitement.
Las luces de su hogar brillan cálidas a través de las ventanas.
The lights of his home shine warmly through the windows.
Se echa a correr hacia la puerta, su corazón latiendo con fuerza.
He runs towards the door, his heart pounding strongly.
Justo en ese momento, Isabella abre la puerta.
Just at that moment, Isabella opens the door.
Está a punto de cerrarla cuando ve a su hermano.
She is about to close it when she sees her brother.
Sus ojos se iluminan como el árbol detrás de ella.
Her eyes light up like the tree behind her.
", grita, lanzándose a sus brazos.
she shouts, throwing herself into his arms.
La familia entera se une en un abrazo en el umbral.
The entire family joins in a hug on the threshold.
La sorpresa se transforma en una risa brillante y lágrimas de felicidad.
The surprise turns into bright laughter and tears of happiness.
La cena se sirve un poco más tarde, pero nadie se queja.
Dinner is served a little later, but no one complains.
Diego cuenta sus aventuras y todos escuchan, felices de tenerlo de nuevo.
Diego shares his adventures and everyone listens, happy to have him back.
En medio de las canciones navideñas y el calor del hogar, Diego comprende que no importa cuán lejos esté, su familia siempre será su vínculo más fuerte.
Amidst the Christmas songs and the warmth of home, Diego understands that no matter how far he is, his family will always be his strongest bond.
Esa Nochebuena, Diego e Isabella se sientan juntos junto al fuego, prometiéndose no dejar tanto tiempo pasar sin verse.
That Nochebuena, Diego and Isabella sit together by the fire, promising not to let so much time pass without seeing each other.
La familia es lo más importante, y ahora, más que nunca, ambos lo saben.
Family is the most important thing, and now, more than ever, they both know it.